
Today we have been reminded that Winston Churchill led this country to stop us being taken over by foreigners who hated us.


While all of our recent 'leaders' have, without asking us, given away our country to foreigners who hate us.


Smiley Frustrated

Message 1 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@sir_arthur_strebe-grebling wrote:

Today we have been reminded that Winston Churchill led this country to stop us being taken over by foreigners who hated us.


While all of our recent 'leaders' have, without asking us, given away our country to foreigners who hate us.


On the plus side, at least a good ol' American corporation has opened up a dark corner of the net for a gaggle of xenophobic Alf Garnett wannabes to use as their echo-chamber.
Message 21 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I liked Warren Mitchell the person,wasn't that keen on Churchill the person (but I dont like any politicians so could be biased) however I think Mitchell would have made a good one.(whether I ended up disliking him as one is another matter.)


Still Churchill did put his country first over other countries....a bit like hitler I suppose in that respect...however, what Churchill was I dont think he'd make local councillor in todays world ,whereas hitler seems to be springing up all over the world still.


My point is other way round would probably be better




Message 22 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

or even if you are here legally and commit a crime (either against an individual) or against a community...or at very least in the second scenario let the community crimed against decide.

It really is a beyond nonsense set up having an office that knows nothing decide what's best...human rights is a very very good thing (should not be needed) but when used against the honest to support the dishonest,a day is too long to put up with it.

'Or at the very least let the in the second scenario let the community crimed against decide.'


 If only Jo. In this so-called democracy?   


A ''referendum'' would surly bring hard labour back. The vile criminals like those attacked Paul Kohler, have always had a choice. Unlike their victims.


Hard labour ceased in 1963. And people are asking how the hell do we stop them? A severe ''deterent'' must be the answer.


Knowing that a minimum sentence of 20-years hard labour, might have at least made them think twice before kicking Paul in the head. Yes...that type of 'deserved' sentence might even have detered those creatures.


The Victorians had a severe deterrent that worked. Called hard labour. That did not involve pointless activity (like the treadmill ). That was working on public utilities. This involved a variety of tasks from working in quarries, in the docks, to even building new prisons, and building roads. How about that now with our billions of pot holes?


And these four criminals who walked through our open borders despite horrific criminal records to attack Paul Kohlar, would be earning their keep. (as most prisoners should) And the jails would not be full that's for sure.  Nowadays there more like a holiday camps, and so many don't mind going to prison. 


All we want now is for (hug a hoodie, Cameron) to say 'HUG A CRIMINAL GANG.'    



Message 23 of 61
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Re: Churchill

That's probably a vote winner mere '' hug a crime syndicate' seeing as politicians at MP level act like organized crime they probably have a lot in common and sympathy for crimydicates/org/ 


At least we have the feel good of knowing the UK tax payer is still doing it's bit fighting hate and crime in the world by bringing all who like crime and hate here for close monitoring .


''we will fight them on the beaches'' really 🙂

Message 24 of 61
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Re: Churchill




 I could not give you a tit for tat account of 4 Britsh who battered an OAP In Poland , 


 But I do recall working in Germany , and being with a gang of Brick layers (back in 1992 ) 


 Well one was a particular bad sort , and he got jealous of this barmaids boyfreind , well anyway with a another British Bricke , they beat him senseles and robbed him of his wallet



 They boith got 5 years for this as it went down in German law as "Armed robbery "


 I worked in Germany fir 8 years from 1990 to 1998 , and it was common for the British to be disliked , due to their lager lout behaviour 


They would work on the building sites , and get well paid , then drink the pubs dry at the weekend (and every night ) 😉



 I do think you get bad sorts in from all over , and it was good those Poles got 19years apiece for that attack on the Lecturer , but you cant tar all with the same brush 



 Jack tar 😉 afterall , ruled the Seas for hundreds of years , (and whatever port they happened to be in ) 


 Thos days when Britian was Top dog , were our glory days , when we were superior to other countrie s, now we are on the decline , and other countries are having their day in the Sun 


 Theres not much we can do about 

I been 12 years on ebay and had 1000's of sales and I trust people more than ever now
Message 25 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Well of course you can't tar everyone with the same brush..who says you can ? 


The point is the same in your story ..the offenders should be sent home to their national homeland for sentencing if british national UK should deal with them.  If all countries within this free market agree on justice and sentencing then there would not be a problem of what to do with the offenders on returning shamefaced home ...If the world is a nice humane normal world ,the lives of the offenders who let it's country and peoples down with no escape as banned travel ,would either be repentive making up over years or made hellish if they refused to accept their behaviour ,as no one would serve them beer for starters ,let alone talk to them .

Message 26 of 61
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Re: Churchill

@joamur_gosof wrote:

Well of course you can't tar everyone with the same brush..who says you can ? 


The point is the same in your story ..the offenders should be sent home to their national homeland for sentencing if british national UK should deal with them.  If all countries within this free market agree on justice and sentencing then there would not be a problem of what to do with the offenders on returning shamefaced home ...If the world is a nice humane normal world ,the lives of the offenders who let it's country and peoples down with no escape as banned travel ,would either be repentive making up over years or made hellish if they refused to accept their behaviour ,as no one would serve them beer for starters ,let alone talk to them .

Sounds good but totally impractical - could you imagine returning individuals found guilty of terrorist activities or those guilty of certain offences agains women to Saudi Arabia or indeed someone found guilty of posession of alcohol in Saudi Arabia being returned to the UK for punishment.


Sentencing guidelines are not even uniform across the EU let alone in other parts of the world.


Message 27 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Well yes upthecreeky this is exactly the problem..why I put 'in a humane world '  It is our fault ,we let the blind lead us year in year out...the lessons of the past (even though we are all far more aware and educated of each other) still don't seem to matter.


I would have expected one country to come up with a plan we all could follow (honestly thought UK at one point, would be leader) that leads us to unity.

Message 28 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I don't know you know ,perhaps the world .it's leaders and it's peoples are all living in utopia and nothing needs sorting out (they have enough psychoanalysts employed at the top ) I am sure everything is running smoothly and according to plan. 


Churchill would say in his finest bulldog fasion ''great britain'

Message 29 of 61
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Re: Churchill

If you commit a crime , and get punished , you get a criminal record 


 part of the  punishement may involve getting tagged .


Though I dont know exact details "tagging " restricts movement , and you may have to observe a curfew 


 When sufficient time has elapsed ie the punishment for the crime committed has been served 


 Then the criminal is then "free " 



 Just like you may get 2 years for housebreaking , once the two years is up , they dont say "lets keep you in a few more years , just in case you reoffend "



 No time done , debt paid , chance to redeem



 Just as its possible for a convivted housebreaker , to get in a car in Glasgow and drive down to Bristol , (no permission is needed , its a free country afterall ) 



 The police in Bristol , have no idea that a convicted housebreaker from Glasgow is thier midst , and thye will only really know , when someone reports him for suspicious activity , or they have cause to amke an inquiry .



 The Police may say , we cant keep tabs on the millions of people in the UK , who have had criminal conviction at some point , true they can potentially reoffend at any minute 


 its just best to wait until they do .



 In a similar way as to how the criminal got from Glasgow to Bristol , i;e  Drove a car on a public road 



 well thta self same convicted criminal who served time for his offence , can then drive through the channel tunnel , and enter the continental mainland 




 There are 350 million people in the EU , the first principle of which is free travel , with no restrictions , for people and for trade 





some 2 million people form the EU , have chosen to settle in the UK


 and some 2 million people from the UK , have chosen to settle in the EU




I been 12 years on ebay and had 1000's of sales and I trust people more than ever now
Message 30 of 61
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Re: Churchill

point taken .


. All my point was it should be high on the agenda 'how to deal with it' rather than as most people are saying ,''not really much you can do''  ..

Freedom isn't a luxury most hard working honest people can afford these not un-tagging and banning travel to criminals doesn't seem too bad a choice of freedoms for those who commit crimes against others.

To be honest I thought that's what all these billions of tax money receivers on 'local' councils and an army of office dwelling civil servants were being paid make sure the 'honest guy' got what he pays for ? If that includes banning a glasgow crim from Kent ,then so be it....and so on and so forth..

Is this not what all these civil servants do then ?

Message 31 of 61
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Re: Churchill


sir_arthur_strebe-grebling wrote:


Today we have been reminded that Winston Churchill led this country to stop us being taken over by foreigners who hated us.


While all of our recent 'leaders' have, without asking us, given away our country to foreigners who hate us.


Smiley Frustrated

SIR A,  what do YOU think of it so far? 
Just wondered like.  


Actually you must know that Hitler did not want a 'WORLD' war, and had no stomach for fighting us (and our allies). Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States. His territorial demands were limited to conquering Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions. He was determined to avoid fighting a war on two fronts. (oh dear he did). I thought I heard somewhere that he actually admired us.


And quite rightly. Shush, one or two on here wont like that Man WinkWoman Wink .



Message 32 of 61
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Re: Churchill

No problem with Hitler admiring Britain.


Lots of problems with those who admire him and more importantly with those who advocate his policies on religion, race and immigration.

Message 33 of 61
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Re: Churchill

race and religion and hitler.. what a nasty paranoid clown,feeding on others phobias..not worth a second thought .


Immigration ,well he hit some truths of same said phobias didn't he ,I mean look around the world today and immigration and the control of hits nearly every headline in the world still. Worth a second glance I think as if adolf didn't inspire the future generations of the surviving human race to get together and make a world where anyone from anywhere can go anywhere and feel welcomed and at home and within that structure make a home..well I ask you .....

..but nope here we all are and where will it all lead ,well again look at hitlers immigration policies and what were the issues ?  Money and it's distribution ,all countries not equal and no home from homes.


Everyone should have learnt something from the likes of hitler and that is ,all get together and help each other make a nice big floaty spinny community of tolerence and love and kinship to fellow humans. I mean ''nice try Jesus' but this is the human race your talking about.

Vote tory and vote for vote on voting about a vote 🙂



Message 34 of 61
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Re: Churchill

thought I would make clear ,my last post is referring to hitler being a paranoid clown

Message 35 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I thought it was time to put my cards down and point out that when you see the video footage of Churchill's hearse going by the long line of sailors all lined up. I was one of those young lads. taken from H.M.S. Ganges as a 16 year old kid, tarted up in best bib and tucker and shoved out on parade.

Those were the days.



Message 36 of 61
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Re: Churchill

With regard to deporting illegal immigrants. There's a MAJOR problem with that. The immigrant has usually destroyed any proof of his/her country of rigin. Especially if they intend to remain here as illegals.

Message 37 of 61
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Re: Churchill

If your right there steve and I think you are...(not in this guys case in OP as he comes from wherever isis are)  then the thing to do if the person cannot confirm where they are from is ask two questions..

1 who are the wooden tops 

2 where are you from.

Message 38 of 61
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Re: Churchill

I thought this was a thread about Insurance.

Then I read the op, and realised it had as much to do with Insurance as it had to do with the nature and reasons behind WW2.


If someone was born around say March 1950, they would have been 14 at the time of Churchill's demise

Message 39 of 61
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Re: Churchill

Depends when their birthday was, I would have been 14, birthday in Oct.


Someone born in March would have been 15 as according to what  I've read Churchill died in January 65.

Message 40 of 61
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