eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

Ebay review on NEGATIVE feeback criteria.


NEGATIVE feedback need only be submitted (by a buyers) if a seller engages in any of the following:


1.  Deliberatly misleads / scams

2. Refuses refund (for non delivered or defective items).

3. Non response / resolution to (a warrented) buyer complaint .

2. Abusive / Coercive behaviour.


Buyers, when submitting negative feedback could select from a drop down menu of options incorportating the above criteria.


Sellers need support and protection from unwarented / or unintentional 'negative' feedback given by buyers who do not understand the severity of the 'negative' feedback system and it's damaging effects on sellers businesses.


Please share your thoughts on this idea?... Thanks

Message 1 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

That's the problem with them, all too often they don't "conclude" anything by looking beyond P.1 of the accused live listings.


It could be called "Bent cop syndrome".  


Start with the premise that every private seller is a crook, either defrauding ebay, evading tax, or not giving buyers their rights, but usually all three.  Then look for anything that backs-up that assumption, no matter how flimsy.


"Oh look a private seller who's sold 1.5K items"  Definitely up to no good, but only by ignoring the years they've been selling.

"700 items for sale"  Obviously a business, completely ignoring their own (far too frequent) complaints that with all those Free Listings rolled over month by month, some of those S/H clothes could have been renewing for months/years.


I just wish that the Mods. would impose some penalties on those who make false accusations.  It might make them think twice befor pointing their fingers, or at least find enough evidence to make a case where at least the Balance of Probability shows that the accused is trading.  


Anyone got any views on "Negative Feedback" ???

Message 21 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

@dch2112011 wrote:



Westlife CD -  you must be a personal seller - no business would try and sell that !


Message 22 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

Really, how many people do you know that have 700+ items  of clothing to sell??  Feedback numbers are pretty irrelevant.

Message 23 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

how do you know it is false accusations??    Pretty much commonsense assumption actually, just how many outdoor coats would one person have to sell (not cheap prices either) and how many have 700+ items of clothing.  I have nowhere near that number and i sell for all my family who are all different sizes but the quality, type, condition etc vary on each item.   As for the listings rolling over, yes i have plenty of those on as well and only last week i sold an item that has been on for some years now, what difference does it make in reality to the subject.

Message 24 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

"I just wish that the Mods. would impose some penalties on those who make false accusations." 


Mods have no authority to look into members accounts.

Message 25 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

I really do not think it matters anymore ebay have no interest in the status of sellers using either type of ebay account  - although the clothing sizes range from 6 to 16  which is quite a range and the seller descibes themselves as selling 'Quality Preloved Timeless Classics.'   


Read into it what you will  it makes little difference in the scheme of things  - I think all sellers should be required to accept returns and all private accounts should be banned from offering warranties - at least these measures would be a positive move and perhaps reduce some of the negative feedback.


As for negative feedback perhaps buyers and sellers could rate ebay as an experiance as well as the seller and product - of course ebay should not be allowed to remove negative feedback left for themselves in the same way that they allow negative feedback to remain for small and medium sellers - it would perhaps help them improve the overall ebay experiance 

Message 26 of 27
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Re: eBay - New Proposed 2025 Negative Feedback Criteria

It seems that the original poster is a reseller. I noticed that the last ten items they purchased from us were listed for resale on the same day they were delivered, and at double the price.

Message 27 of 27
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