If you think society's sick........

........why do people refuse to look at the obvious......the brain dead sport for the brain dead masses.........but we mustn't ever critize good old footy must we......god forbid.



Chelsea’s Premier League title bid has been hit by a new Diego Costa row on the back of the striker ­becoming the latest Premier League star to receive a huge offer from China that would make him one of the highest-paid players in the world.

Telegraph Sport understands head coach Antonio Conte has dropped Costa for Saturday’s Premier League trip to Leicester City in which leaders Chelsea are looking to bounce back from the defeat against Tottenham Hotspur that ended their 13-game winning run.

Costa did not train with the rest of the squad for the past three days after a bust up over an injury with a club fitness coach, which developed into a heated row with Conte. Sources claim Conte shouted 'go to China' and Costa did not travel to Leicester.


Chelsea are also aware that he has received a staggering offer from China, with at least one club telling the Spain international that they are willing to pay him £30 million-a-year net to lure him from Stamford Bridge.

That would put Costa on £576,923 a week, not far behind the world’s highest-paid player Carlos Tevez, who signed for Shanghai Shenhua on around £615,000 a week.

Message 1 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

The man who sees both sides of a question is a man who sees absolutely nothing at all. - Oscar Wilde

Message 41 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

Ironic that you should choose to quote Oscar Wilde - an individual who would have benefited greatly from the change in attitude and laws towards gays.

Message 42 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

So,in your eyes, it should carry more weight then.........no ??

Message 43 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

In the context in which Wilde wrote it then absolutely.


I presume you are familiar with the comedy "The Importance of Being Earnest" and the part Gilbert plays" 🙂

Message 44 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

We digress somewhat, I still don't think you've quite got the point I'm making. As I said in my post #39, I've no doubt that many advances, both socially and technologically, have made the lives of many better and given them hitherto unachievable freedoms......but has it produced BETTER PEOPLE !!!  Is society more or less volatile, more or less divided and therefore likely to be more or less belligerent !!! Personally, I think it's worse than ever; both in this country and worldwide.

Message 45 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

Have people got better in my lifetime? - well I guess that depends on how you define 'better'.


Certainly 'public' attitudes towards minorities, (racial,sexuality, religion and gender), have improved - blind acceptance of authority has declined but some will say that is an improvement - life expectancy has increased but fitness may be declining - more people are highly educated but some may question whether education in general has improved.


I can't give you a definitive answer to your question of whether or not people are better now than they were in the early years of my life but overall they certainly have better lives.  Many say they fear for their children or wouldn't like to be a child today - I don't agree, I'd love to be a child today, there are far more opportunities for youngsters now and it's such an exciting age to live in - knowledge, technology, communications and the ease of travel have changed phenomenally during my lifetime and there are little signs of this progress slowing down.


There are far more opportunities to become a 'better' person today than there were 70 years ago - whether people take advantage of those opportunities is up to them.

Message 46 of 48
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Re: If you think society's sick........

Good link.......interesting reading and very informative.

Message 48 of 48
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