Well what a suprise- not


I seem to remember telling you brexit would not happen the way you think.


Also saying there would be an election etc.


Talk about pot and kettle-this women May told us there wouldn't be and no snap elections, she said Scotland were "playing politics" requesting another referendum. Just goes to show- never trust anyone eh- especially a TORY! 


It's a gamble and she's been hoodwinked- the ones that don't want Brexit have now the way to get it . What a silly women.



Message 1 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

I bow to your foresight, of course this has nothing to do with the polls or the fact that the PM would like to have a clear mandate? No according to the cybernats this is all about them. A bunch of disenfranchised ex labour voters cut adrift and now looking for anew beginning. One where a failing economy will be transformed via the snp. What absolute tosh, how misguided can individuals be?
Message 2 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

The move to fixed term parliaments was supposed to remove the opportunistic window available to prime ministers to take advantage of polls they like, as opposed to polls they think they won't like, in some 3 years time.

The U turn is essentially just that. 2020 will see a much more bleak choice, with likely both leave and remain sides unhappy
and a weaker economic picture, against which May would have to hold an election.Right now is almost certainly better for her than
what she is likely to face in 20.

The given u-turn reasons are therefore just nonsense, and her own party sources are indicating she doesn't want to take part in a tv debate according to the Independent.



Not sure the Conservatives have consulted the NW political thinktank and preorders, who are busy anyway on basic maffs lessons, poor dears.

Message 3 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Well she maybe get a big shock. We'll know in a few weeks.


This uk state is fast heading to a forced far right one party political state-basically a dictatorship.You heard it here first! 

Message 4 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Clear mandate eh -i thought she didn't need one ! It's playing politics at it's very extreme -house of cards. 


So it's ok for her to say Nicola Sturgon doesn't have a mandate when it was clearly in their Scottish manifesto(the people voted for) but its ok for this Thatcher the 2nd to play it to her advantage when she's been saying the country needs stability- It's farcical and you know it.


This country will be more divisive than ever after this fiasco- just hope she gets a big shock..

Message 5 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Brenda from Bristol:


We are many,They are few
Message 6 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Correct me if I am wrong but


We have triggered Article 50 for leaving the EU and don't think we can say "eh we have changed our mind" 


So it is down to soft or hard Brexit, but what do the House of Lords want?


I assume, no sorry hope, but doubt it, that each party will state their soft/hard case and the elected MP will follow what their constituants voted for. That is will not change their mind and do I know best routine, which has happened.


We have to do something about the House of Lords, they are unelected and should not be allowed to dictate their views.


Can we please have an honest election. No last minute panic, like the three stooges in the last Scotland referendum! A PM for the UK who stated the referendum was nothing to do with him! Eh sorry but he was PM for the UK (which does include Scotland) and his arrogance, that it would never happen lead to a panic Scottish visit, after postal voters had made their vote, was wrong.


Same with the EU referendum, all the doom and gloom. But who has profited from it, Osborne and Cameron. Sorry but I think Osborne should be made to stand down, how can he serve his voters wth all the other jobs he has? I suppose Cameron has done the right thing but he assumed we would vote remain and got us very little concessions from the EU.


In this election can all parties just face up to the fact we are leaving the EU and state their position re Brexit, hard or soft. I would love some honesty! I am a Scot and Nicola get over yourself please. The EU did state in the last referendum that we would not be a member state and that ain't going to change. In the last referendum re independance, I said there should be two questions, one re UK and the other re the EU.


Rant over but can we please this time have some honesty. Forget the scaremongery just be honest.


PS Ukip what are your policies since the Brexit vote



Message 7 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

So it looks like Cruella de May is rushing to the polls, to beat the CPS charging 20 people with Election fraud over Tory misdeeds in the last one.





There could be quite a few shock results, not all in Mays favour, People will enter the majority of Booths in England mostly thinking of Labour versus Conservative, Not Corbyn versus May.


But watch out for the LibDems in anti-Brexit areas all across the South of England.


In Scotland May might even take some seats, due to tactical voting, as might Labour. Lots of people are fed up of the one trick Pony (Indy) SNP, who might be smarting from local Council election setbacks - yes we go to the Polls on May 4th for them. 


Message 8 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Aye agree with you there regards the fraud. They'll be hoping for landslide so that can be brushed under the carpet.


Irrespective of my thoughts on independence this snap election fiasco is exactly what she accused Nicola Sturgeon of doing-"playing politics"


If SNP lose a few few seats it will be of no significance up here. Albeit the "bulldog face" and the "greetin wain" who lead Con and Lab will make a big deal about it.What happens in a UK election makes absolutely no difference here-we never get what we vote for. All those sleekit misfits that came up here on trains during the Indy 1 promising us this promising us that have all disappeared into the wilderness never to be seen again and "the vow" in most part broken-no shocks there then!


Lib dems might gain a few but that charlatan who was involved in fraud in Orkney should be in jail . That was brushed under the carpet too. At least the two dodgy ones that came out of SNP were sacked ,but imho should be in jail anaw .


It will be interesting and I think she's taken a very big gamble. Her hype she needs a mandate is nonsense and we all know it. Maybe she should have taken a longer walk in the woods and came across the border at gretna-as the lowland farmers in their lonsome tory seat are not happy after "the vow" That little specky git will hopefully lose his seat .BTW I'm specky too ,so no PC brigade nonsense please.


It will be interesting but I'm backing(although no a betting man anymore) a hung parliament and another mess Smiley LOL

Message 9 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Always great to read your considered views which never fail to make me laugh 😂 So much fraud so much angst, and in the Orkneys of all places, perhaps some bright spark will grasp the opportunity to make a TVs series based upon your findings, I can't wait.
What I never understand about the Scots is why a country that has provided so many leaders of British political parties and trades unions feels it is in some way underrepresented or lacking in influence, it simply doesn't make sense, I can understand to a limited degree the urban dislike of Torres up there but only by those who may have lost out on benefits, in an attempt to get more people back to work as it is if the snp has its way you will have a higher number on benefits and fewer in employment, how does that work?
Message 10 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Well maybe they should bring back "spitting image" there would be some great muppets on view with the current mob that inhabit Westminster Smiley Very Happy They'd be some right ugly muppets that would scare the kids for generations!


I think the country could have been in a better state than it is now if we still had the late John Smith MP base reforms of the labour party. Things might have improved in this realm for the better of everyone. His untimely passing led to a new breed to inhabit that place and take labour in a totally new direction away from core routes in the form of Blair and co, the side kick at the time Brown-being no great leader at all when he came to power. They were maybe a step too far for labour core values,albeit they won three elections based on it.


What you always get with good Scottish debaters was honesty and straight to the point debates. The one that still makes me laugh now was Smith's in the June 1993 debate on John Major premiership "the man with the non-Midas touch" which was reference to non political events - a very witty man indeed!

Message 11 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

I agree with you on the sad demise of smith, another great Scot influencing British politics, Mr Blair was electable which is more than can be said for JC, but he was never forgiven by those on the left of the party for appealing to the centre ground which is why Mrs May is likely to come out on top. The trouble with JC is that he leads a party which is under serge from the blairites through to the momentum group who are unelectable. As I have said previously Britain needs a centre ground party one that cares but won't be taken for a, ride by corporations or wasters. Scotland has a role to play as it always has had but to support a party which has monocular vision isn't going to resolve anything.

Message 12 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Scotland has never had a role to play in tory or some labourites eyes,don't kid yirsel. If you think the Dug and the Pouch have any vested interest in the rights of the Scottish people moreso than a party with a vision of self determination then I'd rather have that glass eye!

Too many years the dump in westminister have played political football (well maybe more so hockey) they like a big stick to hit us with. Scotland like some last bastian of their empire na bud , I for one is sick of it.Dont get me wrong I've played a good part in the UK side having been in the military(many years which I enjoyed- banter and all) for a good number of years until leaving due to ill health.Like many many more after me,much left to fend for yourself, they have no scruples in that place down there. I could go on and on that subject about loads of stuff but will keep it brief lol


 Many years ago nobody really took much notice,but in todays world people are a bit more savvy. With much more info freely available they have seen the treachery first hand the past two generations and have woke up. 50 years ago nationlists were never given a prayer,today they have a goal.1.5 mil + is no poppycock number, 5.1% more and we'd be talking about different things today.Now would the Unionists then say I want a re-run? you bet they would!

Message 13 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Would appear that we do have an election, some 3 years early. 

It would on current polls, give May a second term, with an improved majority, and take her to a position where she would probably have ended her premiership, assuming she survived 2020, which on current information looks far less likely

So, it's very much in her own personal interests to call one. An bigger majority would enable her to be more 'presidential' in her approach, some might say dictatorial, as is the whim some in that office.This equated to 'strong govt' .


On the plus side, Osborne won't be standing as he needs to spend more time with his dealer

Several Labour MPs in marginals, keen to change their leadership, will likely be swept away - somehow it seems fitting


No, I doubt Scotland in the eyes of the main two political parties in Westminster, has much importance other than to deliver MPs, apart from snp ones obviously. 


The Fixed Term Parliament act ,looks as redundant as preston deadwood dahlings


Blair seems to attract condemnation from all sides of the political spectrum, and you could have put Sooty as leader and he would likely have won in that first term, because in many cases govts are voted out, oppositions get in by default


lol @







Message 14 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not






 Perhaps he was 'hearing' Spandau Ballet ' in his head, and thought of old times?



Message 15 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not


Hmm another blunder by May possibly? Not appearing on TV for the election debate could be a massive error.In this day and age the public expect it and they should be forced to attend. After all their supposed to representing the people and the people expects them to show face,not arrogance.

This begs the question if this women has the strength to govern this country? My own personal opinon is she looks uncomfortable in public speaking. I think she's much like the Dug up here for Labour,both look as if their about to greet if they get some robust questions directed towards them. Both look like they need a hug in debates.


Unlike the wee wirey fox and the pouch (to a lesser degree) who relish confrontation and debate and a good auld cat fight..

Message 16 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Eh Cameron was never keen on live debate and in my opinion this is just another American idea that we have adopted! Unfortumately I can remember pre Cameron when this did not happen. I can remember potentials knocking on the door and cannot remember the last time some one did!


On my 18th birthday up in Scotland I got a birthday card from our local Tory MP! My son didn't on his 18th, lol.


Too me the debates are scripted, by spin doctors and it is down to how good an actor you are! Clegg won and few and it became apparant that all he wanted was to continue as deputy PM, could not care less about policies just position. Suspect same is true re Osborne plus money.


Now see Ken "The Handbag" Clarke has gone back on his statement on standing down at the next election sorry Mrs May that Tory does not want Brexit and will not toe any Tory line, you want. 

Message 17 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Were I a politician in any sort of "position" (heaven forbid!) I wouldn't appear in any TV "debate" either.


Why would anyone in their right mind wish to subject themselves to a public interrogation by some arrogant individual who is so far up themselves as to be almost out of sight (!!!) who is ill-mannered, ignorant, rude and constantly interrupts, not allowing a person to finish what they were saying which encourages the other protagonists to act in a like manner?????

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 18 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

It appears that the Scottish lobby is alive and kicking, still moaning constantly. About the bad deal they get from the rest of the UK 😩 As far as I am aware the opposite applies, GERS gives Scotland a better standard of living than the rest of us and they are more than adequately represented in the halls of power wherever you look. No Scotland is littered with problems entirely of its own making and the SNP is a party of windbags all disaffected in some way with life. Their only interest is breaking up the British isles into bite size pieces, and weakening our strength as an island of nations. An Island which has survived some of the biggest threats possible to its freedoms and values by coming together and supporting each other when the chips are down, this is not about the right to self determination this is about self destruction, With vultures gathering everywhere waiting to pick over the bones and cut us adrift. Scotland has and always will be ante Tory it's all the snp ever bangs on about now it has removed labour from power in Scotland, they are obsessed with telling folk how things can only get better, where have I heard that before? Do you honestly believe that you are worse off than someone in Liverpool, Leeds, Cardiff or Leicester, just because the politicians we elect are based in Westminster? Or are you trying to become the next Zimbabwe, grabbing land for your own Croft and then seeking subsidies in order to survive. Madness utter madness!
Message 19 of 29
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Re: Well what a suprise- not

Please this is not about 2 football teams, there is more to Scotland than two Glaswegian teams!


Scotland was in the 70's mainly Tory or Labour, SNP were about but few voted for them. I seem to remember Maggie came into power and we Scots were happy until she decided to use Scotland as a two year trial for the Poll Tax . We complained she did not listen, but within a year of rolling it out in England, she changed her mind. But many Scots were called to court for unpaid Poll Tax for years to come. Hence SNP became popular and Tories not acceptable. Scotland has been used as a testing ground for other policies including the smoking ban.


Ironic that some SNP policies are now being adopted in England!


I am NOT an SNP supporter as I believe we should leave the EU, but today having read what some papers, published  north and south of border are saying, I doubt the media will allow us to remain as the UK. I bought  two English papers this morning, drove to Scotland and bought another


If the media have their way, the UK will split, but not just Scotland, will the troubles in Northern Ireland restart, what about Gibralter? sorry but May did make a mistake, or couldn't care less, re Gib in the Article 50 letter  

Message 20 of 29
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