App not working - update required

Just tried opening the app on my android phone and get the message "this version is no longer supported. Please update to the latest version".  Pressing the "update" goes to Google play but the only options are "Uninstall" or "Open" - no option to update. Pressing "Cancel" closes the app.


I suspect they pushed a new version of the app to deal with the changes introduced overnight but something has gone wrong somewhere.


Anyone else got this issue?

Message 1 of 429
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428 REPLIES 428

Re: App not working - update required

Which device and software version are you using? and can you expand on what happens when you log in.

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 341 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Samsung s8 android 9 Google play says it is supported but no updates. Ebay
website says android 9 but just found a post that said needs android 10 but
lost it and cannot find it again. But trying through chrome still says
needs update
Message 342 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

That Android version is not supported by the new app. Please un-install the app before trying to access the website and don't be tempted to re-install it. We have 4_bathrooms to thank for that piece of information. Please try to access the website again and let us know how you get on.


This link should take you back to the eBay announcement:


I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 343 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Website seems to be working now but not a patch on the app
Message 344 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

It's good to hear you're back in action. You join 1000s of people who are peeved about this update. I use the website most of the time. My laptop is tethered to my phone and I have only had a max of 8-9 items for sale, at any one time. It works for me but it's horses for courses.


If you know anyone with a £1000 to spare, I'll buy a new phone. Mine's a Galaxy S7, Android 8 ☹️

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 345 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Just won't be using ebay again at least for the time being thanks but
Google play needs to update!
Message 346 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Ok will try

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Message 347 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

It's precisely as per the OP where you get informed that your App is out of date and needs updating. When you try to update your app, there is no update available. Tressygirl is right, there is no update if you are on Android 9, so there is no option to move forward with the App. ( Except buying an expensive new phone ! ) Sobi can no longer track my bidding during the day, I cannot stand the faff of using s browser on my phone....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 348 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

You are correct, there is NO solution except a new phone....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 349 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Yes same here, and also won't let me into my old eBay to look at anything either 


Message 350 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Que ? Unless you can update the Android version of your phone first to 10 or higher, and none of us can, ( I have an S8 Edge btw ), there is NO WAY to get the NEW APP to load. Ebay has done this, knowing full well that they would disable these users. Face facts, we have been cast aside....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 351 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

I wish you all the best, but I cannot use ebay on a phone with a browser, so I am just telling myself I am saving a whole load of money by having no access except a laptop in the evenings ( when it's too late ! )....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 352 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Spot on. It's that simple....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 353 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

I spend literally £1000s on ebay yearly, with my business and hobbies. My wife does the same. Both of us it seems are 'dispensible'. Ebay must be aware of our device types and thus version limits for OS and Apps. I believe that the cost of maintaining our custom exceeded our value to them.....

Get Outlook for Android<>
Message 354 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

How do you update eBay there no info that I can find to update it so frustrating.

Message 355 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

eBay have a weekly chat for one hour from 2pm. The last one was 5-02-2025, so I assume the next one is today at 2pm. I have never looked at it but would imagine 1000s of people are trying to message them and only a handful get through. If anyone can get through, it would be a great opportunity to air your grievances. This is the link:

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 356 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

It depends which version of software is on your device. The eBay announcement is here:


If you are still stuck, please come back here, with the model and software version of your device. Someone will help you.

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 357 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Found it at last. They had a technical glitch. This is the link for today's chat:

I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 358 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

Sorry to say You can not. I've cleaned the cache. store. turn the phone off
restart my phone. redown loaded the app all of it does not work. I was on
for hours all no good.
To some up we've all had it for a great high. 😡
Message 359 of 429
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Re: App not working - update required

The app will only update on Android 10 and above or iOS 17 and above, they have a version that may update iOS 16. You can access your account at on a mobile phone or computer browser but the app must be deleted first. This is the link to the ebay announcement, that came out after the update:


We have all had this emotional roller coaster ride. If you are still stuck, please come back here and someone will try to help you.



I have no connection with eBay or work for them, apart from being a customer. If you contact eBay, be firm and express your feelings. Please bear in mind, the people at the other end are employees, just like you and me (until I retired). Please be polite and respectful. You’re more likely to be listened to.
Message 360 of 429
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