What is going on in the uk

Following the resignation of shadow minister Sarah Champion for her innappropriate comments about grooming gangs am I missing something or are we becoming a less tolerant society rather than the opppsite. All she did was point a finger towards those responsible and out came the thought police demanding her head for having the audacity to say it as it is! Surely if an element of our society is misbehaving it is in the interests of the many to expose this and shout from the roof tops that such behaviour is unacceptable? Instead we are labelled racists and bigots which of course is fine!!!
Message 1 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

@fallen-archie wrote:
Following the resignation of shadow minister Sarah Champion for her innappropriate comments about grooming gangs am I missing something or are we becoming a less tolerant society rather than the opppsite. All she did was point a finger towards those responsible and out came the thought police demanding her head for having the audacity to say it as it is! Surely if an element of our society is misbehaving it is in the interests of the many to expose this and shout from the roof tops that such behaviour is unacceptable? Instead we are labelled racists and bigots which of course is fine!!!

The silence of the lambs.

Message 28 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

It's obvious that people are not "allowed" to call a spade a spade now, it has to be "a gardening utensil".


It was first thought that it should be "a bladed gardening tool" but that sounded too much like a weapon so the descriptive name was changed by the thought police......

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

I think it is global, not just a problem in the UK.



Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 3 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk


Message 4 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Thanks for posting these comments Archie. I read this yesterday and was beginning to think I was the only one. I really could not see what was racist in pointing out the obvious facts.


The fact that no one is saying anything and then get sacked for doing so, is part of the reason these situations are allowed to go on for so long and are not stopped sooner

Message 5 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

There were hundreds of comments under  the online articles asking why she was being pushed to resign for telling the truth.

Message 6 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

I noticed that too Marge, Kevin McGuire has come out with some remarks about the fact that women are also subjected to white male **bleep** and yet I am not aware of any white grooming gangs? And I wonder if there were such a thing targeting young Asian girls how that would be treated! I suppose it would go down as racistđŸ˜©
Message 7 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Of course it would, Archie, there would be uproar and nothing hidden.

Message 8 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

It isn't just in the U.K. that this suppression of the truth is happening. This week, PresidentTrump, like him or loathe him, spoke out and said that there was blame on both sides during the troubles in Charlottesville, which is absolutely true. Yet he was hounded and accused of all sorts of things, just for telling it like it is . It seems that all over the Western world, the truth is being suppressed.

Message 9 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Apologies, Busty....you already said that!😀

Message 10 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Isn't the problem that we pay politicians to reflect our interests yet the thought police tell them what they can and cannot say, I am no trump supporter either however I can see nothing wrong in coming down against both sides, until and unless we address problems head on the actions of the few will prevail.
Message 11 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

We have long been told that we have freedom of speech in this country and yet the minutest detail of every word we say these days is scrutinised on the off chance that someone is offended.  Why shouldn't the communities that these perpetrators come from be criticised openly for allowing this behaviour to go on? Who cares if they're offended by the truth? I'm offended by a lot of things that happen in this country as are many other people, but what has happened to our right to complain? If we carry on kowtowing to every minority under the sun for fear of causing offence, then the majority end up with no voice.


As for Sarah Champion, I know it was probably a case of "Jump or you will be pushed" but she would have gone up in a lot of people's estimation if she had stuck to her principles and not resigned.

Message 12 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

I recall on a forum far far away, a rare comment by one studio pottery, about the number of threads on just the one topic on one not untypical day. I counted that of the 30 or so threads on page one alone, 18 dealt with one issue.



There is a public Inquiry albeit somewhat reduced, into institutional abuse. Some of the cases have already been prosecuted, the perpetrator's convicted. So far those that I am aware of, both convicted and alleged are not Asian, but white.Funny old world eh?



Message 13 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Yes it's terrible that the poor KKK, Neo Nazis etc who surrounded a church, with largely black ministers,reminiscent of the klan of old, complete with bats and torches and alleged 'brass knuckles' were just not understood by the non-pc brigade.Indeed their organised march shouting slogans 'you will not replace us' along with the anti-Semitic variation where the 'y' was replaced with a 'j'
or the Nazi chant of 'blood and soil' was similarly misunderstood.It's fortunate the ex Grand Wizard of the KKK did understand and along with others from those groups, thanked old Trump

The media seemingly didn't, nor did virtually all of the CEO's in his cabinet groups, who resigned or threatened too and what remained of the cabinet groups were wound up to save face. Most of the rest of the Republican Party also didn't understand it appears
Its a sad old non pc world when you can't wear pointy hats with holes cut in eh?

Message 14 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

Returning to the OP if I may, I do not see the relevance of either of the last two postsđŸ˜© Sarah Champion is not the president of the US but a British politician (Labour) who commented in the sun newspaper about grooming gangs, who happen to be predominantly from Pakistani backgrounds, I acknowledge that there have been many threads, some would say too many which highlight problems of integration however what does ignoring them serve to do? Sweeping things under the carpet is a trademark of many political debates and stifling debate does little to help.
Message 15 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

It’s not only Sarah Champion for her “inappropriate comments” but is it not something very much in general?


I'd love to know who these subjective 'people' are who have nothing better to do with their time than analyse and then criticise every word a public (or even semi-private) figure says? What a pity these alleged do-gooders can't get a life, or even an occupation where they could actually do some good.


IMHO, political correctness is the most insidious form of bullying where the bullies attack the psychology and thinking of another for their own satisfaction, even though something is said in complete innocence (or ignorance) of its origins. It should be recognised the politically correct brigade are nothing but bullies in another form, trying to twist the minds of others to satisfy their own inadequacies.


Personally, I am not a number, I am a free man!

Message 16 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

So there is such a thing as karma.


A Conservative MP who received a police caution for assault in a domestic violence, was hounded out of office as being unfit for the job.

Sarah Champion who has received a police caution for actual bodily harm however was unapologetic and was supported by and given a shadow minister's job including a remit for domestic violence by Corbyn

She did of course claim victimhood because we all know women are never the perpetrators of domestic violence (other than in about 40% of cases).


And now she is kicked out by political correctness, I do feel so sorry for her.

Parents of young, organic life forms are warned that towels can be harmful if swallowed in large quantities.
Message 17 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

I’m not defending her in any way. People do get what they deserve most of the time.


General comment was to archie’s main question - are we becoming a less tolerant society rather than the opppsite? That’s why I asked “is it not something very much in general?” And, imho, we have been less and less tolerant for a long time - bit by little bit.


In this particular instance, she did point a finger towards those responsible and, indeed, out came the limited thought police.


We all have a ‘past’ do we not? Because I done or have been wrong in the past, must I always be wrong? That ‘past’ may not be that relevant to the particular point in question.

Message 18 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

,,,perhaps not so much what she said, but how she said it and where she said it. You say that she pointed a finger at those who were guilty...but by association she also pointed a finger at those who shared the same ethnicity and are not guilty. She was, after all, an equalities minister and the Sun newspaper is known for its long running anti-muslim stance. What she didn't say is that 94% of sexual offences take place within the home, within families and known friends. Her judgement was poor and she should have know better and that's why she had to go. The less able in society already use the Sun's anti-muslim, antil-immigrant rhetoric/propoganda as justification for the sustained harrassement of these groups and when their views or claims are sometimes challenged, they blame it on political correctness and the stiffling of free speech. Racists and bigots usually label themselves.

Message 19 of 55
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Re: What is going on in the uk

I wondered when someone would suggest that we were racist bigots? That is the Owen Jones response in such situations which is sad! What I am talking about is having the freedom to express an opinion as you have done without being fearful of being labelled a racist bigot! I condemn racism in all its forms however I do not see a value in sweeping things under the carpet for the sake of harmony! Anyone can polish a turd yet underneath it remains a turd, the fact that she made her views known to the Sun newspaper is totally irrelevant, she said what she and millions of others thought and if you wish to change those thoughts then prove us wrong!
Message 20 of 55
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