The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

So, what gets up your hooter ? What makes your hackles rise, so much so that even just thinking about it, practically induces an apoplectic fit ? Could be anything, a news item, something you encounter in everyday life, drivers/driving, work/housework, public transport, politics/politician, a TV programme, teenagers, a certain commodity or product, a celebrity, mode of dress, a sport, social media sites, mobile phone users, advertising, tattoos, the weather, tin rattlers, technology, bad service, modern architecture, overuse of the word 'amazing', certain music, user manuals, call centres, a neighbour, anything at all that gets you all steamed up.


They say just letting vent on paper has a cathartic effect. Dusty Springfield, when something annoyed her, would buy a bag full of cheap crockery from Woollies, and smash it all individually up against the wall. Now I'm not advocating going to that extreme - anyway Woollies shops are no more - but unbutton your waistcoat, loosen your stays, and just put it all down in typeface on here. You'll feel much better for it. Honest.


Please Note. Be mindful of the Board rules and regulations. No foul language please.



Mister EMB

Message 1 of 173
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172 REPLIES 172

The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Our council..bringing in a new scheme for community councils that is apparently unlawful as it takes away their independence as a legal entity and they have given themselves the right to disband them summarily, with no mediation, no appeal and that is assuming they have any to disband as the rules for forming CCs are so stringent...completely at odds with legislation and guidelines. 


That And and the millions of pounds of taxpayers money they have thrown away recently. 😡

Message 2 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

That blerdy dog saying 'book' in the Tripadvisor advert does my freaking neap in  Woman Mad







Message 3 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

What gets right up my hooter is the likes of Prince Charles and the like parading around with a chest full of medals they did nothing for ! Well maybe wiping there own arris once or something like that and they got a medal for that !

There are many brave men and women who sacrificed a lot and never got the medals they deserved.

Message 4 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Search boxes, like the one on here where despite how carefully you ask your question the answers have nothing to do with your question.

Likewise Holiday Cottage agencies, you filter detail like Dogs allowed, find the perfect cottage only to be told they don't accept dogs.


Train ticket sellers on line, sell you a ticket and half the journey is by coach.


Car dealerships who won't allow you a test drive until you have committed to buy!


Advertising on line which scrolls down with the text you are trying to read.



Message 5 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Oooooh goody! A rant thread! Can I offload OH is sick to death of hearing me ranting, these days on a daily, even hourly basis!'s litter, piles of it, that really gets me going. And the attitudes of people that just chuck their rubbish with abandon wherever they are, without a thought about who is going to clear it up. Litterbugs should be flogged...publicly!

next up.....thoughtless irresponsible girls and women who manage to 'fall' pregnant...seemingly without any involvement in the process themselves, and without any means of supporting their children and no male around to have any input in bringing up these poor kids.

next...British politicians who are tinkering at the edges of government and ignoring the BIG problem...immigration. Fiddlers, all of them, while Rome is burning..

next....just a few people that really boil my ****......Tony Blair, Helen Mirren, that Orrie sports bloke on BBC1, .....there are more but my brain is hurting.

there.........I feel better now! It's amazing how much more angry one gets as one gets older! And I'm only 72.....thank you for this opportunity...hope we get more posts!


Message 6 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

This advert does my head in:-


It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 7 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

1, People who start every sentance with "like...."  or "I'm not being funny but.............. (usually means they are)

2, Churchill (the dog that is, not Winston)

3, Perforated paper that won't tear - car tax discs were the worst.

4, Cold callers, especially when they come at gone nine o'clock pm.

5, Tony Blair...........nuff said

6, Next door but one's kid playing the drums all sunday afternoon, every sunday afternoon

7, Keith Lemon.......ugh

8, My son, leaving used tea spoons on the work top.

9, Doctors appointments (or lack of).... it's easier to get an audience with the queen.

10, The bloke over the road who parks in front of my gate when the whole street is empty and he lives on the other side.

11, News programms that insist on, day after day, showing totally unknown kids opening their exam results.

12, slugs  (see 5 and 7)

The list goes on..............................................................



crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 8 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Being bombarded by texts and phone calls from people telling me I can claim thousands for mis sold PPI. I can't. 


People  who drive at 50 mph in the centre lane of a motorway when the inside lane is empty. 


People who chuck the rubbish from their cars at our road end and litterbugs in general. 


people who drive round the bend at our road end on the wrong side of the road and are surprised that I am on the other carriageway, and then they  hit the horn when they almost hit me as if it is my fault they got a fright.


Salmond, Sturgeon and the rest of the SNP cultists. 



Message 9 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Posters who don't seem to know the difference between "there" , "their" and "they're" 


Also,  when they keep saying "it's"  instead of "its".  And especially -  "your" instead of "you're"



Message 10 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).



and I don't mean the Witchfinder General, but I'd bet he would be constanly on Her case





Message 11 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

Why do we get uglier as we get older........I don't see the point. It's a flaw in our design.

Message 12 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@Anonymous wrote:

Why do we get uglier as we get older........I don't see the point. It's a flaw in our design.

Speak for yourself love *snigger*


Anyway, I didn't realise we had to make lists so, here's mine...


Pregnant women smoking

People who spit in the street

Motor bikes

Irresponsible dog owners


Mums who spend hours glued to their smart phones instead of talking to their kids

Being called madam in shops

The tall person with the massive hair who always sits in front of me at the cinema/theatre

Smug people

Facebook over-sharers

The rich


Being asked 20 million questions at the supermarket checkout. No I don't want help with my packing, bags for life, postage stamps, cash back, store cards, free entry into a prize draw etc etc etc I just want to pay for my shopping silence!

Message 13 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

Becoming ugly sounds a minor irritant now compared to all yours. erzso photo www_tvn_hu_7bec1af5e42bae4831d65962_1.gif

Message 14 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

People using zebra crossings while texting/speaking on mobile phones

Cyclists riding on pavements

Message 15 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@Anonymous wrote:

Becoming ugly sounds a minor irritant now compared to all yours. erzso photo www_tvn_hu_7bec1af5e42bae4831d65962_1.gif

Heh heh heh arf arf

(I'm trying not to use LOL anymore as it's gone out of fashion apparantly... according to the world's press)  Woman LOL

Message 16 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Ooh good, a chance to vent my spleen!


1) People who don't understand that the little stalk on the side of their steering column is not there for show, it controls little lights outside the car that let other people know which direction you're likely to take.  I say likely, as road positioning means nothing anymore.


2) Dog mess on pavements - it's not difficult to clean it up.


3) Supermarket queues - when will people realise that they will need to pay for their shopping? I get really annoyed by people that have chattered away merrily to the cashier while putting their shopping away, only then to look surprised when asked for money and taking ages looking in their bag for their purse.


4) Not using apostrophes properly; near us there used to be a pub advertising Sunday Roast's and Chip's. Really?


5) People who say 'of' instead of 'have'. Aaarrgghhh!


Phew, thanks for letting me do that, rant over!





Message 17 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

But you really think we get uglier? I think we just sort of grow into ourselves. I know my skin is definitely growing too big for my body ..which = wrinkles! But I don't care.....I'm 72 and I'm still here....yippee! And my grandchildren tell me I'm beautiful...even when they don't want anything!😄

Message 18 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

The 'of' thing gets me going too. And when supermarket assistants speak to me as if I have just escaped from my care home, just because I have dared to keep my gloriously white hair. In reality I am probably sharper than half a dozen of them put together. 

Since when did white hair = decrepit?

And.......people who buy personalised number plates. Whenever I see one , I always think...'What a prat'!

And....people who take the **** out of Welsh people. (I'm Welsh of course!)

I'm on a bit of a roll here, so I'd better stop. Is there any limit on posts on this thread? Do we have a 'rant ration'?

Message 19 of 173
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The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

Wrinkles and grey hair is one thing, but what about the ears and nose which seem to keep growing, the turkey neck, the chicken wings, drooping eyelids, hair growing out of your nose or on your chin, age spots, everything going south.....

My skin is 3 sizes too big for me.


Oh my kids say I'm beautiful too and then add that IF I would put on some weight I would be even more beautiful and IF I dressed better I would as well, and IF I went to the hairdressers more often and IF I would put on some make-up more often and IF I had a boo job and IFand IF....hahahahahahaha.


Well none of that is going to happen any time soon , so ugly it is then.



I forgot a b somewhere. clint eastwood disgusted gif photo clint-eastwood-disgusted-gif.gif
Message 20 of 173
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