Call centres and companie's phone responders.

Do you find that some companies phone responders whether just an office or a call centre are answered in such a way as to make them barely intelligible? Often, they use a headset with the mic too far from their mouth or.... the mic is muffled or.... the responder has a "difficult" accent, (also, English not being their first language too?) all things conspiring to make their responses very difficult to understand even if you increase the volume of your phone?

Wouldn't you think that clarity would be the main priority for both their equipment and their responder?

What have others found when calling some companies?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Re: Call centres and companie's phone responders.

Nearly always someone who can't speak understandable English.


Something like me.😁



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Re: Call centres and companie's phone responders.

I managed an aftersales department for a travel company before COVID. 


Our headseats were old but they seemed to do the job, biggest headache was listening into calls as we had a splitter button, I always managed to get the setting wrong.


I have spoken to some very dodgy call centres, however if I get a call advising "I've been in a car accident" I tell them that I have recently as I was a getaway driver for a bank robbery. They put the phone down quickly 😂

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