Computer trouble

Not applicable

Guys my computer has been running slow for ages now. I have Windows 7.

In the beginning there was no problem, but over the last months things really started to get annoying.

First of all I keep getting this big advert for betting coming up and no way to stop it. I never bet by the way nor would I ever click a link that has anything to do with it. I think it interferes with anything I'm doing at that moment. I just click the X and then some time later it will pop up again. There is nothing else I can do. I do have an add blocker, but obviously it doesn't block that.

Often my screen freezes and nothing responds anymore. I will do Ctrl, Alt delete and check the task manager ending the programs. Then I have to start again.

I have taken loads of stuff off my PC since this nonsense started in the hope it would become faster again or functioning better, but nothing seems to help.

I have only used a quarter of the space on my PC.

I have defragmented the hard drive a couple of months ago.

Before my computer starts working or warming up, it might take 15 minutes before I can post a smiley on a thread. Then when I want to open another site, again it takes ages. It's like it needs caffeine for half an hour before it can start functioning a bit normal.

At the moment I will close any tabs that I'm not using, but it's a bit of a pain having to log in every time. It doesn't seem to have made any difference. I could have many tabs open in the past without a problem.


On a daily basis I feel like throwing my PC out of the window. I'm sat next to one, so it's very tempting!

Does anyone has similar problems? If anyone has any suggestions, please tell me before I do something stupid.

Message 1 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

if it was mine i would download the free additions of


adblock plus ( for whichever browser you use


then download the free editions of malwearbytes and superantispywear and run them in that order


also the free edition of cc cleaner and run that ( also run the registery cleaner part as well)


disc cleanup and defrag after would help


probable take you most of a day but you will then have a computer free of spam and malwear and will run a lot faster

Message 2 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Sounds like you have install a program that had Malware.

get Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and avast and scan your Computer

and get and run CCleaner all 3 of the programs are free and work good

if that dont work just backup all your files you need and format you Hdd and just put windows 7 back in it (i do this ones every 6 weeks to keep my computer running good and fast
Message 3 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Not applicable

OK, thanks guys. I will have a look at it all. Smiley Happy

By the way, I have just put another ad blocker in place, to see if that helps a bit as well.

I'll keep you posted.

Message 4 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Message 5 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

kaspersky rescue disk don't not seem to be up to date as the last update as 10/07/2014 going by

its a good idea to use only the up to date rescue disks and anti Malware. and antivirus as there are 100+ new virus/Malware every day

avast lets you do a free rescue disks or rescue USB everyday with the new updates

Message 6 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Not applicable

Yes, I do have avast, so that's being done then.

Message 7 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Thats good keeps it updated and try get the paid one of it if you can like the Avast Premier as this one is the bast one to get .

but get Malwarebytes Anti-Malware as right now there will be something running without you knowing may be sending info about you or added more Malware.
Message 8 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Not applicable

Can't afford it as yet, but I will keep it in mind.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

You could be there all day unloading so called free programmes with tell you how bad things are only to demand a few to repair them.
The best genuinely free programme for keeping your puter tidy was recommended to me by Al B. Glary Utilities, I actually took the paid version after several free years. If you can be bothered give it a try and when installed just run the quick scan but unstick the start up section. That should sort you out however if you still have slow speed then make sure you have a rescue disk and run the fix again this time with the start up ticked.
Message 10 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Not applicable

OK, I'll try that as well. Thanks Archie. Smiley Happy



Message 11 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Once you are certain you have no malware installed there is an Adblock plus Pop-up Addon you can install to stop the gambling ad appearing if you are using Firefox and Adblock plus.

It "extends the blocking functionality of Adblock Plus to those annoying pop-up windows that open on mouse clicks and other user actions."

Did you manage to get your machine functioning as expected using CCleaner?
Message 12 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Harriet, I firmly believe PCs have a shelf life, and when they get beyond that point they go awry. (Planned Obsolescence). You can try all of the above suggestions, coupled with a boil wash, and nothing will make the slightest bit of difference.


What you could attempt that hasn't been proposed, is a system restore. Before you bounce your pc off the four walls, try that out.

Mister EMB

Message 13 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Spot on Embs! Same with humans, I was so fed up with my pacemaker I took the poxy batteries and resorted to the mains that speeded things up for a second or two!
Played havoc with my bionic bits
Message 14 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

@electric*mayhem*band wrote:

Harriet, I firmly believe PCs have a shelf life, and when they get beyond that point they go awry. (Planned Obsolescence). You can try all of the above suggestions, coupled with a boil wash, and nothing will make the slightest bit of difference.


What you could attempt that hasn't been proposed, is a system restore. Before you bounce your pc off the four walls, try that out.

If that is the case a Linux system could be put on it. Whilst software is obsoleting hardware, for basic computing a single core processor with 1GB RAM will suffice for anything, until you come to streaming. Once you start streaming things your better off with a - dual core CPU and 2GB RAM - though one will do.

You can stream with a - single core and 1GB - though the pictures and sound go out if sync. Still watchable. That sort of machine will suffice for eBay work.


Linux systems are as easy to configure and run as Windows machines, in fact when you get down to it easier, as there is specific community support to assist with any issues.


I would recommend Linux Mint 17 (it is supported until 2019) for anything up to the specs mentioned or above. There are many others avialable for a whole variety of circumstances.


If you decide to buy another Windows machine ensure that you install the Adblock Add-on before going anywhere with the browser.


A complete system re-installation is also worth considering in this instance. That will return you to the start and state the machine was functioning in when you started using whatever system you had installed. Which if I've read correctly was functioning acceptably at some point.


All the best.


Message 15 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

I gave you Kudos but would have preferred to give feedback, excellent response, well packaged, speedy delivery, 1st class Ebayer
Message 16 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

I had to do a computer clean with Malwarebytes and it found 2 bugs..

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 17 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

Not applicable

Thank you very much anthony for all that info. I will keep it in mind.

At the moment my computer seems to be a bit faster since I put another ad blocker in, so maybe that was all it was. I only have to keep taking it off when I want to use photobucket, but that is ok.

If things slow down more again I will do all the other stuff.


Message 18 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

A short while ago, I read in "community" that internet explorer wasn't compatible with eBay.  Advice was to change browser so I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and wrote a response advising that computer (laptop) was now faster. All too soon computer became slow again, long time to start, froze etc.  I alternated between Mozilla and Internet Explorer.    Yesterday, I looked at Microsoft help (can't remember how I got there), clicked on a few highlighted areas and Windows advised that two programmes were trying to open when using Start.  One being CCcleaner which I've still got on system.  Windows said they'd fixed it and, fingers' crossed, I seem to be faster.  Mozilla Firefox keeps sending download instructions, despite me still having it and I think I may delete it altogether and stick with Internet Explorer.  Hope this helps. J

Message 19 of 23
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Re: Slow Computer trouble

@hermanhouse wrote:

A short while ago, I read in "community" that internet explorer wasn't compatible with eBay.  Advice was to change browser so I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and wrote a response advising that computer (laptop) was now faster. All too soon computer became slow again, long time to start, froze etc.  I alternated between Mozilla and Internet Explorer.    Yesterday, I looked at Microsoft help (can't remember how I got there), clicked on a few highlighted areas and Windows advised that two programmes were trying to open when using Start.  One being CCcleaner which I've still got on system.  Windows said they'd fixed it and, fingers' crossed, I seem to be faster.  Mozilla Firefox keeps sending download instructions, despite me still having it and I think I may delete it altogether and stick with Internet Explorer.  Hope this helps. J

Take out Firefox and put on Google Crome and see if this helps....It did for me..and its FREE.

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 20 of 23
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