A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

The muslim mayor of Rotterdam response to the attack on Charlie Hebdo

and other terrorist attacks by muslim extremists.




Message 1 of 137
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136 REPLIES 136

Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack


It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 121 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

 Totally uncalled for and cruel ,yet again.Whoever they are and whatever they believe ,who wants to live with or near these people.As allies or foes .

Message 122 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Message 123 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

More lives ...this is all utter maddness .

Message 124 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Plenty of muslims speaking out against IS now.

Message 125 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 126 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Ban all religion is the only way forward...

Message 127 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

That's right.  We should stop teaching outdated "Religion" to impressionable children. It only makes them grow up with absurd delusions.


Every child should receive a modern scientific education.  Which teaches them the real facts about the Universe. 

Not some silly fairy story, or barbarous desert superstition.


"Religion" should be consigned to the dustbin of history.  We have outgrown it - we don't need it any more. 


All it does is cause completely unnecessary trouble.  

Message 128 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

@malacandran wrote:

That's right.  We should stop teaching outdated "Religion" to impressionable children. It only makes them grow up with absurd delusions.


Every child should receive a modern scientific education.  Which teaches them the real facts about the Universe. 

Not some silly fairy story, or barbarous desert superstition.


"Religion" should be consigned to the dustbin of history.  We have outgrown it - we don't need it any more. 


All it does is cause completely unnecessary trouble.  

Nice link to another thread - religious education is one of the compulsory subjects politicians have decided should be included in the national curriculum!

Message 129 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Thanks Creeky, I've just looked at the link you kindly provided.  But it seems to be all about donkeys, is this relevant?

Message 130 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Teaching about various beliefs and religions should be a far cry from indoctrinating children into any particular one.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 131 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

@bankhaunter wrote:

Teaching about various beliefs and religions should be a far cry from indoctrinating children into any particular one.

I wouldn't teach them at all.  Except perhaps as part of an "Ancient History" course. 

Message 132 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Not in response to Malacandran in particular but I thought there were some interesting points made in this recent article in the Independent:



Message 133 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Goodness me, that's a long article and it's provoked some very long responses too. Mods here would have a field-day with many of them?


The whole issue of what constitutes the koran is shrouded in myth and half-truths because some things mohammad said were written while he was still alive but most of it was written after his death. There were many versions of what he was supposed to have said and it wasn't long after it was realised there were differences so some chaps got together to cobble together a supposed "single" version and all others were (supposed to be) destroyed. Since then, things have been edited/added/redacted (whatever you want to call it) until we're where we're at today.


Sardar is quite right in saying that things are "not up for discussion", you accept what "they" say or suffer the consequences!

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 134 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

@cee-dee wrote:



The whole issue of what constitutes the koran is shrouded in myth and half-truths because some things mohammad said were written while he was still alive but most of it was written after his death. There were many versions of what he was supposed to have said and it wasn't long after it was realised there were differences so some chaps got together to cobble together a supposed "single" version and all others were (supposed to be) destroyed. Since then, things have been edited/added/redacted (whatever you want to call it) until we're where we're at today.


Sardar is quite right in saying that things are "not up for discussion", you accept what "they" say or suffer the consequences!

Oops I didn't read the comments underneath CeeDee - I think I will self-report that link before any of my little friends do it for me x


The whole issue of what constitutes the koran is shrouded in myth and half-truths because some things mohammad said were written while he was still alive but most of it was written after his death.


I think that is true of most religious teachings, CeeDee they have been manipulated and tailored over the years to suit many different agendas along the way.


BTW 'ordinary' muslims are showing their condemnation of Isis etc on a small local level by holding meetings in Mosques and handing out street flyers etc.


Sadly nothing that is dramatic enough to make headline news necessarily.



Message 135 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

I hope the link remains and that many people will read it all the way through.


You're quite right in saying that things were written long after "the event" but at least the Christians have "The Gospel according to........" so it's admitting some differences whereas the islamicists claim everything is "what mohammad said".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 136 of 137
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Re: A muslims response to the Charlie Hebdo attack

Yeah.  At least we know we can all rely on messiahs Murdoch, Dacre, and Desmond for "the truth"...

Message 137 of 137
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