01-12-2024 5:15 AM
Video Upload is a War of Attrition .. i'm losing .. help please
it does'nt matter what i try on my pc
ebay simply won't upload a 41 second video
have been try for two weeks .. now a full on pants experience !
01-12-2024 6:07 AM
I have never used the video option, but it used to be, that you had to add a photo first, have you tried this?
The guidleines I have for adding a video are, and I hope this helps:
You can only add one video per listing, but you can use the same video on multiple listings - you just need to upload it once.
Upload a video using the new listing tool by selecting . Add video from the Photos & Video section: - The video should be .mp4 or .mov with a 150MB limit, or about one minute long - The new listing tool is only available to Seller Hub users, https://www.ebay.com/help/
Find the Seller Hub here:
08-12-2024 7:45 AM
I have tried everything,
i used to be able to upload video's, before the free to sell change !
now there is no video option .. however upload a pic and click a video .. it starts to upload as per normal second window .. then freezes .. bla bla lot's of variants of not uploading ..
I guess it's another Change this Glitch that .. Ebay make a page better plan .. Again ,
terrible .. as my item would sell for more with a VIDEO
08-12-2024 8:16 AM
If you are not seeing a video option at all, are you not on the Seller Hub?
Try and list from the Hub , link below, see if that helps. Use a PC /laptop not the app and use Chrome seems to work best.
08-12-2024 8:40 AM
08-12-2024 8:47 AM
In particular with your electronic items, I believe you can add the hyper-link from
your you-tube channel if you have one, showing a "how to use" or set up guide.
Then you can make it as long as you want, with a link to the eBay page.
Don`t shoot the messenger ! - Will give Chat team Dave`s response to this below.
But as always with the Chat teams answers, they can be as clear as mud.
@messier44000 wrote:I am aware that you can download short demo videos to listings.
Just seen someone that has a hyperlink to their own you tube channel.
Is that allowed with it being an external link. If its OK to do this , might
do it myself.
You can add videos from your own channel to the listing if the are relating to the item. For example, guides on how to use the item, unboxing it or showing the condition of the item.