Active listings verses shop searchable items

Any other sellers aware of the ongoing issue with your active listings not matching the number searchable in your shop?

This seemed to have started at the begining of Jan and has not been resolved and is having an adverse effect on my sales, 70% down year on year.

They did say I will be credited my shop fee for Jan but I'm more concerned about the lost revenue due to this ongoing issue.

Anyone else in the same situation?

Message 1 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

I see 352 listings and 352 things for sale in your shop 



Message 2 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

You as a potential buyer cannot see my active listings, only what is listed in the shop.

The problem being I have 414 active listings but only 352 actually searchable.

eBay are aware of the issue "apparently", my question is aimed at sellers with shops who could check if the issue is effecting them.   

Message 3 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

I have 63 active. When I search my own shop it says there are 62 but I manually counted them and there are 63. It was miscounting this way last year as well but for me there is no harm done as nothing is actually hidden... I am doing the search on the app (iOS), have you checked your own shop using the app and a desktop and is the result the same?


When I search your shop it tells me there are 255 active but I haven't manually counted them to see if there is really 255, 352 or 414.

Message 4 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

I've checked across multiple devices / browsers with the same results. It's a known issue that eBay are supposed to be fixing.



Message 5 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Just a thought, do the hidden listings have the same title as other listings that are showing? Maybe a different item but for some reason eBay's algorithm is flagging them under the duplicate listing policy? It seems a huge number to be hidden it's a head scratcher that's all I can think of that you could double check from your side. 

Message 6 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

I say that because if eBay customer service have said it's a known issue being fixed I am sceptical that they aren't just saying that to get you off the phone. 

Message 7 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Well, they said it's a known issue and will be getting my shop fee £75+ vat returned each month until its fixed.

will see if that actually happens.

Message 8 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Do they all have shipping policies on all of your items?


My sales have been bad for 2 weeks or so but I havent really been bothered, lazy and no stock to buy plus January so thought it was just everything telling me to have a chill, went to change a few things this morning and out of just under 750 listings 350 needed a shipping policy as they were claiming I didnt have any delivery options selected. I have no idea if this was just a me issue or not but I'd guess its stopped sales as I've only actually sold items going through Authentication which didnt seem affected.

Message 9 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Just checked mine and I currently have 3,739 active listings. When I view them, either in my shop or in normal search results, it says I only have 3,398 so 341 have vanished. If I count the listings displayed, however, there are actually 3,600 listings. So there are still 139 listings that I'm paying for that are nowhere to be seen and the number displayed doesn't match anything.


Thanks for the heads up @designedinashed .


katie@ebay dave@ebay marco@ebay  is this a known issue at the moment? Please can you add my id to the list if there is one. Just going to check our other account.

Message 10 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

And on this account, we have 3,562 active listings but in the shop and in search results it only states 3,345. But there are actually 3,360 displayed so 202 have been paid for but not displayed.

Message 11 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

register the issue with eBay they are refunding shop fee's to those with affected shops.

Message 12 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Hi @rainbowtrax 


Thanks for the tag. 


I'm looking into this at the moment, leave it with me for a bit and I'll come back to you once I have more information. 




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Message 13 of 14
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Active listings verses shop searchable items

Morning @rainbowtrax 


This has escalated and is being looked into by the tech team. 


Ive added all the accounts on this thread to the tech ticket and Ill keep an eye on the thread for any further reports. 


I'll post an update here as soon as one is available.  




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Message 14 of 14
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