Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping

Please can someone answer me this 

I have sent goods via ebays global shipping scheme 

The buyer informed me via ebay that he hasnt received his goods almost a month later.

Ebay have contacting me asking ME to take action !!!!

The goods arrived at the global shipping centre and were signed for 

So please why are they asking me to upload proof of tracking number which is impossible to do as it was sold through global shipping.

Why are ebay even contacting me, they should contact the buyer themselves and apologise for losing their goods ,why is my money on hold ??? ebay must now that :-

A) the goods were sent through global shipping and 

B) that they have arrived at their distribution centre and been signed for and sent on from theirselves and I have nothing 

more to do with it arriving at this point . 

Just leaves me so annoyed, always want to pass on the buck even if its out of my control and its their fault !!!

Message 1 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping

It's not out of your control.


Has the buyer opened a case for item not received?  Then, enter that tracking number into the case details.


If it shows delivery to the GSP hub, all is well, your responsiblity ends there.  If it was lost after that, it's eBay's responsiblity to refund the buyer.


Just enter that tracking number into the case,  eBay do need to know that it was safely delivered to Lichfield, the GSP Hub.


Then, the money on hold, money is always on hold when a case has been opened,  and when resolved,  that money is released to you.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping

Thanks , I have had to send the tracking number to the buyer and not in the update tracking number box option as you cant change this if you have sent the goods through global shipping.

My whole point is that I have been contacted by Ebay and "my " money is on hold , so I am asking why ??

when they have already emailed me to tell ME that the goods have arrived at the global shipping centre 

If I have nothing to do with the goods after this point there is not point in contacting me at all.

It should be their responsibility to contact the buyer, and my money should "Never" be put on hold .

They have all of the information available as they have sent me it.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping

As said any case opened then money is always placed on hold until the matter is resolved.


Never heard of tracking having to be sent to a buyer to resolve a case opened for item not received.  The buyer has to open a case and the tracking added into that case.


All I can suggest is to contact eBay Customer Services but only do so when the lines first open as there's more chance of Dublin answering .  Being a weekend lines will open at 9 a.m. tomorrow, but 8 a.m. on Monday


Tracking showing delivery to the GSP Hub should close the case in your favour, has the buyer actually opened a case for item not received? That is where to enter the tracking number,  not to update tracking already registered when marked as dispatched.

To Contact Customer Services it's a Live Chat, or you can select to speak and request a Call Back. Click on this link:

On weekdays lines open between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.

On weekends they open between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.




Message 4 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping



Yes I have uploaded the tracking information into the conversation with the buyer,and yes the buyer  opened a not received case.

I have all of the relevant information , the email from ebay to say that the item has been received at the hub 

and a tracking number enetered into the royal mail site shown that the item has been signed for at the GSP hub with their signature , well a x anyway so i would think I am covered.

My whole point is why should I need to do all of this when Ebay already know that the goods have arrived at their hub, they have informed me that they have the goods ,if they have lost the parcel or their delivery company have then its their issue, so why should my funds be put on hold .its absolutely ridiculous ,anyway i can see we will be going round and round with this so thank you for your help .


Message 5 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping

Because of the way eBay do this you have to wonder how many sellers end up taking the hit and refunding themselves.


So no need to wonder why eBay do it this way.

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Money on hold after ebay have lost a parcel that i have sent via global shipping



Sorry just seen your reply to my link .

Yes I was being a tad sarcastic, its just all geared up to do over the seller, what they have to realise is they have NO business without sellers or buyers, they have no issues taking their huge fees for lets be honest not a great deal of input and another thing that gets my goat is the extra money they want to promote your goods .

If they did their job properly in the first they wouldnt need to ask for more money, christ they get enough as it is .Rant over, someone needs to engineer a better platform , what they need is a bit of strong competition.

Seeing sellers and buyers leave in their droves may buck up their ideas.

Message 7 of 7
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