12-01-2025 12:39 PM
12-01-2025 12:53 PM
You aren't alone - take a look at the long-standing post titled No Sales MK11
12-01-2025 12:55 PM
Yes same here, been trading for nearly 5 years with roughly 40-50 sales a day, lucky now to get 1 sale a day
12-01-2025 1:15 PM
I have just bought an item from you , lovely , thank you , hope your sales improve .
12-01-2025 1:17 PM
I have Been selling here for 15 +years and seen them slow due to people copying my products and paid advertising but never have I seen sales stop completely like this
13-01-2025 11:29 AM
Thank you very much i really appreciate that!
13-01-2025 8:39 PM
I had not got a single sale since last Thursday, the weekend before was silent too. Today got a few in a row in the afternoon and now a few more this evening.
Almost like a switch or eBay fixed a bug. However slow sales are to be expected after the holidays.
Could it also be a coincidence that it slowed even more after the announcement of buyer fees? and then it could also be private business sellers reducing price even more trying to sell all stock they recently brought, before 4th Feb because for the free fees.
All conspiracies are welcome.
13-01-2025 8:57 PM
make your thoughts positive, be grateful and you will succeed in gathering and turning over more sales.
Wish you success.
13-01-2025 9:07 PM
what a load of tosh!
13-01-2025 9:26 PM
13-01-2025 9:27 PM
God Bless.
13-01-2025 9:28 PM
Can he fix what is broken - Ebay for example?
13-01-2025 10:34 PM
I'm actually doing better this last few months than I have ever done on eBay.
13-01-2025 10:40 PM
14-01-2025 2:53 AM
I had a good November, a few sales in December and a couple in January.
January is usually pretty quiet as people are spent up from xmas.
14-01-2025 3:56 PM
Same here, I have never known things this bad before! Just when you think things on Ebay couldn't get any worse, all activity just seems to stop. I was lucky and got a sale for a whole £7.00 on 7th Jan and that's it since beginning of the month.
It wasn't that long ago when I was making a sale almost every day!
The biggest frustration is that buyer activity has ceased as well. What I mean is that I don't seem to receive offers very often, and hardly ever get a sale when I send an offer to a Watcher. I'm guessing it's the same for everyone, and perhaps a reflection of the current tough economic climate.
14-01-2025 4:00 PM
I have sold a few things this month, not loads. This week's haul was a whole £1! Might have been the upcoming buyer fee that pushed that one, it's had one watcher a week for a few months now, guessing the same watcher and they realised it would double in price soon! I used to get regular offers (mostly ridiculous but some I would accept or haggle up), they seem to have completely disappeared these days. I did remove instant payment requirement so I don't know why that would be (unless they just assume it's on all listings).
14-01-2025 4:02 PM
Congratulations on your £7 - spend it wisely 😉
No sales since the beginning of December... I am not buying anymore and source what I need elsewhere due to the new changes... From comments on here it seems many private sellers are doing the same.
I think eBay is " broken" on so many levels and the trust has gone!
18-01-2025 11:15 AM
I was lucky to get a mighty sale of £7 on the 7th of Jan and that's it!!!
I have never EVER known things to be this bad.
A year ago I was selling at least one item per day, and now it's possible I could be lucky and sell two or three things this month!
Now I'm a genuine private seller and only have 26 items listed, so I'm not expecting the moon on a stick, but it just feels like my items are not getting any visibility at all y'know?
I know it sounds rubbish to say, but I'm glad it's not just me suffering from zero or very minimal sales.
The cause?....
Possibly the rise of Vinted platform and lets be honest the new Govt are doing everything possibly to get us into recession, so I expect many people are holding their money and not spending it on collectibles like what I sell.
18-01-2025 11:52 AM
I'm happy for all of you!