Ebay discriminating agains disabled sellers ?

I have lived in the UK all my life.

I am epileptic and would not be allowed a driving lisense.

I have lived under the social care system for 20 years.

I am classed as a vulrable Adult.

I am due to take another round of capacity assesmeants this year.


I have never worked, and lived of disability benifit since I was first put on DLA when I was in my teens.

I have been living in care homes most of my life. 

in 2023 I graduated to Supported Living.


Owing to the time I have spent living in care and the fact that I am still under the social care system, I am not allowed a passport, so I can not leave the UK, I can not get a Citizens Card, I can not use a passport as a form of ID or verification.

Obviously I can not get a driving Lisence untill I am 12 months seizure free. 

I have never gone a 12 month period completly free of a seizure. So I can not apply for a Driving Lisence.

I am transgender and have changed my name twice so a birthcertificate is useless.

Being under the social care system I have never owned my own property therefor I do not have a UK residency Permet. 


I am trying to sell items on Ebay to pay for education to get a job, so I can get of benifits.

It will go a long way to prooving my capacity this year at my assesments.

However Ebay is being inflexable and saying I can not verify with out the documents I am incapable of getting due to medical and wellfare concerns.


I am classed as disabled on a technicality, because epilepsy is classed as a disability. my other issues are from being Neuro Diverse, ADD, trans and an introvert (but then most computer geeks are introverts to some extent). 


Lack of opertunity for support in education as a child is why I am a bit backwards when it comes to knowing how to get things like this sorted out.


I tried to sell a laptop to a buyr, who wanted a partial refund because he thought the high pitch fans were faulty, I explained they have always been high frequency, that is because they are high speed. He did not believe me, and asked for a partial refund, I explained I could not give him a partial refund because I could not verify my account and ebay would not release the payout. I offerd a full refund for a return instead. Which he accepted.


Because of Ebay's inflexability to offer an alternative way to verify an account for disabled sellers, and I have tried with my Deed Poll, Libary card, and Student card (I could even provide a doctors note if it helps), I am not able to use ebay to fund my traineeship. A training program that will result in me getting a job for the first time in my life and being able to get off benifits and work to earn my own money. 


This means I may have to settle for a sale at CEX.

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