Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

A dossier detailing explosive claims of sex abuse by paedophiles within Westminster has gone missing.

Given to Home Secretary Leon Brittan in 1983, the files allegedly exposed a vile network at Parliament and Whitehall.

But there is no record of any subsequent criminal inquiry and the Home Office yesterday admitted the dossier is either lost or destroyed.


Lord Brittan, 74, is now facing questions over his handling of the document and inconsistencies in his account of what he did with it.





BTW the majority of a Dossier on  child sexual abuse in N Wales and the NW of England by VIPs, including Police and local Politicians, which was compiled. Has also vanished into the ether, what is left, is only the bare bones of another explosive document.






Old Celebs it seems aren't that 'LUCKY'

Message 1 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Surprise ! Surprise !!

Message 2 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Now Al, had such a statement like yours been in a news report, it would be justified in being dismissed as "Socialist Propaganda".


If the file was "lost", it was "lost" by Civil Servants so why Brittan is being kicked, I dunno.


An interesting item in the Guardian (!!??) about a letter from Brittan to Dickens:-


"According to the letter from Brittan to Dickens on 20 March 1984, the home secretary wrote to Dickens saying: "You drew my attention to a number of allegations concerning paedophilia when you called here on 23 November and in subsequent letters.

"I am now able to tell you that, in general terms, the view of the director of public prosecutions is that two of the letters you forwarded could form the basis for inquiries by the police and they are now being passed to the appropriate authorities.

"In other cases there either seems to be inadequate evidence to pursue prosecution, for example the lady who wrote about PIE1 advertising but did not secure any example of the material complained of, or they have already been dealt with in some way by the courts or the police."


Brittan therefore did what he was supposed to do = passed on the file to Civil Servants to deal with and as he was told that the DPP had looked at it and had passed on that info to the Cops, what else was Brittan supposed to do? Investigate it himself?


A Minister can only rely on the paid officials, (the same officials who are there whether the "Government" is Labour or Conservative), the Minister only initiates enquiries and wait for them to report back as seems to have been the case according to Brittans letter to Dickens in March 1984.


Turning now to the North Wales issue, that is not correct. The "file" was said to be missing but subsequently the whole lot was found, not just the "bare bones". That has been reported during several cases/trials before the Courts and there are still more yet to go to trial.


As an aside and as to PIE, as I remember things, some investigative journalists were following up on some people (men) who hung around London stations dressed in some pseudo uniform on the pretext of spotting and "helping" runaways. Investigating further, the journalists uncovered the real reason those people were looking for runaways was to exploit them for "undesirable activities" (put your own meaning on that!). Further investigation brought the journalists in to contact with PIE and they attended at least one meeting (may have been more) before they exposed the whole business.


One bit I remember from the news report which blew the whole thing wide open was that one prominant member of PIE had (at that PIE meeting) introduced a girl as his "Gilfriend". She was 12 years old!



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 3 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Ohh well well well,,,, more sickening revelations,,, more Paedophiles. What or who is going to be next??. Everything is coming out now telling of the disgusting depraved depths people will go too, to satisfy their Narcisistic souls!!!!!. The whole world is going crazy and a lot of the people in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Woman Mad

Message 4 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Although Civil Servants are ( to all intents and purposes ) non political ie. they remain in post, serving whatever political masters are in power at any particular time; they are, most definitely, like fawning mothers to their respective bosses. They protect them, cover up any transgressions and act as buffers between ordinary people and their bosses. They are not so much part of the problem, as actually the problem itself. They just help to create a circle of deceit, with no end and no therefore nobody at the end to take the blame. A system that has been allowed to propergate and serves its architects well.

Message 5 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing


I,ve thought all along that these so called celebrities are being used as scapegoats to detract attention away from the bigger and more powerfull fish in the establishment,of course these celebrities should all be brought to book,but in doing so these powerful and manipulative individuals have inadvertanly opened Pandora's box to shine a light on their own disgusting practices,Take the case of Cyril Smith,Special Branch officers in Rochdale had a large dossier on Smith,They had a visit from some MI5 officers who took charge of the dossier and said they'd take care of it,they certainly did that ,and they also warned the Special Branch officers to let it drop,I've no doubt that MP's of all parties were engaged in horrific acts of child abuse,as Smith was,but i think these missing files will never be unearthed.


heres a clip from youtube 24.01 seconds in Tim Fortescue, Ted Heath’s, Chief Whip talking about small boys:

We are many,They are few
Message 6 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

CD -


 I wasn't talking about the 'missing'  Jillings Report, I was talking about the original evidence files, from the original Police inquiries, from 1996 that led to the 'Waterhouse inquiry'



Message 7 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Al, it might not have been reported nationally but after the wrong accusations about the Peer, it was reported here that a copy of the missing files had been located.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 9 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

The Higher The Power The Lower they sink. Think they can get away with it,,,, you wait and see it will start coming out in more organizations now!. We have had Priests,,Government or MPS, Celebrities,,,,what next????.

Message 10 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Next it will be the old Librarians.  Let's consider - why did they keeping putting their fingers to their lips to go "Shhhh"?



Was it a mere invocation to silence, so that people could read their books in peace.  Or had it a more sinister motivation - a signal that oral intercourse was available to chjildren who would keep quiet about it?


Well, now we all know the answer!


I never realised it at the time.   When I went to the library as a kid,   I naively supposed that the Librarians were nice people, there to help me get the right book.  But all the time,  they were really lusting after my young body!


This thought is so horrible,  that it 's causing retrospective nightmares.  My life is being ruined, by the hideous contemplation of what outrages those Librarians might have committed upon my person.


Can I claim some compensation money for mental anguish - anyone know a good lawyer?


Message 11 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Malacandran LOl,LOl,LOL,LOL, haaa haa haaa haa LOL. OH MY GAWD!!!!!Woman LOL

Message 12 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Malacandran.............this blokes a good lawyer...........represented a few MP's in his time.



Message 13 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

JHC, it's enough to put you off your dinner. lol.

Message 14 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Tom Watson MP has started an online petition to Establish a national inquiry into allegations of organised child abuse


"For the past two years I've been working with a cross party group of MPs, survivors and experts looking into allegations of child abuse which may have involved senior Westminster and Whitehall figures in the 1970s and 80s.

This week it has emerged that files detailing the allegations have gone missing.

Many survivors of child abuse believe they have been let down by system of child protection in the UK. 

Thousands had nowhere to turn. Nobody listened and nobody helped. 

The missing Home Office files and the failure of previous police and local authority inquiries has meant that MPs from all the political parties have supported calls for an overarching national inquiry. 

Government should make amends for historic failures to act by establishing an independent national inquiry into organised child abuse.

We owe it to the survivors. They expect nothing less"


Last time i looked nearly 37,000 had signed


We are many,They are few
Message 15 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

It's regrettable that Geoffrey Dickens didn't make a copy of this file he handed to Leon Brittain.


Did he not for a moment stop to think that he was dealing with the "establishment" and that it was possible the very person he handed the file to was part of that and would make a good job of making sure it never surfaced. Such naivete.







Message 16 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Apparently Geoffrey Dickens also handed the dossier to the Director of Public Prosecutions


According to Dickens son,his fathers constiuency house and his flat in London were broken into,but nothing was stolen

Labour MP Simon Danczuk was warned off asking Brittan what he knew about paedophile dossier:


"a senior Conservative MP “stepped out of the shadows” to confront him. He said: “I’d never spoken to him before in my life but he blocked my way and ushered me to one side.

“He said: ‘I hear you’re about to challenge Lord Brittan about when he knew about child sex abuse. It wouldn’t be a wise move. It was all put to bed a long time ago.’ He warned me I could even be responsible for his death"


maybe Dickens was a bit naive,but if you couldn't trust the home secretary or the DPP,where could he go?

It just gets murkier and murkier,and i think certain people would not welcome an inquiry coming up to the general election




We are many,They are few
Message 17 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

They (Brittain and DPP) would probably have had a get together and both agreed to suppress it.

I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them! Can you imagine the impact of revealing those names...


I agree he should have been able to trust them (in an ideal world) but when you're dealing with the "big boys" the rules don't count and that's at the heart  of the "establishment". You only have to look back at how situations have been "managed" by back room dealings both politically and within the media and how that information has been exposed years later. It's all about control at the top and control of the masses. 


Hopefully there are some people in positions of power with a shred of decency who will get to the bottom of this and not be fobbed off .







Message 18 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

Time to research Elm Lodge and see if you can find the "guest" list if you want big names......

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 19 of 65
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Re: Dossier on Establishment Peadophiles is missing

I'll let Tom Watson do that as I'm sure he'll do a better job of it than I ever could.




Meanwhile a wonderful quote from Gabriel Garcia Marques:


"Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life and a secret life."






Message 20 of 65
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