Are cyclists?

The worst drivers on our roads? On our regional news programme they are showing a story of a blind man waiting patiently to use a zebra crossing through a cycle lane, one after another the cyclists appear and fly straight past him,such ignorance, does the Highway Code not apply to them or what?
Message 1 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

Look, you should know by now that cyclists can use half the road without a care in the world and expect everyone else to take care, can turn right without signalling their intention, can turn right and cut the corner on the wrong side of the road and are allowed to mouth off at everyone else at the slightest provocation (or without provocation as the mood strikes them.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

As I lie in bed on a Sunday morning I can hear the cyclists, and I mean those clad in lycra and Looking like Harold Shipman, talking to each other from 100 yards away! Sends my dog crazy and me too! Why is it necessary to shout?
Message 3 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

There's a cycle path near where I live, on my route , walking into town. I have been knocked over once, and had countless near misses, with cyclists who do not use a bell. They either hit you, or brush past you very closely, because you can't hear them approaching. Why do cyclists not use a BELL? Grrrrr!

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

Archie..the Lycra Louts are under the impression that they are a superior race..just because they actually exercise. In reality they are the most boring creatures on this earth.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

I know, they appear at our local pub and use the toilets then if they are flush buy half a bitter and still shout at each other, they really are a special breed AstrođŸ€­

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

Grrr, cyclists.😡😡😡😡

They need the same space on the road as a double decker bus, ride two or three abreast next to the cycle paths, then complain that motorists are inconsiderate.😡

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

The children are the worst on our estate.  They cycle straight out between parked cars, go round corners on the wrong side of the road, shoot out behind reversing cars etc etc.  You have to be 17 and have a licence to drive a car, but you can go out on the road on a bike as soon as you can walk.

Clearly the parents fault, but there are toddlers round here, still in nappies, who trike up the middle of the road.


As for the adults - No, they don't think the highway code applies to them. They've been on the road since they were 2, so they obviously own it.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 8 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

The highway code does not apply to cyclists according to them ! They can totally ignore red lights, not indicate their intentions, ride without a constant white light to the front and a red light to the rear of their vehicle, in fact sometimes in the dark with no lights at all, suddenly decide they will come off the road onto the pavement and any pedestrians must get out of the way, and be on the road or pavement without insurance, if they stop at red lights two or three sit in a line on the inside of a vehicle INDICATING to turn left then expect the vehicle to wait until they have all passed before turning left and if the vehicle driver does not they shout obscenities and bang and kick the vehicle.

That is only a few of the things I see EVERY day.

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

If I drive my car without a licence, insurance or road tax I can expect a very large fine and many points on my licence (possible disqualification from driving even).


But if I am a cyclist then it is OK to have no insurance, licence or road tax.


But road tax is supposedly used to pay for the upkeep of the roads.  The only upkeep our local council has done in the last 5 years is a new cycle lane superhighway.  Did the cyclists pay for that?

Message 10 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

I visited London for the first time for years, in 2016


I was nearly knocked down TWICE while on crossings during the green man by cyclists

One delivery cyclist (large Box on back) gave me dogs abuse and started marching towards Me,

He had second thoughts when He saw this middle aged Glaswegian

marching off to meet Him, shouting abuse, as I got nearer Him


As for the uncountable idiots that raced up the gutter at high speed passing static traffic,

no wonder so many get run over by People turning left at junctions


Even here the number of cyclists who think the pavement is also theres is growing

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

There is a group of retiree cyclists around here who seem to have started a campaign to reduce speed on the roads.  I see them regularly cycling along in a bunch on main roads, ignoring the cycle-paths.


I start work at one place at 9AM and see a pair of them returning from their early morning ride.  Obviously timed to annoy drivers trying to get to work.  I see them later in the day, riding through town centres, apparently just to add to the congestion on the narrow High Streets. 


They are never in any hurry, I've never seen them use a cycle path.  There are miles of country lanes and side roads that would get them to almost anywhere they want to go, but they seem to get huge pleasure out of annoying as many other road users as possible.

Message 12 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

Aye Al, it is amazing how many do turn with their tail between their legs when you stride purposely towards them with a raised voice saying in a Glaswegian accent " see you ya *bleep*, I am gonna rip yir face aff "   laughing

Message 13 of 14
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Re: Are cyclists?

@dark_castle1 wrote:

Aye Al, it is amazing how many do turn with their tail between their legs when you stride purposely towards them with a raised voice saying in a Glaswegian accent " see you ya *bleep*, I am gonna rip yir face aff "   laughing

 It's like You were there Smiley LOL

Message 14 of 14
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