No images.

Well here we go again, eBay suddenly stopped showing images/photo's of items viewed-watched-purchased etc. impossible to use eBay in this state and the eBay robot less use than wet paper bag in a puddle.

Message 1 of 12
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Re: No images.

What operating system version are you using, and what eBay app version?


Are you able to reach eBay using a web browser and see images?

Message 2 of 12
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Re: No images.

It is a known issues some are experiencing, but our Community Managers are asking those facing this, if using the app , has the latest app version been downloaded, which is 6.192.03


I do not use the app but a laptop and Chrome all good there .....  so far ! 🤗



Message 3 of 12
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Re: No images.

One poster experiencing this issue was using the latest version of the eBay app, but an older OS (Android 7), so I am wondering if the OS version matters.


I am using the latest version of the eBay app with Android 11 and I am not experiencing an issue seeing images, prices or links to bid or buy in the listings I have checked.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: No images.

Same problem for me, been locked out basically of the listing's, so I finally got a good idea and dumped the app. 

It's been glitchy for years and this is not the first time this particular problem has arisen. Ebay support is shockingly poor and will always bounce the problem back on your shoulders because they don't want to admit the app is a failure. 

Yesterday I dumped the app, now using main site through Chrome and not got a single problem. 

Dump the app. 

Message 5 of 12
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Re: No images.

I don't use the app too limited for me,  on it and seemingly too many glitches there,  too.


However,  a Community manager managed to solve this issue for many using the app informing them that a new update needs to be downloaded which is ...


Maybe this will help?




I do agree with you @dunca_moor   dump the app,  and use a PC / laptop with Chrome, I also find little or no issues with that combo.  🤗

Message 6 of 12
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Re: No images.

I have read alot of your replies to other people's posts, you seem to rely on the 'update the app' response alot. Which is confusing as you also state you don't use it!?!?!

Updating the app isn't sorting out the problem, neither is updating your bank details. The app is a failure, it has never been stable since it was launched and has always been a problem.

The only cure is dumb the app. 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: No images.

I'm using that answer because our Community manager Kat has informed us,  that this is the answer for some facing this issue,   and I have seen replies saying thank you this has helped.


Our Community Managers have access to members accounts , and eBay technical departments,  so if they offer any information that has helped others,  we can pass that on, even if it does not help  everyone , it can help some.


Yep, I agree with you and think I have tagged you on one of your posts that I agree with you that dumping the app for the more reliable desktop browser is better, but I cannot offer that as a complete solution for those who do wish to carry on using the app.



Message 8 of 12
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Re: No images.

I think that what ebay is forgetting is that not everyone can afford to fork out 1500 plus for the latest smartphone and also that, for example, Samsung has stopped doing android updates for older smartphones, so the knock on effect is whenever eBay updates the app, users of android 7 are being left behind. 

I've been using ebay since 2005, had a break from it for a while then returned in 2018. Ebay has gone through several dramatic changes, not all for the good, with another bad business decision coming on the 4th Feb, which will push away private sellers, me included. 

But with the constant glitches in the app, ebay is going to suffer greater loses. 

I read a post on downdetector yesterday by a ebay business seller who has 2 shops over 13 sites and they have reported the same issue as the people on here. 

Ebay go to response on anything technical is "update the app".

I spent an hour on the phone with ebay on Thursday, and right at the very end of the call he admitted they were receiving many complaints about the same issue. 

No disrespect to you or the community manager but stop with the pre-programned response to everyone's questions and issues, be honest and admit the app is garbage. 

Message 9 of 12
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Re: No images.

If you look at my responses I'm certainly not praising the app, I have never used it,  and will not use it, as for £1500 smartphones,  I own a great Nokia ( brick) because all I need on it is to send and receive texts and make and receive calls.  Don't need any apps don't need emojis!


I'm a little hurt when you ask me to stop the ' pre - programmed ' responses.  I'm a volunteer on here,  so please do not shoot the messenger.   I am forwarding an answer from a  manager who has direct access to eBay's tech dept. and gives us any information they have.


I have explained that updating the app may Not help everyone, but I repeat,  I have seen responses from some to say it has helped.


Different devices,  different browser,  different combinations of these all can  ' offer  ' different issues.





Message 10 of 12
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Re: No images.

No offence was intended or implied, like you I have a brick and 2 smartphones, one is solely used as a camera, it's never had a sim in it, and the other to use for ebay etc. 

I don't own a laptop, don't have broadband, the last time I had broadband was 20 years ago. So I rely on my phone for anything net related. Sadly ebays app is no longer viable or usable on my phone, but it's not a loss, the main site does everything I need. 


It gets me down when ebay turns it's back on the very people who made it what it is today. Customer service is not good, the upcoming business model is going to be the undoing of ebay and push sellers away to cheaper alternative selling platforms with less conditions. 

For me it's more of a letdown for the charity I sell for, most of my sales are wholly for them and I make no money from the sales, absorbing the excess costs through my own personal sales. But with the upcoming changes, it will no longer viable for me to sell through ebay. 

I don't use social media at all, never have. 

Then again I don't know many people socially, being visually impaired you don't get out much. 

It's nice to see you offering info and advice to people on here, but may I suggest using your own thoughts and not those of an ebay employee ie Kat. 

Anyhoo Robins to annoy now, have a lovely day. 

Message 11 of 12
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Re: No images.

@nice1bruv  wrote......    For me it's more of a letdown for the charity I sell for, most of my sales are wholly for them and I make no money from the sales, 


We have some things in common then,   using a ' brick of  phone' and selling using payouts from those sales for charity.  I helped out for 34 years in an Orphanage in Lusaka Zambia,  so all my money from sales , I send there, as I know not a penny goes on admin but it's all spent on the children.


You also say.....   ' It's nice to see you offering info and advice to people on here, but may I suggest using your own thoughts and not those of an ebay employee ie Kat. '  


I'm sorry but I cannot heed to your advice to just use my own thoughts,  if we cannot rely on direct advice and answers  from eBay's technical teams  who relay those answers to our Community managers here,  then there's little point anyone asking anything.  My thoughts ( even though I know I'm right,  I'm a woman after all !!)  would not help !  🤗



Message 12 of 12
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