Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

I log in this morning to an apparent 7 overdue orders. Upon further inspection they seem to be from August and October last year - they were clearly sent because I've received feedback for about half of them.


I was wondering if anyone else is seeing the same?


Hopefully this won't mean defects, or emails being sent out to customers informing them I haven't yet sent their orders! 

Message 1 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Hi All,


This issue with overdue dispatch on orders has been confirmed as resolved by tech. If you are still experiencing this issue please let me know.


Thank you,


Message 21 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Yes, Kat, it's still happening this morning.

The items aren't showing in my "awaiting dispatch" page any longer.

But they are still generating phone notifications telling me dispatch is overdue - for random items posted in December and January.


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
Message 22 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Yeah it's still occuring, had 3 today so far, even though all are dispatched and have been marked as such.

Message 23 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Hi @bravergrace ,


Thanks for your reply. I have had some other users report the same, phone notifications  saying that dispatch is overdue. I've linked back in with tech to have it checked.


Thank you,


Message 24 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Thanks @trash_webzine ,


I've linked back in with tech to have it checked. Will let the thread know when there is a further update.


Thank you,


Message 25 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Happened to me just right now.  Overdue notifications for 2 orders, which were dispatched in time.

Message 26 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

I came on the boards to post re this as also happening to me. Had my fourth this morning. The notification is just on my phone.


The items I am getting the notifications for are ones were tracking numbers have not been uploaded from Royal Mail as they were sent as a RM Letter although the status in Ebay has most definitely been marked as dispatched.

Message 27 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Thank you @nat_pol ,


If possible can you give the examples of the item numbers you got the notifications for?


Thank you,


Message 28 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Thank you @knit-in-styles 


If possible can you provide the example item numbers that you got the notifications for?


Thank you,


Message 29 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?



I am sorry I just closed them. Notifications appear only on my phone, but doesn't show anywhere else.  I received a lot of them tonight,  I am sure there will be more, I will make screenshot. 


Kind regards 


Message 30 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Thanks kat@ebay  I too have cleared them all. However I do remember the first one which was 126861182759. These notifications are just on my android phone although they have not been on by Android tablet nor are they on my Windows laptop.

Message 31 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

I’ve started getting them yesterday too, from my latest sales even though I’ve had feedback already from some. It’s got be some stupidity from eBay’s end.

Message 32 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

So very annoying and talk about putting your blood pressure up. Middle of the night, that dreaded sound. Is it a request? It is a glitch? You have to look to see what the notification is.

Yes they are still coming through, although I may have run out of orders this year to have any more glitched dispatch notifications for.

Message 33 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Just had another, here are screenshots.





Message 34 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?



 here are order number and item number 

Message 35 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

And another one again 



Message 36 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Thank you for this example @nat_pol . Really helpful.


Once I have a further update from tech I'll update the thread


Thank you,


Message 37 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Getting them thick and fast on my account too (android phone, ebay app). Would it be possible to get some confirmation that it's just a visual glitch and isn't going to affect my rating or visibility?

Message 38 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Hi is this being sorted as I am getting these on my iPad but not on a pc?


Message 39 of 43
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Anyone else seeing overdue orders?

Hi @stevesretirement ,


It's still being worked on at the moment so I don't have any further update right now. Once there is a confirmation of a fix I will let the thread now.




The notifications are to do with orders that have already been dispatched so its just a notification issue on the app and won't affect your rating or visibility.


Thank you,


Message 40 of 43
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