27-10-2024 12:32 AM
Is anyone else having problems updating their profile?
I keep my profile updated with the number of orders I have coming and a brief update of any news regarding my orders. When I tried to update my profile a few days ago, a red banner appeared with a ! saying Error on saving Profile.
Has anyone else experienced it and are eBay aware of this glitch? It's highly annoying!
28-10-2024 7:24 AM
Yes, I am having the same problem! Very annoying!!
28-10-2024 7:36 AM
What are you trying to change on your profile? Or are you trying to register for eBay's Managed Payments?
29-10-2024 10:55 AM
Hi helloreddragon, thanks for your post.
Is this still happening to you? If so, could you please confirm what kind of information you're trying to chance? Also, you can try a different browser or clearing the caches and cookies of your current browser to see if that fixes it. If it doesn't, please let me know, and I'd be happy to take a further look for you in case this is a technical issue..
Thank you,
29-10-2024 7:23 PM
I'm also receiving this error.
All I'm trying to do is update my profile to say that last postage before Christmas is 20th December.
29-10-2024 7:40 PM
If you recently changed your username and have not signed out of eBay and signed back in since then, try signing out and back in now. This should allow the name change to propagate fully; until that happens, you may run into odd errors as the old name may still appear in some sections of your account.
01-11-2024 2:02 PM
Yes, same problem here. All I want to do is add some information in the 'About' section of my profile, but when I add the text and click save, I am presented with a red banner saying "Error on saving Profile". Have tried clearing the cache, logging out and back in again - all to no avail. Most annoying.
01-11-2024 4:50 PM
01-11-2024 11:11 PM
This debacle has been going on now for 6+ weeks. Despite speaking to the 'technical' dept in one MAMMOTH hour and a half session - I'm still no further forward than I was weeks ago.
Explaining to several different CS reps the same thing - not one of them seemed to comprehend. Sent screen shots from app, desktop, mobile web pages to two different email addresses ..... nothing.
I get cut off. I get transferred. I explain the same thing, over and over again to each rep. I get sent a transcript of the chat (s) - its in HTML, really? This is the best you can do?
Its nearly 2025 - surely, with all the millions being poured into interface, eBay can do better than this?
I cant go forward with an outdated bio, and no-one seems to have a scooby!
Note: bizarrely, I can amend any detail on my personal bio.... wonder why that is????
02-11-2024 8:06 AM
IDK if it helps isolate the problem, but
I'm get the same error when attempting to change my profile image photo.
02-11-2024 8:46 AM
To change / add a photo to your Profile, you should use a laptop / PC and try Chrome that works best on eBay.
Then, click on your username top left on the Seller Hub
Far right click on the pencil icon Edit Profile.
On the left your photo squares will then have another pencil icon on a top corner, click on that select the photo you have saved you wish to use as your profile photo, and click on, I believe it then says, Save.
03-11-2024 4:54 PM
hey there, I have the exact same issue sadly. I cannot update it on my browser. Tried multiple browsers and not working.
04-11-2024 9:02 AM
I am having the same issue. I have tried on my laptop and on the app. I have also cleared cache. Can you assist? Many thanks.
05-11-2024 12:50 PM
I had the same problem, however it does appear to have actually saved, despite getting the error message! So, open another tab or window and visit your profile, just in case it has actually saved!
05-11-2024 2:12 PM
05-11-2024 3:09 PM
still no fix to this whatsoever. can't change my profile picture. weirdly I can on mobile - however not on desktop.
06-11-2024 5:44 AM
I have the same problem with chaning profile photo.
09-11-2024 9:38 AM
i have the same problem. Can you please fix it? Cant put the impressum in it.
09-11-2024 9:43 AM
2nd week of this not working.. starting to lose patience.
09-11-2024 9:43 AM
I have tried on my PC, my Mac, another computer - still error saving on profile. It's incredibly frustrating.