09-06-2024 10:58 AM
As above..
I'm selling some DJ turntables they are to large to ship. My advert clearly states cash on colllection only. Yesterday I get a buyer who puts in an offer, I declined but in the comments I stated that I accept his offer cash on collection. He then puts in another offer, I respond again stating I accept your previous, cash on collection please inbox me. He then proceeds to pays full price via eBay..
I then ask him when he'd like to collect and explain I will only accept cash on collection. He replies "let's leave it then" . So I've now lost all my watchers. And selling fee discount.
I messaged again to ask why, and he states that he wants buyer protection.. I reply stating that he is welcome to inspect and even test the items for as long as he requires before paying.
How do I stop people doing this? Is there a way to de select managed payments? And why exactly do eBay allow buyer protection on collection items? The buyers will be checking them before leaving, so how can they be not as described? 🙃
I'm reading that he could have driven down from Oxford, taken them, put in not as described and I'd be liable to arrange a return and refund. That's crazy. He could have a damaged item at home and just be wanting to get a mint replacement.
Where is the protection for the seller here? Rant over..
Solved! Go to Solution.
09-06-2024 12:27 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:29 PM
It does seem strange, it's hard to be sure as people get confused with how eBay works. If they had their heart set on them and thought they might lose out they may have bought impulsively in case they got away and weren't thinking straight.
Im not sure where you stand with eBay T&C's in saying the buyer can't pay through eBay as it contradicts the payment options in the listing. That would be one of my main worries over the listing, it may never get pulled by eBay but it puts that question mark in the mind of a buyer.
I have just helped list some heavy garden ornaments for someone and we put cash on collection is preferred but if they want to pay through eBay they can but they must bring the collection code that eBay email to them. We wanted to insist on cash only but I didn't want to get them in trouble with eBay for breaching their policies.
Fair point about DJ's ha - I still think I'd list them separately and just mention that there is another listing if they want 2 but it's just my preference.
09-06-2024 11:07 AM
Bottom line is, if a buyer wants to pay via eBay checkout then they can. All sellers can do is to put something like 'Cash on collection preferred, this will give you a chance to inspect your item before handing over your payment' on their listings and hope for the best.
If buyers pay via checkout there is always the potential there for them to open an eBay not as described claim, leaving the seller to pay for and arrange a return, or the buyer may issue a not as described chargeback (in which case they end up getting a full refund and keeping the item, this isn't uncome with PS5s and gaming computers).
09-06-2024 11:16 AM - edited 09-06-2024 11:17 AM
"If buyers pay via checkout there is always the potential there for them to open an eBay not as described claim, leaving the seller to pay for and arrange a return, or the buyer may issue a not as described chargeback (in which case they end up getting a full refund and keeping the item, this isn't uncome with PS5s and gaming computers)."
Yeah exactly it's utter nonsense, the fact that he insisted paying via managed even paying £100 over the offer price was a real red flag for me. Luckily he asked to cancel, which is good for me but I still lost my watchers.
Ebay should really update terms to protect sellers here. If someone is coming to test and view an item, they absolutely do not need buyer protection as with delivery items... It can't be not as described..
EBay's system is often flawed, it's a great site and for the most part I enjoy it, but stuff like this is just open to abuse from unscrupulous buyers. If the rules were that collection items that are inspected and viewd are not subject to buyer protection managed payments would be absolutely fine.
I'm pretty sure that guy wanted to scam me, why else would he pay £100 over the odds..
09-06-2024 11:58 AM
Putting my buyers hat on, I'd be cautious as there are 2 turntables to test and it would be easy to miss something unless I camped out in your house for an hour and fully play tested them both.
Where you say, 'if you pay on here I will cancel the order' - a genuine buyer who isn't trying to scam will wonder why it has to be cash, if they are in mint condition they would have no reason to return so may start to question the seller's motivations.
I totally get where you're coming from, I've got an Audio Technica that's worth about £200 and it will be going on Facebook once I'm ready to let it go as too much can go wrong with eBay collections.
It might actually help if you listed them separately for £200 or so each, most buyers will only want 1 of them.
09-06-2024 12:06 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:09 PM
I get your point of view and I did think this. But the fact he paid £100 over the offer I would have accepted in cash was a bit of red flag.
He would have been welcome to test for as long as necessary.
As a seller if the buyer insists on managed payments then I'm also likely to question their motivation? Why would he need it if he's checking it. He just doesn't 😊
I've put that on my listing to make sure people understand I don't want managed payments. To avoid any potential scam. Are you suggesting I should remove that?
DJs need two turntables 😊
09-06-2024 12:15 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:16 PM
And what you say about just using facebook is probably the way to go. Yes to much can go wrong on here sellers has no protection vs unscrupulous buyers despite the fact that they will be checking the item.
But my point is, it doesn't have to be that way. If eBay changed the policy so that people can't put in not as described on collection, it would make sense. When I listed the item I had no idea they could potentially scam me, I read ebay terms while he was sending offers in.
09-06-2024 12:21 PM
I've never understood why there isn't a cash payment only option for collection in person items.
If an item is sold via FaceBook, an ad in the paper or shop window then payment is in cash.
09-06-2024 12:27 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:29 PM
It does seem strange, it's hard to be sure as people get confused with how eBay works. If they had their heart set on them and thought they might lose out they may have bought impulsively in case they got away and weren't thinking straight.
Im not sure where you stand with eBay T&C's in saying the buyer can't pay through eBay as it contradicts the payment options in the listing. That would be one of my main worries over the listing, it may never get pulled by eBay but it puts that question mark in the mind of a buyer.
I have just helped list some heavy garden ornaments for someone and we put cash on collection is preferred but if they want to pay through eBay they can but they must bring the collection code that eBay email to them. We wanted to insist on cash only but I didn't want to get them in trouble with eBay for breaching their policies.
Fair point about DJ's ha - I still think I'd list them separately and just mention that there is another listing if they want 2 but it's just my preference.
09-06-2024 12:29 PM
Yep exactly..
09-06-2024 12:34 PM
It is an odd situation, I definitely think he wanted to scam me. I really can't believe they can pick up test and check, drive home, put in not as described and despite the fact it's a collection I then have to arrange and pay for the return., What's to stop them damaging and putting in the item not as described or as I stated simply abusing eBay's nonsense to get a nice new set of decks ha ha.
Cheers for advice, I may list them separately eventually. I hear you about the cash only comments I've added, I just got annoyed about what happened yesterday. Will change that when I can.
09-06-2024 12:38 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:38 PM
Btw, My main reason for listing here is reach. Personally I don't want or use social media.
09-06-2024 12:50 PM - edited 09-06-2024 12:50 PM
BTW, That person who brought your garden items can take them home break them and put in not as described. Having collection code makes no odds. This is why the system is flawed.
09-06-2024 12:54 PM
Haha I know. She wants them gone anyway I am just trying to save them from the tip and getting the car filthy taking them there... I think the most expensive thing I've ever sold collection only on eBay is about £80 for some old rebar and that's about as high as I'd want to go. It was a real pain, difficult to mark as collected, and always the chance of a nutter turning up.
09-06-2024 1:00 PM - edited 09-06-2024 1:06 PM
Ha ha I hear you, I have a couple of items i tried selling collection to avoid going to the skip too. 😂 BTW I say btw to often. Been great chatting. Have a good Sunday. 😊
09-06-2024 3:42 PM
Comment :- Cash on collection is allowed/acceptable using these eBay links ... you do not have to agree to acceptance of any other alternative payment methods >>
Collection in person ... Buyer sees > |
You can contact your seller to arrange to pay for and collect your item
09-06-2024 3:49 PM
The payment options are here:
It's confusing when sellers try to use the description as an alternative to changing settings.
If you want cash on collection, set it up.
09-06-2024 3:53 PM
@sagr2519 wrote:
The payment options are here:
It's confusing when sellers try to use the description as an alternative to changing settings.
If you want cash on collection, set it up.
Sellers still have to accept electronic payments via eBay checkout if a buyer prefers to pay this way.
You can ask for cash, but you can't insist on it.
09-06-2024 5:46 PM
Yeah there is no option to d select managed payments.
Guys I've had a genius idea, could I not just simply list the item for 99p and put the cash on collection price in the description? This would bypass numpties who insist on using managed payments..
09-06-2024 5:49 PM
You aren't understanding my post. You can't bypass managed payments and this leaves sellers open to item not described scams, despite the fact that the buyer is checking the item on collection. Item not described protection is only needed for postage, it's completely unnecessary for collection items.
09-06-2024 5:51 PM
You also haven't understood my post. You can't de select managed payments. It's not necessary to have buyer protection for collection.