Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Simple question.

My answer is that it makes no sense other than it's a greedy cash grab for eBay. Also, how many items will now go to landfill rather than going to a new home? eBay talks a good talk about reducing carbon footprints and climate action. But with this new buyer's protection racket is actually making it virtually impossible to sell low value items and condemning them to landfill. A lot of people preferred their items to find a new home rather than contribute to the growing mountain of waste. Yes, you could say eBay is a business and it isn't their job, but they make a big song and dance about things like sustainability and climate action. Is it just lip service?

I have seen people say things like, "You will still get the same money as before. The buyer pays the BPF on top". But on very low value items there is a ceiling to what people are prepared to pay. Anyone who has sold low value items knows that there is a psychological threshold that buyers do not go above. If you price even a penny over that threshold, you won't sell. You can study the sales history of items to see these trends and discover the highest price possible for those items.

But the point of this post is to highlight that it is ludicrous to charge a mandatory 79p insurance on a 99p item.

Also what was pretty disgusting was to suddenly impose this with little warning, so anyone who had items listed, suddenly found their prices effectively almost doubled overnight and forcing them to give up selling. Was that the whole point?

If a huge volume seller sells a music CD for £2.99 including delivery, a private seller who wants to match that price now has to list at around £2.15 for the buyer to see £2.99 - Then out of that £2.15, the private seller has to take the postage out which is £1.90 - That leaves them with 25p!

Some people will say you should list at £2.99 and the buyer will pay the 75p + 4% on top. But that isn't the case in reality. These things are price sensitive. But let's go with that suggestion for the moment......

Business seller lists at £2.99 - The buyer sees £2.99
Private seller lists at £2.99     - The buyer sees £3.86*
(*approx. calculation)

That is pure discrimination.

Is it designed to encourage buyer's to buy from the business seller?

Prior to the changes, both items would be shown to the buyer at £2.99

I stopped all buying and selling for now. I can't support a platform which discriminates against people in this way, let alone all the other crazy shenanigans going on. eBay used to be great. I've no idea what happened, but it seems to be focused purely on those who make the most money for eBay and to hell with the rest of us..... and to hell with the impact on the planet it seems.

Message 1 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

You say: "All sellers want to do is make as much money as they can - that is the whole point of it, isn't it".

Incorrect. You think everyone is all about the money. But actually warm-hearted people aren't like that.

Message 41 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

I think the op was saying it’s ridiculous to add  protection charge to a 99p item which is  what 80% of the items price when you add in the % 

apart from the fact does a 99p item need protecting over and above existing protection.ive found no evidence there is any extra protection anyway


and “ buyers “after 99p items are not gonna pay double the cost PLUS ENFORCED tracked postage costs which make the 99p item not worth it

its not all about sellers whinging

and why shouldn’t they whinge when the rug has been pulled up from under their feet 

just cos it can be 


Message 42 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


What is the point then from a seller's point of view?


Message 43 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


As I said, the buyer sees 99p - but that's not what the seller gets in their hand.


If the sellers do their sums ..................


Message 44 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

I think the buyer sees 99p plus the bpf which is nowhere near 99p

there’s no private listings showing as 99p


on vinted buyers see 99p (o £1  is they don’t bother with unrounded numbers)  but on the page after you click it says total price with bpf is x





Message 45 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


Before, with seller fees, as a buyer, I saw 99p - the buyer getting approx 43p in their hand?


"Free fees" started - but, as a buyer, I still saw a 99p price - that's what the buyer now got approx in their hand - 100%+ increase in price?


And yet they now complain of a 25p increase (as previous post)?

Message 46 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

I see what you’re on about

the point is not about sellers makings but the fact that this new fee will reduce sales as 99p listings don’t exist anymore ergo no buyers bidding or buying on 99p or £1 or so items

they muST pay double or so for what they did before 


Message 47 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


Not if they set their prices around the £1.25 - £1.30 end mark - they'll have the same money in their paws.


Yes, 99p listings are a thing of the past - any low pricing, I've always thought, eBay wants rid of.


But as with any change, whether an individual agrees with it or not, it's adapt or die?


I have no problem with a BPF - but the way eBay have gone about it, as I've said, is just palin stupid.


I'll buy if the end price is right - irrespective of how it's made up.


But buyers today are used to seeing an additional fee on many other sites - it's just the daft way eBay have gone about it.


Message 48 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Thank you. That's exactly what has happened. You articulated it very well. The rug has been pulled from under our feet and it feels awful. The cold-hearted, mean-spirted corporate greed doesn't care who it steamrollers over. If eBay want to be like that then they should be honest about what they are now. Because up until recently it was still possible to sell low value items to people which meant you cleared your own clutter, prevented it going to landfill (which eBay claim they care about), and hopefully delighted someone who received something they wanted for very little money. There's a sort of community spirit among people who don't have that much money but like to offer a service to people. It's really nice to receive a nice message from someone who says they really appreciated it. Human kindness is what is being crushed. I won't change who I am. I care far more about that than money. What eBay starkly reveals is just how big a void there is between the warm-hearted and the cold-hearted. All the while the shares are doing well enough, nobody will care. But that bubble is going to pop in the end.

Message 49 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Actually I think I've just hit on something. eBay went from warm to cold virtually overnight.

Message 50 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

1.30 will just Jack up the price even higher

its about attracting buyers which eBay has damaged 

not the pennies “the paws” will get


i agree you that eBay have lost their kudos

run out of political capital if they were politicians 

so obviously spooked by vinted they didn’t have many intelligent heads running the show 

with their reach and power they could have been better, STAYED better

never mind

no skin off my nose 

Message 51 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

They do seem to have brought in a number of changes that benefits themselves and disadvantages their customers:

  • Buyer Protection Fee – a total lie, they are just pocketing the money
  • Holding private sellers money - earning interest/investing
  • Simple Delivery - once mandatory ebay will make money on every postage label for every item sold
  • Hiding listings - ebay are hiding sellers listings so they have to pay to make them visible again
  • Disabling the invoice facility - buyers are forced to pay BPF on each item so no combining orders now.

All these greed-fuelled changes in a short time seem to point to a change in direction by ebay whereby they show contempt for those who use their selling platform with a single-minded focus on monetary gain and to heck with everybody else.  Unfortunately such a plan is destined to fail as such selfishness will blow up in their face sooner or later.

Message 52 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Hear what you say

unfortunately ebay USED to cater for everyone

if you’re after honesty ebay is not the place anymore 

not many  greedy companies are

Goodnight take care and when one door shuts (if u take that decision) another opens always and normally turns out better 

Message 53 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


No, sellers have to set their price so, as above, the end price (the price the buyers see) is at that level.


They just need to do their sums (which, IMHO, they shouldn't be in the position of having to do).


Message 54 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Agreed, I've got multiple spreadsheets on the go now to help me set the prices I want the buyer to see etc.

Message 55 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Ok I’ll think about this tomorrow

so 25p start? Hmm


Message 56 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?


If you want to make the same money from a 99p (plus say £1 p&p ) try 43p start.


And have a good and peaceful night.


Message 57 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

With the amount of charity shops along every high street and the amount of online 'freebie' groups I'm failing to see how items would end up in landfill?

"When life throws you a curve.........lean into it."

Message 58 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Hi Action man, I can understand that you feel that the rug has been pulled from underneath you, but I saw this apt quote recently:  "There comes a time when you have to stop blaming clowns for being clowns and just stop going to the circus!"  

Message 59 of 62
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Why are buyers being forced to pay 79p to "protect" a 99p item from private selllers?

Hi everyone,

This discussion has gotten a bit heated. Please remember that, while it is fine to disagree with others, discussion should always remain friendly and respectful as required by the Community Guidelines .

Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 60 of 62
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