How did the universe begin?

Durham University has a new physics centre and they aim to "find out how the Universe began":-


So, how do YOU think the Universe began?


Me? OK, I'll have my say then it's over to you eh?


We (think) we know that Black Holes swallow matter of all sorts and we can "see" it happening as a Black Hole "feeds" off a star that's "ventured" a bit too close? OK so what's causing the Black Hole to do that? Gravity?


OK, so we know that if some space object ventures too close to another Planet or Star, gravity will draw it in and the object will collide with whatever's drawn it in?


So, if gravity does that, what's to stop many things from being "sucked in" to an ever increasing Black Hole which has "sucked in" all the other Black Holes over trillions of years (of our time) until it's sucked in more or less everything in the Universe? Such a mass of stuff with such immense gravity would have unbelievable pressure on the matter it's "sucked in", extreme pressure means heat?


The immense pressure and heat reach a critical point beyond which the whole lot explodes. The matter and gas get flung out where eventually blobs of matter become Stars as they cool. Those Stars "live" and "die", their remnants being attracted together along with clouds of gas all of which form other Stars, some with Planets, the lot leading to the evolution of the Universe all over again?


There, my idea, what's yours?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

Just a thought - as we know most objects and groups of objects spin - what if the whole universe is spinning? - would that negate the need for dark energy to explain why the universe is expanding and why this expansion is accelerating?

Message 41 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

You've just touched on a subject I was holding back on.


As the Stars and Planets are round, the Planets are going round their Star, they're all going round, it seems more or less everything is going round in some way so who's not to say that everything is "round" and the whole Universe is going round and eventually will get back to where it all started off?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 42 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

I don't understand your point - a sphere is the most stable of all 3D shapes and without external forces or internal reactions won't change.


So in general round objects may go round but don't go round - you have to love the English language 🙂

Message 43 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

My point was that the large objects in the Universe are (more or less) round, some revolve around each other, some groups of objects all revolve around a "central" object and other very large groups of objects are also revolving albeit very, very slowly.


As it seems everything in the Universe is revolving in some way, everything is dominated by circular objects/motion of some sort therefore is it unreasonable to theorise that the whole Universe is revolving and like a point on a spherical object, it will eventually get back to where it all started?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 44 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

Galaxy formation starts as clouds of gas forming stars which are attracted to each other by gravity, the large clusters shrouded in gas then start to rotate.  The Universe has always expanded so no reason to think it necessarily rotates.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 45 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

Ah, but just what causes the "new" clouds of gas and stars to rotate? = The rotation of the Universe.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 46 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

That one is fairly easy to answer.


You only need two particles to collide but not coalesce and the chances are that there will then be a residual rotation in each particle.  In a large cloud of gas and particles it is almost certain that some will be rotating and the chance that those rotations cancel each out is very unlikely.  


As they are attracted to each other to form stars then some of that rotation will cause the growing body to rotate in a particular direction - as the object gets denser and denser and shrinks the speed of rotation will increase in accordance with the law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, (just like an ice skater pulling in their arms makes them spin faster).  So you only need a very small rotation when the 'cloud' has a very large diameter to end up with a noticeable rotation when it shrinks to the size of a star.

Message 47 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

Soooooooooooo, the Universe contains "a lot of particles"..... which, according to what you say will all rotate. QED.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 48 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

I never said they'd all rotate but if they've collided with other particles then it's almost certain that some of the linear momentum will have been converted into angular momentum. 

Message 49 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

There's so much stuff out there it's bound to have enough collisions to get it all rotating.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 50 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

A kind of 'joined up dots/black holes', would suggest a universe contracting, not expanding, so the idea fails before it even gets off the ground.It's never going to happen that way. Ah but 'if it is expanding' .....there are no doubts it is, and the same method of calculation which says two galaxies are drawing closer together is the same as that which says the Universe is expanding.That isn't an inconsistency btw

Message 51 of 52
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Re: How did the universe begin?

Didn't god's mum bake it in the oven of Elysium?

Message 52 of 52
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