Sellers revealing buyers id..addresses ..account info

I have been concerned about the number of sellers who
A.reveal the identity of a buyer from their name..and sometimes cancel
B. Act as if they still own the item even though its in your possesion.
C. Share your account data with other sellers...
How do i get proof to stop a seller from using me to promote his stock...either through media or
This has to be against the terms and conditions??
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Re: Sellers revealing buyers id..addresses ..account info

Experienced Mentor

@seconds_away71 wrote:
I have been concerned about the number of sellers who
A.reveal the identity of a buyer from their name..and sometimes cancel
B. Act as if they still own the item even though its in your possesion.
C. Share your account data with other sellers...
How do i get proof to stop a seller from using me to promote his stock...either through media or
This has to be against the terms and conditions??

A. Who are the sellers revelaing the indentities of buyers to?

B. Not sure what you mean by that, you'll need to elaborate.

C. What account data and with what other sellers and why?


How is a seller using you to promote his stock? Have they snagged a photo of you with their product from your Instagram page or something?

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