Where did it all start?

Religion that is?


I was prompted to think of this by a post on the "artifacts" thread with a word that jumped out..... Satan.


Religions often seem connected with the sky, sensational natural events or "something up there" so did it all begin with Man thinking that things "up in the sky" or catastrophic events were controlled by some celestial beings?


Religions that have survived for some thousands of years seem to be somehow connected with vaguely similar beliefs. And then it starts to get complicated..............


Most know how The Serpent (Satan in disguise) tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the Forbidden Fruit but how about The Peacock Angel otherwise known as as Shaitan, or Satan?


God is supposed to have forbidden Adam to eat the Wheat but when The Peacock Angel visited Adam and asked him if he'd eaten the grain, Adam is supposed to have replied "No, God forbade me." The Peacock Angel is then supposed to have persuaded Adam to eat the grain which angered God.


Now The Peacock Angel was supposed to be the first of seven Archangels created by God but fell from favour because after telling the Archangels never to bow to any being, when God created Adam from dust (!!) and was told to bow to Adam, The Peacock Angel refused saying that God had already told him (he's male then?) not to bow to any being. God threw The Peacock Angel in to Hell where he remained for (this is where it gets a bit vague) variously 7,000 or 40,000 years after which time he either quenched the fires of Hell with his tears or filled seven jars with his tears with which he quenched the fires of Hell after which God forgave him and reinstated him.


Now what's all this got to do with Satan or the artifacts thread? Only that I mentioned Göbekli Tepe and that people who revere The Peacock Angel recognise some of the symbols found on some of the stones at Göbekli Tepe so have a think about that convoluted story eh?



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 170
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169 REPLIES 169

Where did it all start?

This supreme being (?) that created everything (???) managed to create all sorts of cells, nuclei, atoms and amongst all that there's electrons, photons, neutrons, fermions, neutrinos, muons, leptons, bosons, quarks and now they've found a pentaquark and those are just a few of the particles all this stuff is made from.


After creating such a complicated mass of stuff that goes to make up everything in the Universe, is it logical to believe that the supreme being can only communicate in secret with the odd few chosen ones to tell the rest of us how to go on?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 161 of 170
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Where did it all start?

The thing is God has created millions of universes  - all one big experiment. In some he's openly revealed himself, in others like ours he's hinted at his existence in others he's left the inhabitants entirely to their own devices.  Smiley Tongue

Message 162 of 170
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Where did it all start?

If someone says they are Jewish they believe their god knows everything ,if someone says they are Christian they believe their god knows everything ,if someone says they are Muslim they believe their god knows everything ,if someone says they are Jehovah they believe their god knows everything etc...need it be more obvious ?


Did you know that dead things leak blood and stuff into the floor and that's really good for irrigation and growing stuff ,if its not concreted over that is.I bet thats why sacrifices were needed back in the early days and I bet someone or group used to think that certain animals were sacred and then I bet war and stuff over sacrificing animals for agricultural reasons so next thing you know 6000 bc............

Message 163 of 170
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Where did it all start?

Footnote..if I am wrong and all religions don't believe their respective gods know everything at all...............need it be more obvious ?

Message 164 of 170
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Where did it all start?

@joamur_gosof wrote:

Footnote..if I am wrong and all religions don't believe their respective gods know everything at all...............need it be more obvious ?

I think the problem arises when you get a  "monotheistic" religion . 

Which says:  there is only one God.  Whose divine Will must be obeyed, without question.


That's equivalent to setting up a dictatorship.  With a kind of divine Stalin, or Hitler.  On the principle that "The Fuehrer is always right"

Such a principle allows no room for doubt or rational scepticism.  It negates thought.  It simply demands unquestioning obedience.


Well,  haven't we seen what that leads to?



Message 165 of 170
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Where did it all start?

agree that one this or one that is a lot dictator


,..the greeks had the right idea about giving everything that was a pain in the rear of the natural order a godship...today 'fiscal borrowing'   (aka money laundering racket)  would be the new demon baal for instance..man made pain in the rears were called demons and the greeks would pray to the god of the mountains or the god of the sea etc to crush flood spew lava in the vengeful way gods do ,all over the demon fiscal.  err   ...amen 🙂

Message 166 of 170
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Where did it all start?

Oscar Wilde had it right:-


"Man can believe the impossible but can never believe the improbable".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 167 of 170
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Where did it all start?

thats highly improbable 🙂

Message 168 of 170
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Where did it all start?

Possibly impossible

Message 169 of 170
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Where did it all start?

We know it started long ago but when it's gonna end is anyones guess.


"To chase away evil spirits" or "to apppease the gods"???????????? Lunacy.



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 170 of 170
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