
Today we have been reminded that Winston Churchill led this country to stop us being taken over by foreigners who hated us.


While all of our recent 'leaders' have, without asking us, given away our country to foreigners who hate us.


Smiley Frustrated

Message 1 of 61
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Re: Churchill

You may all have been correct when it comes round to dates etc but the funeral procession took place at a later date. In fact, I think it was late on in 1966, not 1965. Something to do with protocol and the like. I know for a fact that I was in Ganges in early 1966 through until mid February of 1967. I also did the ceremonial drills relating to Churchill's  funeral at the back end of my time there.

I also know that we all got a Churchill five shilling Crown in our wage packets.


Stevie. xxx

Message 41 of 61
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Re: Churchill

The State Funeral of Churchill took place on the 30th January 1965

Message 42 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Wasn't the State Funeral of Churchill,  a kind of symbol of the Funeral of Britain?



Message 43 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Wasn't the State Funeral of Churchill, a kind of symbol of the Funeral of Britain?






 Yes i suppose it was , Emprire was getting broken up , Suez was 1956 , India was independent in 1947 


by 1965 , Britain was starting to look for a new role .


 It was a hell of an innings we had as a country , but nothing lasts forever , and ither countries have taken over the top spot , or are vying for contention .



 Britain is best just fading away now , proud in the knowledge we did our best and played the game .

I been 12 years on ebay and had 1000's of sales and I trust people more than ever now
Message 44 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Churchill was probably the most challenged politician of the 20th century. His leadership skills during our darkest hours were amazing, yet he was troubled and suffered terribly from depression. His status is well earned and he will always remain an icon of Britain.
Sadly it would appear that Steve did not attend the actual funeral and HMS Ganges went downhill after Steve serving as a training base for the Iranian Navy during the latter years of the Shah. It is interesting and telling that at the end of the war Churchill failed to be elected showing clearly that even then we had made the transition from simple peasants to selfish wannabes.
And so that is the way we continue to develop, Never in my lifetime has so much been expected by so many for nothing.
Message 45 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@fallen-archie wrote:
Churchill was probably the most challenged politician of the 20th century. His leadership skills during our darkest hours were amazing, yet he was troubled and suffered terribly from depression. His status is well earned and he will always remain an icon of Britain.
Sadly it would appear that Steve did not attend the actual funeral and HMS Ganges went downhill after Steve serving as a training base for the Iranian Navy during the latter years of the Shah. It is interesting and telling that at the end of the war Churchill failed to be elected showing clearly that even then we had made the transition from simple peasants to selfish wannabes.
And so that is the way we continue to develop, Never in my lifetime has so much been expected by so many for nothing.

We have a lot to be thankful for concerning the defeat of Churchill in the 1945 election - had the Conservatives won that election they would have remained in power until the mid '60s - the NHS would never have existed and the chance of persuading the electorate to introduce a state funded health system in the boom times of the '60s would have been very slim.

Message 46 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I don't know ,perhaps the things like the NHS are what have ruined the countries economy today,it's open to debate whether a form of funding would have turned up under the tories,if it had it may have been afficient today not falling apart in the whole .


May have been the worst mistake of Britains life not voting Churhill back in.

Message 47 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

I don't know ,perhaps the things like the NHS are what have ruined the countries economy today,it's open to debate whether a form of funding would have turned up under the tories,if it had it may have been afficient today not falling apart in the whole .


May have been the worst mistake of Britains life not voting Churhill back in.

It is difficult to come up with examples of a more efficient health care system that provides such a high quality of service for all as the NHS does.



Message 48 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Again I am not sure.... we must be talking about different things and not Churchill .

The NHS trust however is struggling with finance ,allocation ,staff and patcients ,the ambulence service is on a wire to it is a very good service all things considered and no where else on the planet matches it on this scale,but you said Churchill and tory defeat caused this ,and that's what I am not so sure about,...they may have and it may not have been facing the problems it is doing,whilst delivering same said service.

Message 49 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

Again I am not sure.... we must be talking about different things and not Churchill .

The NHS trust however is struggling with finance ,allocation ,staff and patcients ,the ambulence service is on a wire to it is a very good service all things considered and no where else on the planet matches it on this scale,but you said Churchill and tory defeat caused this ,and that's what I am not so sure about,...they may have and it may not have been facing the problems it is doing,whilst delivering same said service.

Reading about Churchill and his political views I think it is fair to say, with a level of certainty, that he would never have introduced a system that nationalised existing hospitals and put in place a healthcare system that was funded from central taxation where the wealthy paid more than the poor for the same service.

Message 50 of 61
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Re: Churchill

hypothetically ,I was more talking about the tories being voted back in...but my own personal view is your probably right  about Churchill in assuming that.

Message 51 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

hypothetically ,I was more talking about the tories being voted back in...but my own personal view is your probably right  about Churchill in assuming that.

Churchill was an advocate of a "national health service" and many claim that he was the 'father' of the NHS - however his vision was for a system based on 'compulsory' insurance not for a tax funded and nationalised service - much as we currently have in the US.

Message 52 of 61
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Re: Churchill

And they havent changed from that idea still have they...thing is (as I was saying) would it be in a better position today or had they been voted in would it be run with efficient management in the non essential departments via private owned ,insured use  of and by now have a free essential service via state owned NI...and would that be better than todays version

Message 53 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

And they havent changed from that idea still have they...thing is (as I was saying) would it be in a better position today or had they been voted in would it be run with efficient management in the non essential departments via private owned ,insured use  of and by now have a free essential service via state owned NI...and would that be better than todays version

The best way of trying to show that it would have been better like that would be to compare the existing NHS with insurance based systems in other parts of the world - as far as I can see all such comparisons fail.

Message 54 of 61
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Re: Churchill

ok,;s a shame then we are heading down that path regardless then...unless the vote to rid us of Churchill again is big enough 🙂

Message 55 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I'm still confused.

Churchill had a stroke 15 days prior to Jan 24th from which he never officially regained consciousness So he  died and was buried in 6 days. That was  very quick time to allow  thousands of Marines, Army and Navy bods to assemble on London, arrange all the rigmarole of who does what when and where.

I dare say that we would easily take upwards of 10 days to get it all sorted even using today's technology.

Message 56 of 61
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Re: Churchill

There may have been an official funeral and another Forces respect one later and thats the one you were at  ?

Message 57 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

I'm still confused.

Churchill had a stroke 15 days prior to Jan 24th from which he never officially regained consciousness So he  died and was buried in 6 days. That was  very quick time to allow  thousands of Marines, Army and Navy bods to assemble on London, arrange all the rigmarole of who does what when and where.

I dare say that we would easily take upwards of 10 days to get it all sorted even using today's technology.

JFK was buried just 3 days after his assassination and in his case there was no forewarning that the "end was nigh".

Message 58 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Well if this is a competition, Ariel Sharon lay in a vegetative state for eight years but was buried the day after he died in keeping with Jewish tradition.
Message 59 of 61
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Re: Churchill

yippee a competition ..

Message 60 of 61
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