09-02-2025 1:10 PM
eBay are adding the buyer protection fee to electronic items being sold by private sellers but unlike Vinted they are hiding the buyer protection fee by adding it to the private sellers item price whereas at least Vinted make the buyer fee separate from the listing price. Are eBay allowed to hide the buyer protection fee like this? Should they not make it clear that buyers are being charge a buyer protection fee as appears on Vinted?
10-02-2025 1:02 PM - edited 10-02-2025 1:04 PM
If you're buying anything on Ebay you're being braver than a lot of us chickens.
We're still keeping our heads down, watching correspondents' reports from the battleground/warzone come in...
10-02-2025 2:00 PM
@goodibags wrote:
If you're buying anything on Ebay you're being braver than a lot of us chickens.
We're still keeping our heads down, watching correspondents' reports from the battleground/warzone come in...
I am still buying on ebay. Right things right price, nothing to be frightened of.
Pointless scaremongering in my opinion.
10-02-2025 2:14 PM
"I am still buying on ebay. Right things right price, nothing to be frightened of.
Pointless scaremongering in my opinion."
Hope you don't get scammed. They are out in droves. Scaremongering? I'm not scared of a con artist organisation, in my opinion of course.
10-02-2025 2:26 PM
What has buyers being scammed got to do with any of these current threads on the changes?
Who are out in droves?
The scaremongering does not mean being scared of ebay, it means pointless and unevidenced hints of terrible things happening to buyers (in this case).
10-02-2025 2:32 PM
"Who are out in droves?"
They are of course. That easily verifiable, notable and provable demographic.
10-02-2025 2:34 PM
Oh open your eyes man. This is a scammers paradise. Hanging on to people's money for 14 days? Unscrupulous buyers having loads of time to say its faulty, broken, didn't get it John. Ebay' s persistence in almost always.finding in favour of the buyer. Do you sell? I doubt it.
10-02-2025 2:38 PM - edited 10-02-2025 2:39 PM
I do sell, and I am not a man.
The post i was replying to was about buying, but you have twisted it into being about selling.
It is very difficult for a buyer to be scammed.
The new rules make absolutely no difference to a seller's ability to be scammed.
It would be nice if posts could be less hysterical and unbalanced.
10-02-2025 2:54 PM
Buyers are protected at the expense of the seller. Sellers have been scammed for years on eBay. This opens it right up. And that's not hysterical or unbalanced. Just search on line, Its not just me!
10-02-2025 5:06 PM
Er, congratulations on your recent purchase! Thanks for letting us know. 😉
10-02-2025 5:09 PM
@doumind_7 wrote:
Buyers are protected at the expense of the seller. Sellers have been scammed for years on eBay. This opens it right up. And that's not hysterical or unbalanced. Just search on line, Its not just me!
Please explain how 'this' makes it more likely that a seller will be scammed than before 'this' came in?
12-02-2025 6:07 AM
Well if you can't see it, how on earth do you call yourself an "experienced mentor"?
" This" may be legal by the book, but from a customer care perspective it stinks to high heaven.
12-02-2025 7:46 AM - edited 12-02-2025 7:47 AM
@doumind_7 wrote:Well if you can't see it, how on earth do you call yourself an "experienced mentor"?
" This" may be legal by the book, but from a customer care perspective it stinks to high heaven.
Thats exactly the point - We can't see it and if you can't describe the risk, it probably doesn't exist.
12-02-2025 8:31 AM
Ha! Everybody else seems to know the risks except you Mentor's (Really?) and guides.
Take a look on You Tube or social media.
12-02-2025 9:17 AM
@doumind_7 wrote:Ha! Everybody else seems to know the risks except you Mentor's (Really?) and guides.
Take a look on You Tube or social media.
You're letting your feelings and emotions get in the way of facts.
The seller payment hold doesn't provide any additional opportunity for a potential scammer over the existing 30 day money back guarantee.
If you know something we don't, can you please spell it out for us.
12-02-2025 9:47 AM
"The seller payment hold doesn't provide any additional opportunity for a potential scammer over the existing 30 day money back guarantee."
I disagree. You don't get paid for 14 days. Buyer says its broken or didn't arrive. If I sell something I specify instant payment on Buy It Now and 2 days on an Auction item. You can't do that any more (although I've still not seen one new item listed anywhere with BPF so far). Look eBay brought this in and it makes no difference whatsoever to buyer protection but effectively puts the small private seller out of business. EBay almost always decide in favour of the buyer.
12-02-2025 10:00 AM - edited 12-02-2025 10:03 AM
If a buyer is going to scam a private seller then it makes no difference that ebay are sitting on the money for 14 days as if ebay decide in the buyer's favour then they would otherwise have collected the money from the seller anyway.
Ebay are only holding the money to protect themselves and reduce their work in recovering the money from sellers. This is completely reasonable when dealing with new sellers without a track record and I believe they already did something like this before.
It's just insulting to established private sellers like me who have been buying and selling for decades with no need for ebay to ever force a refund (let alone pay it themselves) and actually it discourages me from respending the money on ebay so is shooting themselves in the foot to the detriment of all types of sellers.
12-02-2025 10:00 AM
@doumind_7 wrote:"The seller payment hold doesn't provide any additional opportunity for a potential scammer over the existing 30 day money back guarantee."
I disagree. You don't get paid for 14 days. Buyer says its broken or didn't arrive. If I sell something I specify instant payment on Buy It Now and 2 days on an Auction item.
Even once you've been paid, the 30 day money back guarantee continues to give the buyer protection to make a claim. In addition, certain payment methods give additional protections above and beyond that which the buyer protection ebay provides.
You can't do that any more (although I've still not seen one new item listed anywhere with BPF so far). Look eBay brought this in and it makes no difference whatsoever to buyer protection but effectively puts the small private seller out of business. EBay almost always decide in favour of the buyer.
You contradict yourself with the part of your statement that I have highlighted in bold, stating that this new measure makes no difference to buyer protection.
I get why a genuine private buyer might be annoyed with the recent changes, but a change in seller protection isn't one of them.
12-02-2025 10:12 AM - edited 12-02-2025 10:13 AM
"it makes no difference that ebay are sitting on the money for 14 days as if ebay decide in the buyer's favour then they would otherwise have collected the money from the seller anyway"
In practice, as mentioned in another thread, the inclusion of a Buyer Fee (a new 'service' from Ebay) means that a buyer is no longer buying an item from a seller but from Ebay itself. This is why Ebay is retaining the payment until after the item has been delivered and/or the buyer is happy with it.
Ebay has effectively cut private sellers out of the purchasing transaction.
12-02-2025 10:25 AM - edited 12-02-2025 10:25 AM
@doumind_7 wrote:Oh open your eyes man. This is a scammers paradise. Hanging on to people's money for 14 days? Unscrupulous buyers having loads of time to say its faulty, broken, didn't get it John. Ebay' s persistence in almost always.finding in favour of the buyer. Do you sell? I doubt it.
You do know that ***eBay*** refund the buyer if the item is lost or damaged in the post, don't you?
Private sellers only refund now for items not as described.
Anything broken or lost in the post is refunded by **eBay***
So how is this a scam?
12-02-2025 10:45 AM
On two occassions they never refunded me for lost items. If its tracked you can often get it back via the carrier.