Sellers Postage Costs

Ebay appears to have changed the postage information available to sellers when listing items. Last time I listed, I was able to select the best carrier taking into consideration the  cost, size, weight, delivery time and compensation. Now the cost appears to be unavailable and I have to guess the cost for the service I choose. Has anyone else come accross this and how do they overcome it. I have spoken to an EBay ajent, but they were unable to help saying that they will pass my comments/complaints on!

Message 1 of 6
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Re: Sellers Postage Costs

Yes, it's hard when eBay change things without warning and don't tell us how to use the new system.

Here's what to do now:

  1. Check your courier's website for current prices and size/weight restrictions.
  2. Measure and weigh all your products, if you don't already have this information. Consider how much packaging they'll need as well.
  3. Go to 
  4. Make a policy for each category of products you sell, where category would be postage type rather than listing category. Give them clear titles.
  5. Move each of your listings into the correct policy.
  6. Delete the confusing policies.
  7. Check the courier's prices regularly and update your policy when they go up.
Message 2 of 6
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Re: Sellers Postage Costs

It has always been better to work out your own postage rather than rely on ebay's estimate.  Ebay frequently messes up and the seller can end up out of pocket.


You are doing the hardwork already by working out the weight and dimensions.  At that point it is simple to check the cost for your chosen carrier.  No need to guess. 

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Sellers Postage Costs


I agree it's unhelpful if eBay make unnecessary changes that break an existing workflow for you.


However, if you post parcels regularly you must already know the weight/size bands and prices for the courier or couriers you normally use. Just keep a note somewhere of the ones you use (spreadsheet, notes app on phone, post it note on desk, however you work) - I use 4 Royal Mail services regularly so have those in my head. Then I have 1 or 2 services I use maybe once a month for larger/heavier items, so I have those noted and will double check if concerned about a price increase.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Sellers Postage Costs

There are a few options you could consider in order to overcome the probem.  The first would be to work out how much it would cost to post the item, then once you have done that add it onto the asking price, add on a bit more to account for the amount that eBay will take away in fees if the item sells, and advertise the item with free postage.  By doing that not only have the postage costs already been factored into the price of the item, but eBay will automatically give you a five star rating with regards to postage, and the buyer will not be able to mark you down on postage costs, as the question "How reasonable were the postage costs?" would not show up if you listed the item with free postage.


Another option you could consider, especially if the item is very heavy/bulky and potentially at risk of getting damaged if posted, would be to advertise it as a Collection In Person Only item.  That way the onus is on the buyer to collect the item and ensure that it is transported back home safely with adequate protection against knocks/bumps whilst in transit.  That way even if the item were to get damaged when the buyer was transporting it back home he/she could not hold you responsible for any damage that had occurred to the item, as once the item left your property and the buyer had loaded in into his/her own vehicle for the journey home the responsibility to get the item home safely lies with the buyer, not with you.

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Sellers Postage Costs

i have just wasted a hour setting up a sale to find out the same , best to open a royal mail acount , i am thing of looking elsewhere to sell , ebay are trying to be clever with their ideas but will drive sellers away it is taking longer to set up a sale , 

Message 6 of 6
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