eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

Just received a message from eBay with a link to their new Marketing Program Terms which come into force on 15th January 2025.


Link below:-




This seems way over to top to me as I'm only a small private seller with not much understanding of how this works and what hidden costs will rack up on my eBay seller account !


It looks to me like eBay are going to force yet another mandatory change on all of us and I honestly don't know if I have the ability to handle it.


This may be the end of me ever being able to sell anything on eBay ever again as this is now very complicated, costly and very frightening for a small simple private seller.


It really does now look that the person behind all these recent dreadful changes to eBay has now left no stone unturned with their mega changes campaign and are now changing everything that was original and unique to eBay with a mean vengeance !  😞 


Do post your thoughts on this - Good and Bad.


Many thanks !  🙂  

Message 1 of 126
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125 REPLIES 125

Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@the_book_seekers wrote:

The article is from a US site so presumably applies to .com t&cs. Is ebay operating promoted listings the same way on .UK?  It does appear that ebay has been a bit naughty in how promoted listing rates were raised to try and meet financial targets. I'm not sure how they can allowed to not tell users that rates are rising.

@the_book_seekers that's a great question! I just ran the new terms that will be effective in January from both the US  and UK pages through a difference checker and the only things it highlighted were expected cultural and linguistic differences like date formats, spellings, add to cart vs add to basket etc.


Other than that, the only major difference I saw was the previously mentioned "B2C" in the URL for the UK T&C page which most likely indicates the terms only apply to business sellers, not private. eBay doesn't differentiate that in the US the same way they do in the UK, so they don't need to include that part for the .com policy.


As far as I know, eBay does operate promoted listings the same way in both US and UK and the main points about this T&C update allowing eBay greater latitude to make changes to attribution definitions, minimum ad rates and other settings/features that are part of the Marketing Services will apply to both US and at the very least business sellers in the UK.


Hope that helps!

Message 61 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

There has always been this "drag" effect after the promo ended, it was commented on when PL was introduced.  Along the lines of "strange how after stopping the promo all my sales are still via the promoted viewing."

Message 62 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@valueaddedresource wrote:

@the_book_seekers wrote:

The article is from a US site so presumably applies to .com t&cs. Is ebay operating promoted listings the same way on .UK?  It does appear that ebay has been a bit naughty in how promoted listing rates were raised to try and meet financial targets. I'm not sure how they can allowed to not tell users that rates are rising.

@the_book_seekers that's a great question! I just ran the new terms that will be effective in January from both the US  and UK pages through a difference checker and the only things it highlighted were expected cultural and linguistic differences like date formats, spellings, add to cart vs add to basket etc.


Other than that, the only major difference I saw was the previously mentioned "B2C" in the URL for the UK T&C page which most likely indicates the terms only apply to business sellers, not private. eBay doesn't differentiate that in the US the same way they do in the UK, so they don't need to include that part for the .com policy.


As far as I know, eBay does operate promoted listings the same way in both US and UK and the main points about this T&C update allowing eBay greater latitude to make changes to attribution definitions, minimum ad rates and other settings/features that are part of the Marketing Services will apply to both US and at the very least business sellers in the UK.


Hope that helps!

Thanks, Very informative post !


I'm just wondering why I  received this notification on my eBay private seller account ?


If this only applies to business sellers, shouldn't eBay have just notified them ONLY ??


Unless, it still applies in some way and is relevant because of eBay's Promoted Listings ? 🤔

Message 63 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

I am certain this has been the case for a while. When I turned off promoted listings permanently in January, for 30 days after I had the occasional sale sold via promoted listings despite the fact it was switched off. Think it was about 10 to 15 sales.


So this may not be anything new.

If this really wasn't anything new, Then why did eBay take the trouble of sending all it's many members notification messages in eBay messages for changes to eBay's terms - January 2025 ?


Obviously something must have changed (and not  for the better ! ) for them to do this in order to cover themselves from a legal aspect ??  

Message 64 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

I didn't get the message, perhaps just another glitch? 


Have you ever promoted any of your listings?  

I haven't, so perhaps that's the reason you got it and I didn't?

Message 65 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@theelench wrote:

I didn't get the message, perhaps just another glitch? 

Really ? !


Maybe you're right !... I certainly hope so !

Message 66 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

This is a full screenshot of this message i had received from eBay on my eBay private seller account:-

FireShot Capture 1814 - My eBay - eBay - www.ebay.co.uk.png

Message 67 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

I edited after you'd replied, so I'll ask again.


Have you ever promoted any of your listings?


I haven't.  Could that be why you got the message but I didn't?

Message 68 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@theelench wrote:

I edited after you'd replied, so I'll ask again.


Have you ever promoted any of your listings?


I haven't.  Could that be why you got the message but I didn't?

Yes I did this summer of 2024 so that makes sense maybe why I got this message and you and anyone who never used PL didn't receive such a message ?


That makes jolly good sense !

Message 69 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

Amazing what that second cup of coffee does to the brain.!!

Message 70 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

ha ha ha ! You just can't beat a cup of morning coffee 😁

Message 71 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@bittyboy101 wrote:

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

I am certain this has been the case for a while. When I turned off promoted listings permanently in January, for 30 days after I had the occasional sale sold via promoted listings despite the fact it was switched off. Think it was about 10 to 15 sales.


So this may not be anything new.

If this really wasn't anything new, Then why did eBay take the trouble of sending all it's many members notification messages in eBay messages for changes to eBay's terms - January 2025 ?


Obviously something must have changed (and not  for the better ! ) for them to do this in order to cover themselves from a legal aspect ??  

@bittyboy101 looks like you already got a pretty good plausible answer about why you received the notice if you're a private seller and I definitely agree with that thinking - eBay probably sent it to anyone who has ever used "Marketing Services" that would be governed by these terms just to cover their bases.


As far as why they would send it if the 30 days was really nothing new....the answer to that is the 30 day attribution window didn't change, but other things in the terms did and they are legally required to send out notice when they make changes to those terms.


So some parts of the terms are still the same as they have been for years, other parts are different - the trick is trying to figure out which parts did actually change, since eBay doesn't highlight or call them out specifically.


The link in message 57 of this thread will help you with that though. 😉https://community.ebay.co.uk/t5/Seller-Central/eBay-Marketing-Program-Terms-15-January-2025-Time-to-...  


Message 72 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

Elench certainly hit the nail right on the head !


I think he's spot on... I  wish I could update this thread to his answer being the correct solution !

Message 73 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

im a bit up the air myself as to wether i,ll take platform 1 beyond january 

depends on this new buyers fee coming in 

as for sales i,ve seen more life in carlton in lindrick cemetary

Message 74 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

so true, i only started selling in 2015 when i retired and i really used to enjoy it, now not so much!  I am retired and am long past having to put up with too much c... in my life and this is what it is now becoming.  Each year just seems to become worse and as i do not have a smart phone and have no intention of getting one (or anything other than my trusty old desk top and 'brick pay as you go phone) then i am often at a disadvantage.  With e bay i do not have to put up with it.

Message 75 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

Anyone would think they are deliberately trying hard to destroy eBay ???    


It is to " destroy" the private individual and small businesses - didn't the shenanigans in 2020 alert anyone to the agenda? 


Global corporate will do just fine... never forget we are the " useless eaters" and " consumers".... not members not customers... we are data and funds to line their pockets. 


Message 76 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

I have now updated this thread to now show the correct solution to why some members received this notification and others hadn't.


As user "TheElench" correctly pointed out it was because this notice was only sent to members who had at some point used or tried out the eBay Promoted listings service.   

Message 77 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

The last time I looked at Yahoo Finance to see who it was that actually owned ebay I found a handy list showing Major Shareholders, containing huge financial corporations who seem to do nothing more than control many millions of shares earning huge dividends. 


Looking a little further and the same few corporations appeared as Major Shareholders in amazon, etsy and paypal.

I wonder who sets the agenda of the ebay board with its emphasis on the next quarter's profits and returns to investors and seemingly little regard for the longer-term viability of the company and none whatsoever for the little people who create the profit in the first place.


Do they need to when so few companies control so much of the on-line market place.  Over the years I've seen particularly dis-liked policies on ebay result in many sellers saying "I'm off to etsy / amazon / Facebook(I never looked at who owns them).  But does it really matter?  Wherever sellers go they are still filling the same pockets.  Perhaps that's why ebay and probably the others never admit to a mistake or change anything for the better. 


Why bother when effectively there is nowhere else for sellers to go.  One step away from the different names over the door and they are all just different departments of the same business. 

Message 78 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

@theelench to go along with your point about the major shareholders, there's a revolving "talent" (term used loosely) door between a lot of these companies too.


Etsy's current CEO Josh Silverman previously led eBay's Netherlands/European Classifieds business. A lot of Etsy sellers I talk to say they think he took a few pages from eBay's playbook when he left - and they don't mean that in a good way.


eBay's current Chief Product Officer Eddie Garcia spent about a decade at eBay previously in the early 2000s, then left to Walmart/Sam's Club for a bit, then was Head of Commerce at Meta/Facebook for a couple years before coming back to eBay.


And I could go on and on. Many times people in high places making decisions at these companies have also been responsible for making decisions at other marketplace sites, so it's not terribly surprising when sellers look around and realize from policies to functionality and everything else...they're all pretty much drawing from the same well and there isn't a whole lot of real innovation going on.

Message 79 of 126
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Re: eBay Marketing Program Terms 15 January 2025 - Time to jump the eBay ship ???

What is a "cattle of fish" ? - is it the same as a kettle of piranhas?

Message 80 of 126
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