Well what a suprise- not


I seem to remember telling you brexit would not happen the way you think.


Also saying there would be an election etc.


Talk about pot and kettle-this women May told us there wouldn't be and no snap elections, she said Scotland were "playing politics" requesting another referendum. Just goes to show- never trust anyone eh- especially a TORY! 


It's a gamble and she's been hoodwinked- the ones that don't want Brexit have now the way to get it . What a silly women.



Message 1 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Ive heard it remarked that paragraphs are thought as superfluous as cutlery in certain parts of the NW, though some of it's population seem to remain partial to a heavy diet of tripe

The Union was something of a stitch up, greased with cash to a select few to ease it through. The 'glorious revolution' quickly became less glorious and more taxing
It's funny that those who voted out of the EU and who cite the rather muddled idea the UK has lost it's sovereignty ( it hasn't ) or claim it doesn't decide policy, direction, etc ( it does) reverse their position when it comes to Scotland, which doesn't have its former sovereignty, nor does it have control over many areas that a nation state would, because it is no longer one
Independence supporters therefore have far more justification to wanting to reclaim a former status, than those who whinge on incorrectly about the UK claiming back a sovereignty it never lost

Cameron may have expressed reservations about appearing on TV, but he did eventually do so. I think it's difficult to see TM not being returned with a substantial majority on current polls which is doubtless the reason for her u turn, so she can likely afford to lose the odd point or two by not appearing on telly.

Westminster has little interest in vast areas of the UK because their votes are already in the bag, and its quite likely the referendum was in some part a reaction against that, albeit some might say misguided

Gosh those TV presenters are made to sound like RT lol
Still, most presenters have at least some vague idea about what they are talking about

Interviewers in the 50's and part of the 60's were largely deferential here in the UK, until satire like TW3, the decline of clipped vowels, norvern drama and an increasing sense that broadcasters ought to be something more than a free ad for politicians.Standards vary considerably but in general regulated broadcasters are still ahead of Print which is often just their proprietors propaganda

The US debates started circa 1960 with Kennedy and Nixon, and attracted audiences of some 70 million. Its often said that Kennedys narrow win was helped considerably by those same debates.Nixon did of course eventually go on to win the presidency, then lose it again while still in office
Unfortunately you can't uninvent technology, just live with the results. For broadcasters electioneering is cheap material, for politicians,its cheap advertising, for joe public a brief if misguided sense of temporary importance

I bet there weren't many 'happy 17th birthday' cards sent

I believe Clarke made his remark based on what should have been a 2020 election in what was supposedly a fixed term parliament

Lol, the history of England's relationship with Scotland is hardly one of great harmony
'Scotland has and always will be ante (sic) Tory '
Acshually Scotland returned sizable numbers of Tory MPs back in the baby boom years

'Scotland is littered with problems entirely of its own making'
Somewhat lacking in substance since it has not until recent times had any political power, having signed over to Westminster at Union
Isn't it the case that the whingers claim the EU is responsible for everything bad, because the uk has 'lost' it's sovereignty ( incorrect )

Sounds like having ones tripe and eating it dahlings

Message 21 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Unlike you I wasn't around at the time of union however thanks for the history lesson!
How do you like your tripe prepared, cooked in milk with onions or pickled perhaps, It was my fathers favourite.
Following the election announcement we all have a chance to express our views again, no doubt Scotland will remain in the hands of the snp, Under the stewardship of the poison dwarf and her puppet master Fatty Salmond! But that is your choice😘
Message 22 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Sorry wheet cheecks but he Ack s

Message 23 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


E what the f are u on about mate?


I'm of air standing in my mind and have no issues with anyone with a diffreent view. That 's your issue not mine.


How anyone can critisize a lassie that wants self determination and you lot that apose makes it righty fecked up.I'VE TOLD YOU BEFORE  but swipe I've no interest in UK politics anymore and I WAS IN THE RAF FOR 18 YEARS MATE. Don't tell me i have a bigoted view in life mate , I've lived it  since 1982 bud , dont ever patronise me you num .

There is no country in this world mate that does'nt want independance and self determination. 

Message 24 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Well you don't live in Scotland anymore do you? Like the promised land that you as a unionist loves so much . Like whatever .Trust me son the promised land will be back in the land of its forefathers and you can stay in England- I've no interest.


Don't get me wrong I've no issues with English or other brits. I was married to an English lass for near on 10 years **bleep** So I've no hate whatsoever inj me. 

Message 25 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Sweet checks he wasn't talking about GERS the football team. He was talking about the **bleep** GERS report that comes out each year trying to give credence to what Scotland gets/spends in comparison to the rest of UK. Its pure nonsense based on blue figures and no the real pink books accounts.


No credence can be attributed to these farcial figures. It is well known they are ficticious.Forensic audititors have went through them and said these are worst set of accounts that have ever been produced. Its absolute garbage, made to look as if Scotland spends more than it earns and gets some sort of preferentical treatment, its **bleep** and has always been **bleep**.


If you want the truth ,let ,me know and I'll send you the pink books-the real books.,, 

Message 26 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

I think he was very likely aiming that at me, but he's English, mid sixties, ultra ocd, and gets confoosed lol

He developed a fixation for a Scottish poster a few years ago - it was never going to end well, poor dear.


The rants went on for years and years and years.



Message 27 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Well seeing as he wasn't around at the time of the union.Here's a little snippet of how some of this this garbage was constructed. FOR ONE REASON-BIGOTRY! Basically strip away Article 1 and 2 and the rest falls apart.




Imho the SNP should go for a bill to UN or whoever now to repel this archaic piece of trash in it's in entirety. 



Message 28 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

I'm surprised he wasn't around at the time of Union since he claims in other lives, he believes he was of noble birth. Im not sure what he did to end up in the back end of nowhere in this one



chiffchavs anyone?

Message 29 of 29
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