funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

This doesn't bode well. For this to work eBay need to make sure their tracking is up to speed.


Message 1 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Im surprised to see this as well. 

Is this some sort of new thing or something else? 


Im confused, always had payments the next day ready to use as i needed. Obviously sent parcel etc and i knew 100% funds are okay to tap into...unless specific reason. 


So to now only have funds available 2 days after delivery date...makes it harder to work with

Message 21 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I don't think ebay want it to work. I think they might want rid or private sellers.

Message 22 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

@ed_58611 wrote:



"good thing they're bringing in a 24 / 7 Customer Service !!"


...for Buyers!!  😇

It's AI Customer Service outside business hours....

Message 23 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I spoke to customer service yesterday regarding the new 2 day rule. They stated that it was better and beneficial for the seller, protecting the seller and making things easier. 110% of me disagreed with this. I mentioned how it felt greedy of Ebay, sitting on funds, slurping up interest. I also mentioned how it was making things more difficult and more of a persecution of sellers and giving buyers a double layer of protection, which was never needed. The conversation fell silent. The conversation ended. With multiple sales and holding of funds, by the time you get paid Ebay has built up your fee's, cumulatively. So chunks of money are flying here and there, making it a little more frustrating to keep tabs on things. 


Ebay had the edge. The leader of marketplaces. Now just a mere shadow of itself, a flop. 

Message 24 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I sold an item on 02.02.2025 the 48 hour tracking showed this was delivered at 12.15 on 06.02.2025, I just spoke to ebay and was told  that funds for this item would be released to me on 26.02.2025.I have now taken down all my listings and I am not selling on eBay any more
Message 25 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I KNOW RIGHT !  theyre getting interest on our money when we could be getting it 

Message 26 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I'm currently waiting for funds to appear in my ebay balance. I wouldn't mind if it was hundred of pounds --- but we're talking a tenner here. 


2 of these items were tracked and are showing as delivered. Another 3 we're untracked but have positive feedback. 


Those tracked items were delivered 3 days ago now-  so funds should be available already, at least to spend on Ebay. 


But they aren't. They are showing in 'total funds' but not in Ebay balance. I feel this is being doing done on purpose to make sure Ebay can hold onto monies for as long as possible now that they have made the switch to 'free' selling (no fees). Well, it appears that 'free' selling has its downsides. 


You will sell your items for free lol. 

Message 27 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I am in exactly the same position. I have items that sold on the 9th Feb, were delivered on the 12th and which now show 'Funds available in eBay balance' on the 14th.


However, my actual balance that I can withdraw is still 'zero', whereas the money for that item (a whole £2.00, so 10p after postage is deducted - see us private sellers killing businesses, eh?) is still accumulating in my Total Funds.


Is the intention here to then release the funds 2 days after it states that funds are available? If that's the case they have been very poor in relaying that information, and it's definitely not how the policy change was worded.


As I stated here a few weeks back, I've tried not to knee-jerk into removing all my times from sale, although for other reasons I haven't listed anything since the changes, but in reality if this is how things are going to go - and with the postage changes still looming - there's going to be very little other choice than to stop using the site. I say that as much for the inconvenience, uncertainty and lack of clarification as I do the extra hassle and fewer sales.

Message 28 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Exactly. I sell quite a lot of items, but for  very low prices (mostly under a fiver). The whole point is to amass a decent total in a short time, then use to buy other things I need from Ebay.  I get rid of my old stuff and use the funds as 'pocket money', I suppose. With the old system, this worked out great as funds were available within a few days at most. It just won't be worth someone like me continuing to sell on here if they treat your eBay account like a gradually accruing savings account at a bank. Plus we all know why they're doing it- to hoard liquid capital whilst still being able to claim that you can 'sell for free on ebay'. 

Message 29 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

My hope is that once the money is released that there is a steady trickle much like it was with daily (or every few days) sales.


I got in the habit of withdrawing funds on certain days (if I hadn't spent it already!) so will happily resume that pattern, but I'm more concerned that it looks like the money should have cleared and hasn't.


Saying funds should be released on the 14th, but sitting here the day after with nothing to withdraw but money in my 'total funds' makes zero sense.

Message 30 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

It may be a case of only releasing funds after ALL transactions have 'cleared' i.e. your total balance is released two weeks after the last untracked item in that bunch of listings is 'delivered'. 


Which means they are STRONGLY incentivising paying for tracked postage for everything. -- Although.... not that it matters as it appears that tracked things aren't being registered as delivered for ages anyway.   🤷‍♀️  Lol who knows. It's a total overcomplicated mess, that's for sure.

Message 31 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I do hope not because if I sell something everyday, then arguably my transactions will never be completely 'cleared'? 


I'm guessing that stuff isn't quite working as they hoped so far.... as usual.

Message 32 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Exactly. It could be a  bug 🐛  ..... or a feature that they haven't quite thought through......

Message 33 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

So have your funds cleared yet? 


Nothing on my end. My plan is to wait until next weekend- when the majority of the 'untracked' stuff should've cleared, and see what happens. Maybe it will release all in one go and I won't have to bother contacting CS- which I really can't be arsed to do tbh. Such a hassle for a tiny amount of money. 


Needless to say though after my current round of listings expire fully I will not relist and migrate over to Vinted. 

Message 34 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Vinted is the same payments after delivery
Message 35 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Funds are "typically" available 2 days after delivery has been confirmed. The typically part allows them a buffer to basically take as long as they want for any slight factor concerning the delivery or, at this point, whatever. 


Ebay is now horrible. I can't put it into words just how horrible this entire system is or why, but it has massively disabled me and the cash flow of buying stock, repleneshing and the rhythm one gets into as a seller. It's just diabolical now, it feels so much slower and as much as I need ebay, I'm so tempting to wave goodbye. The CS are scripted upto the eyeballs to say its not for profit or interest and how beneficial it all is for if attemtping to write over logic. 



Message 36 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I know, but it relies on buyer feedback to release funds. So if your buyer says they've received it and are happy, that is enough to release your funds. None of this '14 days for untracked mail' bullcrap. 


Message 37 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

I've had payments without buyer feedback. Just delivery, 48 hours and then before midday money is available...typically. I think it relies more so of the alignment of the stars and temperature of the ocean.

Message 38 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

What on Vinted? Or Ebay?  


Atm I have funds sat there and I have delivery confirmation ON EBAY (green tick and everything) not just by the carrier. The right hand is not talking to the left, and even when they do, the left is still not hitting the 'PAY' button. 


I'm assuming the system on Vinted is running wsy more smoothly as its been in operation longer. 

Message 39 of 51
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Re: funds will typically be available in your eBay balance 2 days after delivery

Yeah, with vinted you get paid when the buyer hits okie dokie. On ebay you get paid when the monkey finds the banana. It doesn't matter anyway, this is the new way, the future...ebay upgraded 2.0 plus. Anything that's worse than vinted needs eradicating from existence and Ebay falls under that now.

Message 40 of 51
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