Dell desktop freezing and error message

Hi, I bought a refurbished Win 10 Dell gaming desktop pc for my son, it worked fine for a few days and then started freezing, it's D04S. He has to turn it off by holding in the button, sometimes it will reboot and be fine but other times it won't reboot and he gets an error message, we've run the diagnostic and it says error code 2000-0415 Cables - check Intruder switch cable. Any advice please, he's only had this a week! Bit reluctant to contact seller until I know if it's something simple we can sort ourselves.Thank you.

Reach for the stars, it stops you sagging xx
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Sorry can't advise on Tech problems. But you do have 30 days from Delivery to open an Ebay Returns Case for Item Not As Described.


Presume as a Seasoned Seller you are fully aware of Ebay's Money Back Guarantee.

Message 2 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Hi, s-l. LTNS as they say these days.


My ancient Dells used to complain about intrusion whenever I'd opened them up for anything - since they then went on and worked fine, I didn't trouble to figure out how the intrusion detection system worked. Probably all changed by now!


It might be worth checking to see that the computer case - I assume it's a tower of some sort - is properly closed up. If there's a gap in its panels, that might be triggering an intrusion alert.


If it's not that simple (I honestly doubt whether it is), then it might be worth opening it up and physically checking the security of the cable it's complaining about. Try to find a maintenance manual online, perhaps, or simply check for any loose cable that looks as if it should be connected to something that looks like a microswitch/proximity switch or whatever that would be opened if the casing is opened.


I suppose you need to be a little wary about giving the seller an excuse to duck a refund on the grounds that you've done something to the machine - your call!


No idea about the freezing problem. It MIGHT be related to a hardware fault which also causes the intrusion warning, or it might be a purely software-related matter. Have you done an internet search with the details of the error message? There might be something out there.


You might also consider looking for a Dell user forum, if there is such a thing, and see whether anyone has experienced the same thing.


I tried to post earlier, but the site ate my posting. Having had the usual nonsense with having to slog through reCaptcha (sp?) rubbish, I was Jolly Cross and stomped off in a huff. At least the reCaptcha stuff has saved me some money. I just couldn't be bothered trying to log into my buying account, either!


(I've done this in a text editor - on past performance, the site will helpfully remove any trace of paragraphing... if it doesn't simply wipe the whole thing. Disillusioned? Moi?)

Message 3 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Hi o-e, long time indeed.


Thank you for replying, hope all is well with you apart from posts disappearing. I've not been in here for ages, my old laptop sadly went kaput and I had to get another one in a hurry, so had to buy a new one and touch wood its been ok so far, never had a brand new one before! Not keen on windows 10 but needs must.


While tinkering with the pc I noticed the keyboard and mouse hadn't installed properly due to metered connection so ticked the box to allow this, turned off and unplugged everything, checked the tower was closed properly and plugged it all back in. Something worked, no idea what, it reinstalled keyboard mouse etc and is now working fine touch wood. No idea what happened but as long as it's working and I have a happy teenager all is well. Strange as it was fine the first few days he had it. Perhaps the cat dislodged something and triggered it? no idea.






Reach for the stars, it stops you sagging xx
Message 4 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Thank you, all sorted now but no idea what caused it!

Reach for the stars, it stops you sagging xx
Message 5 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Update pc crashed a few days ago and won't reboot at all. Seller is sending courier to pick it up so they can check it out, and we can work from there. Smiley Sad

Reach for the stars, it stops you sagging xx
Message 6 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

It would be a good idea to restart your PC and change the OS. These simple steps help in most cases. But when you're playing games on the internet you should contact support team if something went wrong. They will help you since it's their job to figure stuff out. 

Message 7 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

make sure you have tracking/proof of the return, in the event of any issues!

99% of computer issues are software related, it`s rarely hardware, but can be. Sounds like a serious software conflict to me.

Message 8 of 9
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Dell desktop freezing and error message

Hi, thanks it's all sorted now, sent it back on the Monday and it was fixed and back here before the end of the week!  Think it was a storage drive issue, they did tell me but I can't remember exactly what they said. Very impressed with seller.

Reach for the stars, it stops you sagging xx
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