GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

An Afghan 17 year year old who arrived as an unaccompanied refugee minor in Germany and fostered by a family, used an axe and cutting implements to attack people on a train. When he tried to escape police shot him dead. 15 people were seriously injured! No one knows why he did it but he apparently shouted Allahu Akbar .... 


So, it now looks as though they have sent over 'children' to commit acts of terror now...of course most of these 'children' have been using guns and rifles since they really were children. It's not unusual to see 9/10 year olds using weapons. 


I'm afraid it looks as though the Dogs of War are truly unleashed. The real victims in this are not simply those dead and injured but the genuine refugees who will be tarnished by these horrific acts. That's just what the terrorists want...the seed of doubt, fear and mistrust! We knew they were mingling in with the refugees but I think they underestimated just how young they might be! Whist we consider 14-17 year olds as 'children'...they are not back in the Middle East...they are adults. It's not the first juvenile attack...there was a 15 year old girl who stabbed a policeman in the neck in a deliberate attack.


i think it's about time that Europe organised the refugees into proper sites rather than dispersing immigrants into the population. Why they didn't use holiday parks across the EU I don't know...they could have provided refugees with a safe environment and allowed proper processing whilst keeping 'communities' together...this would have provided a safe environment for EVERYONE. Those infiltrating would probably have been recognised as such by they own people eventually! It is a case of the EU and the UN bungling things BIG TIME helped by the likes of Angela Merkel!

Message 1 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@bridget-jones-diary wrote:

An Afghan 17 year year old who arrived as an unaccompanied refugee minor in Germany and fostered by a family, used an axe and cutting implements to attack people on a train. When he tried to escape police shot him dead. 15 people were seriously injured! No one knows why he did it but he apparently shouted Allahu Akbar .... 


So, it now looks as though they have sent over 'children' to commit acts of terror now...of course most of these 'children' have been using guns and rifles since they really were children. It's not unusual to see 9/10 year olds using weapons. 


I'm afraid it looks as though the Dogs of War are truly unleashed. The real victims in this are not simply those dead and injured but the genuine refugees who will be tarnished by these horrific acts. That's just what the terrorists want...the seed of doubt, fear and mistrust! We knew they were mingling in with the refugees but I think they underestimated just how young they might be! Whist we consider 14-17 year olds as 'children'...they are not back in the Middle East...they are adults. It's not the first juvenile attack...there was a 15 year old girl who stabbed a policeman in the neck in a deliberate attack.


i think it's about time that Europe organised the refugees into proper sites rather than dispersing immigrants into the population. Why they didn't use holiday parks across the EU I don't know...they could have provided refugees with a safe environment and allowed proper processing whilst keeping 'communities' together...this would have provided a safe environment for EVERYONE. Those infiltrating would probably have been recognised as such by they own people eventually! It is a case of the EU and the UN bungling things BIG TIME helped by the likes of Angela Merkel!

Hmmm - rounding up and coralling all 'imigrants' into one area seems remarkably similar to a previous German leader's vision


Maybe they could have a sign saying "Arbeit macht frei" above the gates as well?

Message 2 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

People can be as stupid & naive as they like, as long as THEY'RE the ones who pay for it.............NOT me or MY family.  You can't tell these people anything, they don't want to hear it and think they know best so *$%£  them..................END OF !!!

Message 3 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Another example of one size fits all, their is good and bad in all parts of society. Tolerance would do to start with🤐
Message 4 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

That is a ridiculous comparison. Hitler and his henchmen were intent on Genocide, whereas Mrs Merkel, however disastrous and unwise her decision to welcome over a million 'refugees', is actually trying to help them. There is no helping them....they are ungrateful wretches. I fear that BJD's comments are all too true.

Message 5 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Not at all! How dare you suggest that! I wouldn't want locked camps at all - the reverse in fact! These people are whole communities forced to flee... Dispersing them is wrong! They want a safe haven until they return! They are now getting the backlash of this with people attacking them... That's not good! As it is, they are living in tented compounds in awful conditions in Greece and Italy etc where processing the paperwork they need is a nightmare! After more than a year this has not improved... It's a system that's not working and is inhumane! Sending families to other countries where they could have some vestige of normality would have been better... I was thinking in terms of caravan (mobile home) parks where they could have proper facilities, education for the children and a sense of 'home' amongst fellow Muslims fleeing IS and Assad! With officials on site to process paperwork, teachers, doctors, nurses etc allowing full freedom of movement! I was not advocating concentration camps Nazi style ...I find that suggestion very offensive

If they had taken over holiday parks they could have stayed as a community - lived together - prayed together and be safe together and be properly documented! They would probably have recognised any interlopers as the enemy they are fleeing from! That would make the people around them safer too!

As it is we have these people all over the continent. The IS terrorists using the opportunity to disappear into woodwork! In countries like France and Belgium particularly they can hide amongst the local disenfranchised and do their work... Whether it's organising terror attacks or convincing others to do so. Of course these countries have to share a little blame for the way they have treated them in the past but this is deliberate destabilisation! The only ones to suffer are their innocent victims and the genuine refugees who will have to shoulder the blame!

We do not want a religious war but they are trying to create one... And attacks like this might just trigger a wholesale backlash! It's naive to believe that people will keep the lid on this when these terror attacks increase.

We are so lucky to have our security services and an engaged Muslim that is essential to harmony. There will be terror attempts on our shores but the terrorists know that it's not so easy here. However, one serious attack here could change that. There are simmering tensions in respect of what has occurred recently. If civil war was to ensue it would be horrific for everyone... That is just what IS wants. We need to maintain tolerance but the Muslim community must do their bit and start engaging and integrating into British society. There is no easy solution but safety must come first!

Message 6 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

It should show that I'm replying to billymac05 but my iPhone won't do so for some reason!

Message 7 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack


Maybe you should ask yourself whether you really want these world wide trade deals that sell arms to 3rd world countries like many years ago and now we're reaping the rewards eh! Now those weapons have bombed the hell out of their own people and where are those people now seeking refuge eh! To the exact same countries that gave them weapons in the first place.   Doesn't matter though eh ,we made a few bucks-well the MONEY men made a few bucks as that's how it works.


Too many of you cast the stones in glass houses and don't know the first thing about it. I spent best part of 20 years in military and theirs nothing good about war,trust me.

Message 8 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@astrologica wrote:

That is a ridiculous comparison. Hitler and his henchmen were intent on Genocide, whereas Mrs Merkel, however disastrous and unwise her decision to welcome over a million 'refugees', is actually trying to help them. There is no helping them....they are ungrateful wretches. I fear that BJD's comments are all too true.

That's an incredibly large and bigoted brush you are using to paint all the refugees.
But hey, fear, racism, mistrust and marginalisation of 'outsiders' has always been a roaring success, hasn't it?
Message 9 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@bridget-jones-diary wrote:
Not at all! How dare you suggest that! I wouldn't want locked camps at all - the reverse in fact! These people are whole communities forced to flee... Dispersing them is wrong! They want a safe haven until they return! They are now getting the backlash of this with people attacking them... That's not good! As it is, they are living in tented compounds in awful conditions in Greece and Italy etc where processing the paperwork they need is a nightmare! After more than a year this has not improved... It's a system that's not working and is inhumane! Sending families to other countries where they could have some vestige of normality would have been better... I was thinking in terms of caravan (mobile home) parks where they could have proper facilities, education for the children and a sense of 'home' amongst fellow Muslims fleeing IS and Assad! With officials on site to process paperwork, teachers, doctors, nurses etc allowing full freedom of movement! I was not advocating concentration camps Nazi style ...I find that suggestion very offensive

If they had taken over holiday parks they could have stayed as a community - lived together - prayed together and be safe together and be properly documented! They would probably have recognised any interlopers as the enemy they are fleeing from! That would make the people around them safer too!

As it is we have these people all over the continent. The IS terrorists using the opportunity to disappear into woodwork! In countries like France and Belgium particularly they can hide amongst the local disenfranchised and do their work... Whether it's organising terror attacks or convincing others to do so. Of course these countries have to share a little blame for the way they have treated them in the past but this is deliberate destabilisation! The only ones to suffer are their innocent victims and the genuine refugees who will have to shoulder the blame!

We do not want a religious war but they are trying to create one... And attacks like this might just trigger a wholesale backlash! It's naive to believe that people will keep the lid on this when these terror attacks increase.

We are so lucky to have our security services and an engaged Muslim that is essential to harmony. There will be terror attempts on our shores but the terrorists know that it's not so easy here. However, one serious attack here could change that. There are simmering tensions in respect of what has occurred recently. If civil war was to ensue it would be horrific for everyone... That is just what IS wants. We need to maintain tolerance but the Muslim community must do their bit and start engaging and integrating into British society. There is no easy solution but safety must come first!

I'm not sure I understand - you want intergration, but at the same time place all these refugees into...ahem...."holiday camps"?

Message 10 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Nice descriptive words to a fellow poster! Bigot...Racist...You can use all those words as much as you want..they were used copiously during the EU referendum, to no effect. I am not saying that all migrants are unworthy of help, but how many have you seen kiss the ground of the first safe country they arrived at, and say that they are so grateful they will go anywhere they are put so long as they are safe? None. This murderer was taken in by a foster family, and this is his thanks. There are many recorded instances of the ingratitude of migrants. The fact is, Frau Merkel has made a mistake of disastrous proportions, and her people are now questioning her wisdom. And rightly so. They are the ones that will pay the price.

Message 11 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Experienced Mentor

"So, it now looks as though they have sent over 'children' to commit acts of terror now...of course most of these 'children' have been using guns and rifles since they really were children. It's not unusual to see 9/10 year olds using weapons."


Unfortunately the 'brave' terrorist leaders have always preyed on children to carry out their 'will'. However it's also not unusual to see very young children using guns in USA.


You say "Why they didn't use holiday parks across the EU I don't know."


Have a read and if you want research further.

Message 12 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@astrologica wrote:

Nice descriptive words to a fellow poster! Bigot...Racist...You can use all those words as much as you want..they were used copiously during the EU referendum, to no effect. I am not saying that all migrants are unworthy of help, but how many have you seen kiss the ground of the first safe country they arrived at, and say that they are so grateful they will go anywhere they are put so long as they are safe? None. This murderer was taken in by a foster family, and this is his thanks. There are many recorded instances of the ingratitude of migrants. The fact is, Frau Merkel has made a mistake of disastrous proportions, and her people are now questioning her wisdom. And rightly so. They are the ones that will pay the price.

I've seen numerous TV clips of refugees gushing with thanks as they've landed on the coast of Italy and/or a Greek island - haven't you?

Message 13 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

These people are transitory - the true refugee will always hope to go home... I want the Muslim community who have settled here to integrate - and same applies to some Hindu communities where English is still not spoken as a first language in the home despite them being born here because parents or grandparents haven't learned the language. Some places are worse than others and schools have the job of teaching English from scratch to English born children.

I think most refugees are eternally grateful to land in Europe. Turkey isn't a safe haven although it's far better than Syria. The programme that followed refugees trying to cross from Turkey was a real eye opener!!! Unfortunately most want to come to the UK because most speak some English... So it's only natural. Plus, despite the picture the media try to paint... Most British people are actually racially tolerant ... More so than other European countries. There is a world of difference between not wanting your country put under extreme pressure from a large ingress of refugees to actually being racially abusive! These people need to be safe but I think they need to be pragmatic... They can't all come here!!!

There is also a lot of denial that radicalised IS supporters are crossing with these genuine refugees and economic migrants. I understand WHY they don't want to admit this because of a backlash against migrants but with two recent attacks by young teens, it certainly looks as though this is happening. I find it hard to believe that after risking their lives go get to Europe, they suddenly feel like going on a suicidal killing spree... Unless that was the plan all along!!!

As for the weapons of war and the arms trade... Yes it's obscene but it's being going on since Ug discovered a market for his stone axes and arrow heads! It's a lucrative market! However, some weapons do deter war! The best thing about Trident is that it has NEVER been used! Whether we would be feeling safer without weapons of mass destruction depends on it being unilaterally agreed AND adhered to... Regrettably no one trusts N Korea and the lack of stability in Pakistan is questionable...and Iran is always dubious as to how far they might go developing WMDs ....then there's Israel who will definitely not disarm!!! Oddly enough Russia is one of our least likely nuclear protagonists!

More people die from handguns and shotguns ... Getting rid of them is a far more difficult proposition! Best way is to cut off their financial supporters... in the case of IS ... most are in Saudi...Qatar etc!

Message 14 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Important to remember that they cannot legally work in Turkey, and contrary to the popular belief peddled by the Mail, Express, Sun etc, 99.9% of them are decent, educated, hardworking people who had no choice but to leave their (destroyed) beloved homeland.


I'm a hardened 50+ year old bloke, and I sat and sobbed at the human story behind the headlines when I watched the Exodus 3pt documentary on BBC2 last week.


Infact I'd go so far as to say that I'd rather have those people living next door to me than some of the posters on here... (that doesn't include you Bridget btw...I can tell from your posts you do actually care Cat Happy



Message 15 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@astrologica wrote:

Nice descriptive words to a fellow poster! Bigot...Racist...You can use all those words as much as you want..they were used copiously during the EU referendum, to no effect. I am not saying that all migrants are unworthy of help, but how many have you seen kiss the ground of the first safe country they arrived at, and say that they are so grateful they will go anywhere they are put so long as they are safe? None. This murderer was taken in by a foster family, and this is his thanks. There are many recorded instances of the ingratitude of migrants. The fact is, Frau Merkel has made a mistake of disastrous proportions, and her people are now questioning her wisdom. And rightly so. They are the ones that will pay the price.

Pointing out the actions of that lad as an example of "how they all behave and their ingratitude" is about as relevant as refusing to go in the sea incase you step on a poisonous puffer fish, as "all fish will kill you"

Message 16 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

That's right Astro, an arguement is never enhanced by sighting an example of this nature, if you apply the logic then there would be hundreds of cases similar to this and there are not.

Message 17 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

Read my post. 'I am not saying that all migrants are unworthy of help'.

And do you think you have a monopoly on tears and compassion and caring? I am a 72 year old woman, been around a while, and I too  wept when watching that Exodus programme. The utter sadness of it all. It has been handled very very badly by the EU. The problems we see now are probably just a sample of what is to come. 

Message 18 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

@swiftylazar wrote:


Infact I'd go so far as to say that I'd rather have those people living next door to me than some of the posters on here.



Take a short drive from where you live in Enfield to Chingford, Ponders End, Walthamstow, Barking,Dagenham,Romford,Edomonton Green,Wood Green,Turnpike Lane, Hornsey, Haringey and Islington and see if you still prefer them living next door.


I'm from Southgate and have seen what this influx of new immigrants have done to these areas, and it aint pretty.

Message 19 of 65
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Re: GERMANY: axe wielding afghan teen in train attack

I understand the point you are making, we have taken in too many immigrants in a short period of time, too many for integration to become reality and concentrations of nationalities sticking together often seen as taking over entire towns. What is the Root cause, our generosity or their desperation?

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