It Looks like JJ has gone.

It Looks increasingly likely that the US have managed to eliminate Jihadi John. Never nice to welcome death but such a severely deranged individual would most likely have continued his depravity until he was either captured or killed. I know that the rule of law should be applied to criminals but in such extreme cases surely it is better that the problem is removed and further damage avoided?

Message 1 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

I quite agree archie, you live by the sword you die by the sword figuratiely speaking. I hope they did get him.

Yes you will get people saying he should have been captured and put on trial but what then ! Pay god knows what for a trial and the cost to keep him incarcerated !

Nope ! exterminate him like the piece of vermin he is or I hope was.

Message 2 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

You are quite right but the problem is that he may now be seen as a martyr ....or even worse still there may be retributions ...


Many people will be relieved that he can no longer continue with his evil acts ...



Message 3 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

I wonder who's involved with this lot?:-

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 4 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

@millielilac wrote:

You are quite right but the problem is that he may now be seen as a martyr ....or even worse still there may be retributions ...


Many people will be relieved that he can no longer continue with his evil acts ...



Just heard on the news there were multiple attacks at numerous sites in Paris this evening. Automatic weapons and grenades were involved and hostages have been taken. Looks like maybe you are right about retributions.



Message 5 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

The incidents in Paris are truly shocking and beyond belief yet no one has claimed responsibility.


However this attack was obviously pre planned and more likely to be an unhappy coincidence rather than retribution for JJ . 


Words really fail me ....deepest deepest sympathy to the people of France many innocent victims ...

Message 6 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

I agree, this was a planned action which will have taken time to put together. It has been evident for some time given heightened security around the world that something was on the cards and there may well be more. The removal of JJ and others like him who sponsor and plan this type of horror must be our priority. 

Message 7 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

@millielilac wrote:

You are quite right but the problem is that he may now be seen as a martyr ....


Do you know, I really couldn't give a damn whether these disgusting, barbaric and treacherous savages are lauded as Martyrs, and rewarded with the customary 72 virgins, just so long as every last one of them are wiped from the face of the earth, by whatever means possible.


The only ones who believe in the Martyr rhetoric, are the sick and twisted members of this cult themselves. The rest of us know them for what they are, simply a cancerous growth on humanity, that should be exterminated.



Message 8 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

@artful_dodgings wrote:

@millielilac wrote:

You are quite right but the problem is that he may now be seen as a martyr ....


Do you know, I really couldn't give a damn whether these disgusting, barbaric and treacherous savages are lauded as Martyrs, and rewarded with the customary 72 virgins, just so long as every last one of them are wiped from the face of the earth, by whatever means possible.


The only ones who believe in the Martyr rhetoric, are the sick and twisted members of this cult themselves. The rest of us know them for what they are, simply a cancerous growth on humanity, that should be exterminated.



Whilst I understand your sentiments and agree that we would all be better off if these people were "wiped from the face of the Earth" there are dangers attached in trying to do so.  Each individual killed has family and friends which makes them potential future recruits.  Even worse when innocents are caught in the 'crossfire', (which in itself is tragic), and produces yet more 'recruits' out for vengeance.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

Are you suggesting that he would be better off alive? Incarcerated if it were possible yet free to preach his doctrine to others and funded by each of us in the process. I have not one shred of sympathy for him or his type and those who do should take a long hard look at what appeasement brings to the table.

Message 10 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

It's not a matter of being "better off" and certainly no hint of appeasment, quite the contrary - I was simply highlighting the contradiction inherent in trying to "wipe them from face of the Earth" - the more we try to do so the more there will be willing to fight back.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

If you do something in isolation and ignorance of why others sympathise with hard liners then I agree. We need a pragmatic approach addressing poverty and governance on the one hand and self appointed terrorists on the other.


Message 12 of 13
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Re: It Looks like JJ has gone.

The idea behind terrorism is that you cause terror.


After doing something horrific, you don't have to do anything for a while, what you've already done will terrorise people to the extent that (early on afterwards anyway), the people you've terrorised become paranoid and over-react to the smallest thing.


Gatwick has been evacuated after a man was "seen to discard something" and was "acting suspiciously".

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 13 of 13
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