Anne Maguire murder.


Will Cornick the teenager was 15 years old when he stabbed teacher Ann Maguire,61, to death as she taught at a class at Corpus Christi Catholic Colledge, in leeds in April.


He excchanged messages with a friend early on Christmas day on Facebook. ''In those messages he spoke of 'brutally killing' Mrs Maguire and spending the rest of his life in jail so as not to have to worry about life or money.''                                            


He continues to show no remorse.  If ever someone was evil it must be him.  The only sentence for him surly is a whole life sentence.  


At the moment the judge say's 20 years in prison, and he may serve a whole life sentence. Why give him any hope? He did not give Ann, any. And who should have this monster living next door to them without knowing it?  The judges  perhaps?


Warning there is a picture of Will Cornick on my attachment.

Message 1 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.


If what he wants is a life in jail so he's no need to worry about life and money, perhaps we should let him out.

Message 2 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Just so very sad .......

Its difficult to understand why this young man continues to show no remorse for his actions . His actions have caused anguish to many ...but he seems detached from it ...its most disturbing ...
Message 3 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Smiley IndifferentIt,s very sad the teacher had to die like that


i do'nt think you need to worry about him comming out,and he wo,nt need to worry either about life and money problems,in a short space of time he will soon recret his crime

where he's going there will be others who see him as sweet meat and his life will be always looking over his shoulder unless he kills himself first

Message 4 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

@millielilac wrote:
Just so very sad .......

Its difficult to understand why this young man continues to show no remorse for his actions . 

Maybe he's just a psychopath!

Message 5 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

@lambsy_uk wrote:

@millielilac wrote:
Just so very sad .......

Its difficult to understand why this young man continues to show no remorse for his actions . 

Maybe he's just a psychopath!

My thought as well but evil or mentally ill, either way he is obviously a danger to the public.  I can see him ending up in Broadmoor like Ian Brady - at least that way he is unlikely to ever taste freedom again.

Message 6 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

@lambsy_uk wrote:
Maybe he's just a psychopath!

My thought as well but evil or mentally ill, either way he is obviously a danger to the public.  I can see him ending up in Broadmoor like Ian Brady - at least that way he is unlikely to ever taste freedom again.

My thoughts exactly. There is a fine line between being a 'normal' criminal and being criminally insane, but I wonder why he isn't immediately being sectioned and committed to Broadmoor.


This case is only having so much publicity because of who the victim was, and that shouldn't determine the sentence. If he had killed a member of an opposing gang, as most teenage murderers do, it wouldn't be headline news.

Message 7 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Oi, be fair, the poor woman was a long-serving teacher who was murdered in horrific circumstances trapped in a classroom in front of other teens she was teaching.


Hardly the same as one young thug murduring another young thug outside on the "home turf" of one or both.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 8 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

I wouldn't be surprised if the use of Cannabis played a part in this sad case somewhere. Cannabis use robs people of the ability to think like rational normal people and people with Cannabis Psychosis become schizophrenics given time. The use of cannabis has played a part in some of the most horrific murders we have heard about...the murder of Lee Rigby for a start. And the government want to make drug taking legal? They need to wake up.
Message 9 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Although I agree with what you have said , it remains that in this life there are some people who don't need any form of stimulus to be evil!

Message 10 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

@sir_arthur_strebe-grebling wrote:



This case is only having so much publicity because of who the victim was, and that shouldn't determine the sentence. If he had killed a member of an opposing gang, as most teenage murderers do, it wouldn't be headline news.

I'm not sure that the publicity has determined the sentence.  Another young man was jailed for life down in the South yesterday, with a minimum of 20 yrs to be served, for stabbing his girlfriend multiple times in a park.  He was drunk and drugged at the time, but that was no defence, though it does provide a partial explanation.


Teens are volatile beings and most violent crime is committed by under 26 yr olds, the age at which hormones stabilise and the male brain is fully developed.   I'm not excusing this boy's actions, but many teens have violent fantasies.  We live in a world where acting these out is made quite easy.  (How did he take a weapon into school in the first place?)


Teachers are vulnerable.  They are in a position of authority, but without any real teeth.  They work alone, for the most part, surrounded by temperamentally unstable teens, some of whom may bear a grudge.   Attacks are frequent, though murders are, mercifully, rare.

Message 11 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

I'm Bias, but all I know is about 80% of prison Officers I worked with and 70% of the Police Officers I spoke to agreed.





and as they're the People who deal with them as an should tell you something.

Message 12 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Of course he knows what he's done.  He isn't detached or mentally unstable or anything like that - any headshrinker will know it's a simple case of childlike arrogance like sticking up your middle finger at the judge as you're being led away.  He's revelling in all the free publicity.  By showing no outward signs of giving a damn, he's hoping people will say: "Ooh, what a hard man."  He thinks he'll be top dog once he gets inside, but the truth is, behind the facade and the big hard guy image, he's probably experiencing what it's like when you have a big dose of Andrews, only he can't show it, and he'll have to play at being the big hard guy for the rest of his life.  Unfortunately though, he'll have an army of Lord Longfords and do gooders vigerously campaigning on his behalf.

Message 13 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

@saasher2012 wrote:
Although I agree with what you have said , it remains that in this life there are some people who don't need any form of stimulus to be evil!

Well... I agree with both of you.


As far as I can see there were no drugs involved. They say Will Cornick had been planing this murder for 3 years. So from about 12 years of age. As saasher says ''some people don't need any form of stimulus to be evil.'' My following comment must suggest that too.


Remebering that two-year old James Bulger was abducted, tortured and murdered in Liverpool in February 1993 by two ten-year-old boys who lured him away from a Liverpool arcade while his mother was distracted. If you Google 'Young Murderers UK' there are so many more unbelievably EVIL examples.


EVIL surly cannot be excused because of illness.  And of course you don't have to be evil because you are mentally ill.  The psychiatrists conluded that Cornick was sound of mind.







Message 14 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

I guess when they say they're of sound mind that means they knew exactly what they were doing, because if you take that at face value it's a farcical statement to make!
As to the Bulger case the sentence they received & the care & attention they had after being released didn't stop one of them from ending up in trouble again , maybe not murder but hardly the sort of person you'd want living near you even with an assumed name! These do gooders have a lot to answer for!.

Message 15 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

As an atheist I find the concept of evil a difficult one to accept as it implies an external spiritual force.


I believe that each individual's actions and morality are a result of a combination of external physical influences and biology.


That does not excuse the commission of 'evil' actions but to lable people as inherently 'evil' is just a cop out.

Message 16 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

I accept what you say, however Evil. Has many definitions many have nothing to do with religion or spiritualism , as a non believer myself I go with the other definitions, non of which I find a cop out!

Message 17 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Hmmmmm, evil eh?


I've looked up a few "definitions" of an evil person and I think the following isn't far off the mark?:-


Is consistently self-deceiving, with the intent of avoiding guilt and maintaining a self image of perfection.


Deceives others as a consequence of their own self-deception.


Psychologically projects his or her evils and sins onto very specific targets, scapegoating those targets while treating everyone else normally.


Commonly hates with the pretense of love, for the purposes of self-deception as much as the deception of others.


Abuses political or emotional power ("the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion").


Maintains a high level of respectability and lies incessantly in order to do so


Is consistent in his or her sins. Evil people are defined not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their consistency (of destructiveness.


Is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim.


Has a covert intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissitic injury.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 18 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

I rest my case! Thankyou!!.

Message 19 of 166
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Re: Anne Maguire murder.

Now, about those sheep..................? grin

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 20 of 166
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