Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.


Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

So, you're suggesting people read that instead and become influenced by it's religious implications?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

No, I'm suggesting we are ALL manipulated one way or another in Life; either blatantly, or surreptitiously. You are the one reading your own agenda into it........MMmmmm now I wonder why that would be?. Why can't you just read an informative article and accept it as such. It covers Religious aspects as well and the kind of people who are more easily susceptible to manipulation, it's probably the most prevalent and worse kind of manipulation of all. It certainly produces the most results, for those doing the manipulating and is backed by Fear; not Fact.

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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

We are constantly being manipulated all the time in a myriad of ways both deliberately or by mere chance, look out of the window on a warm sunny spring day or a miserable windswept wet one and you get different feelings.


A television programme showed that what a person thinks of a glass of water depends largely on what it said on the bottle label and people will try to manipulate others for many reasons.


In that respect the article is perfectly true, in other respects it would appear the biggest load of conspiracy theory and religious codswallop I've seen for a long time.


Anybody worried about it need only apply a little rationality and reasoning.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 4 of 8
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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

I didn't read it not in the least because like all people who feel the need to ram things down the throats of others, it's in a huge dark font, on a background which makes it harder to read and with totally insufficient white space to allow the brain to take in what it is reading.


However, I did find one marvelous section of an own goal


A well-known example is Mr. George Soros, who I believe is a man of this type.  He has several hundred media organizations and has spent countless millions of dollars to buy influence with the major media, according to a recent news story on television.  He implants suggestions, intimidates his foes, lies about his enemies and his intentions, and confuses the heck out of his readers and listeners with half-truths and exaggerations.  If one is not aware of how brainwashing works, it is hard to escape the grip of his media empire.



So, he only "believes" that Mr Soros is the afforementioned kind of person - evil personified - and gets his information from a news story - but of course he's not being brainwashed by what he's seen is he?


Whether it is true or not is really a non story because we all know that all the media twist stories to a greater or lesser extent, are selective in what they (can) say and it's up to the reader to discern whether they accept what they're being told.


Here's another gem: Sinister groups often use environmental issues, for example, to stir up and frighten people. Then they use these same gullible types to further their own usually socialist and communist agendas.


What about the truths that people don't want to accept - yep - they just 'brainwash' people into believing that it's all a load of rubbish - until it's too late.  And only communists or socialists who use environmental issues to stir the pot?


And as for this bit of brainwashing:


Well-nourished by my standards means to avoid all vegetarian, raw food and juice diets.  Eat mainly cooked vegetables, with some animal protein daily, red meat at least twice a week (lamb is best) and a little whole grain daily.


Just about as uniformed and bigotted as it gets.  What about the millions of people who live long and very healthy lives on vegetarian diets?


I'll leave it at that - it's not worth picking over any more IMHO.






My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 5 of 8
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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

I agree, when I happened upon it, I thought the Font was somewhat "Loud" Smiley Happy and obviously it is an article written by one particular Person ( all be it a Doctor ). However, the underlying point about manipulation; is not without merit. I have no doubt, many of us are only too well aware that we are being manipulated, at various times, but I think sometimes we don't realize how deep rooted, subtle and deliberately planned it can be. The sad part, is that the most fruitful and deceitful of this artform; is that which is applied to religion and it has succeeded in achieving total success, to the extent that those who have been manipulated will not entertain ANY alternative matter how logical, or backed by fact, that argument may be.

Message 6 of 8
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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

@evoman3957 wrote:

I agree, when I happened upon it, I thought the Font was somewhat "Loud" Smiley Happy and obviously it is an article written by one particular Person ( all be it a Doctor ). However, the underlying point about manipulation; is not without merit. I have no doubt, many of us are only too well aware that we are being manipulated, at various times, but I think sometimes we don't realize how deep rooted, subtle and deliberately planned it can be. The sad part, is that the most fruitful and deceitful of this artform; is that which is applied to religion and it has succeeded in achieving total success, to the extent that those who have been manipulated will not entertain ANY alternative matter how logical, or backed by fact, that argument may be.

This is very true and it's in every relationship or contact we have.


It's a fascinating psychology and we even do it to ourselves - it's in our genes really as part of survival.  And then we manage to go on to fine tune it all by ourselves.



My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 7 of 8
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Manipulation.........To be Alive, is to be a Victim.

At the end of a debate between Ken Ham, creationist and Bill Nye, atheist, they were both asked "What would make you change your mind?"


Bill Nye answered "Evidence".  Ken Ham replied "Nothing".


Ken Ham lectures young children to pass on his ignorance.


The author of the article makes his money by doing hair tests and prescribing treatment for what he calls imbalances, a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health into hair tests came up with this conclusion.


Finally, physicians should counsel patients to stop treatment if they are already being treated for metal toxicity based on hair analysis and other unconventional diagnostic tests.
I think I hear a duck..
Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
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