16-11-2022 2:00 AM
Hi Everyone,
Earlier on I checked my sales and feedback and I cannot understand why buyers are not leaving feedback for my purchased items, I even have repeat buyers not leaving feedback as well, I have not had any buyers contacting me with any issues but still, buyers are not leaving feedback. What a strange phenomenon it is very bizarre indeed I've never seen this in 20 years. Even the products that I have sold for years are top quality items and still no feedback.
Is anyone else on here having the same or similar issues?
11-10-2023 9:57 AM
I've found exactly the same, as has my partner. They just seemed to have stopped dead, and for several months now.
I think there must be a glitch in the platform somewhere, because non of my repeat sellers appear to have posted feedback either, and it can't be a coincidence, despite what some of the replies here have suggested.
It's very odd.
11-10-2023 10:01 AM
Same here. Probably 1 in 10 leave feedback nowadays if that.
Saying that no doubt any buyer will soon be in touch if there is any issue.
11-10-2023 10:50 AM
No feedback on my website. At a guess 90% of my on-line sales. That`s the way I like it.
OK, there are Google reviews. But they are as rare as Hens teeth.
If they are happy or unhappy, they will reply to the order confirmation email, letting me know how
things went, or if an issue needs sorting like two grown adults.
No eBay FB blackmail messages (had plenty of those)
11-10-2023 6:25 PM
Everywhere you go or buy anything today everyone wants feedback.
People get fed up with it and ignore most of them, unless something goes wrong.
eBay is no different.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest other than the fact that ebay's useless algorythms may use it against me.
11-10-2023 6:35 PM - edited 11-10-2023 6:37 PM
@bennotbill wrote:
@candytan67 wrote:Can't afford M&S anymore.
They're my favourite brand.
But only in charity shops.
Classic bennotbill! 😂🤣🤣.
As for the debate on feedback, I personally couldn't careless whether I receive feedback or not. I have my feedback automated for when feedback is left for me, so it runs itself! I've sold a few items this year but still haven't received enough feedback or stars to have them displayed, but as I'm not selling my personal items for feedback or have any interest in being a member of the "Oh look at my wonderful eBay feedback" club, it doesn't really matter!
30-12-2023 2:23 PM
Of late buyer often leave feedback when they are not happy with their pruchase, prevalently to leave a negative or neutral feedback.
09-01-2024 12:57 PM
I have the same I get the odd feedback but ebay always tell me as a seller to leave feedback the problem is its the 'I am alright jack' senario buyers buy a item they moan when its not delivered before they even thought about buying it yet when you jump through hoops to help them they cant be bothered to leave any feedback the worst problem is when a buyer opens a item not received dispute related to their own fantasy time frame as soon as they get their item they are not bothered and cant be bothered to close the dispute I had one open two months not so long ago out of 200 items sold I have 47 feedback received ebay should make feedback compulsory if they want to keep going on about it all the time as they do !
25-01-2024 9:00 PM
It is thought that most sellers will have just half thefeedback score on total items sold.
I would say so long as we keep selling that is the important part and better no feedback than negative feedback which, by the way, always finds it's way through.
Keep smiling and selling.
14-06-2024 1:29 PM
Leaving feedback is very important for EBay for buyer and for sellers, but unfortunately many after they got their items,they never give positive or negative feedback and EBay keep knocking on the door of sellers by asking you to give feedback. But if seller gave feedback and buyer didn't give feedback,then what can we say this ?
14-06-2024 2:30 PM
"Leaving feedback is very important for EBay for buyer and for sellers,"
If that's so why is it that although you have received 112 feedback you have only left 77?
14-06-2024 2:39 PM
14-06-2024 3:25 PM
So if your complaining about people not leaving feedback for you, why are you not leaving feedback for them?
Just because not all do, does not mean that should stop giving feedback.
It's a system, and if you work the system, ie leave it yourself, you will find that you get more feedback.
If you don't, then you are unlikely to receive it back.
10-07-2024 7:54 PM
I have tried every which way to give my sellers feedback without success. The system is broken. You can fill it all in but still the LEAVE FEEDBACK box is blank. It is a shame because 99% of sellers I buy from are really good. Funny, I managed to give a seller feedback today. Maybe it is because he left feedback for me first, just a thought?
26-07-2024 5:26 AM
I hear what you are saying however....
I'm a buyer and even though I pay immediately and I'm always polite when asking questions, It's very rare for a "Private" seller to leave me feedback nowadays.
Its almost as if they are waiting to see if I leave them "good" feedback first? ( I don't believe the system is suposed to work this way )
I have also noticed a decline in large companys leaving feedback over the last year or so.
So .... I've made it very clear on my profile
"If I buy an item and No feedback is left by the seller.... No feedback will be left for the seller" .
26-07-2024 5:38 AM
This is a long thread and I'm sure it's been mentioned many times over that feedback is entriely voluntary.
However, there is an unwritten rule amongst most sellers, that a seller will wait for a buyer to leave feed back first before leaving any. This is because, only good feedback can bbe left fo a buyer so leaving this first, the buyer can then turn into a buyer fom hell, it does happen.
Personally, I will always leave a seller good feedback when I buy from them, to be honest not too bothered to have this reciprocated. As a seller I do wait for feedback from the buyer nefore leaving any , but in my humble opinion no feedback is good feedback , one would soon here is something was amiss, and fewer and fewer are leaving any nowadays.
As for big Power / Top Rated sellers and businesses, some wait, and after a few weeks will send out feedback in bulk.
26-07-2024 6:31 AM
As a buyer and (an ex) seller, I have always taken the view that
- You bid. You win. You pay (hopefully) and I send.
- You receive (with luck or eventually) and you leave feedback to show everything is satisfactory.
- I leave feedback in reply to yours and finish the transaction.
So, who should leave feedback first when the whole obsession is entirely voluntary?
Now with so many (deliberate or increased) abuses of the MBG, is it any wonder sellers do not leave feedback first?
26-07-2024 1:13 PM
Agreed. But my problem is that I WANT to give feedback to sellers but cannot because what ever I do I cannot, due to Ebays incompetence. PRESS LEAVE FEEDBACK >>>>>> Nothing Zilch. This is an ongoing problem.
02-08-2024 8:54 AM
@bits_n_bobs_heaven wrote:
@bennotbill wrote:
@candytan67 wrote:Can't afford M&S anymore.
They're my favourite brand.
But only in charity shops.
Classic bennotbill! 😂🤣🤣.
As for the debate on feedback, I personally couldn't careless whether I receive feedback or not. I have my feedback automated for when feedback is left for me, so it runs itself! I've sold a few items this year but still haven't received enough feedback or stars to have them displayed, but as I'm not selling my personal items for feedback or have any interest in being a member of the "Oh look at my wonderful eBay feedback" club, it doesn't really matter!
Couldn’t agree more. Your "wonderful feedback club" puts into words what I’ve been thinking for ages.
Irony alert.
Just as I hit the 'thumbs up' on this post, eBay decided to 'award' me my 'sticker' for giving out 500 'helpfuls' and congratulation me on my 'promotion' to the honourable status of 'Advisor'.
Gee, Thanks, eBay. I’m practically wetting my pants in excitement. It’s just too much to handle all at once.
Seriously though, do we have to be treated like pre-school children?
03-08-2024 2:17 PM
Some buyers dont leave feedback until 30 days are up giving time for item to fail.
By then they have forgotten about it hence low feedback.
02-11-2024 10:07 AM
If you view Buying threads on this topic you see that there are hordes of the Entitled on here who don't see why they, in their busy lives, should thank sellers who might have spent several hours creating and fulfilling an eBay listing and order. Selling one-off collectables on eBay is quite different from selling warehoused products which are fired down a conveyor belt into a postal sack in a highly automated work flow. So, even if you don't make any money on a listing, a nice thank you is welcome.