19-04-2024 4:44 PM
I always get a 70% off variable selling fees every 2 week and it is when I list. There is nothing on the "promotions" area of my home page either. Do any other private sellers have the same issue ? From what I have read on forums it is not guaranteed, but I have never not had one.
22-09-2024 7:26 AM
to list or not list at full fees at the minute....this is the question i am asking myself 🙄
22-09-2024 7:41 AM
Q . to list or not list at full fees at the minute....this is the question i am asking myself ?
A. List !
22-09-2024 7:49 AM
If it's worth listing, then list it.
You know yourself you can't sell anything unless you do.
It'll just remain that bit of clutter in a cupboard or on the floor you tut at from time to time.
22-09-2024 7:54 AM
or even trip over it as i sometimes do lol My lounge and spare bedroom looks like a hoarders house !!! 🙂
22-09-2024 10:19 AM
Ok scheduled 11 listings. I am out of puff and enthusiasm now. How do others have the patience to list say 50 listings? Maybe its just me that gets overwhelmed ☹️
22-09-2024 10:23 AM
22-09-2024 10:39 AM
They might not list a lot at any one time though.
My uncle has collected coins, stamps, die-cast model cars, and heaven knows what, since he was a boy.
Thousands of items.
Because of being restricted during Covid, he made one listing every morning - stopping at 300.
Just relists those that don't sell (they all do eventually) and replaces those, one at a time, that do sell.
Doesn't take a lot to build up a base of items and then keep it ticking along.
Just have to work it to suit you rather than ebay.
22-09-2024 10:42 AM - edited 22-09-2024 10:44 AM
I think i need to pace myself more. Instead of trying to list a load in one go. Oh well 12 scheduled and a few hundred/thousand to go lol
To make a real dent in things i think we may have to go do a market....first time in over 3 years.
22-09-2024 11:11 AM
If you read up a few posts you'll realise they're not running it this weekend.
22-09-2024 1:49 PM
22-09-2024 2:05 PM
I really have to laugh when a so called private seller mentions profit margins- usual indication that they are not a real private seller just one trying to buck the system and get the free listings. REAL private sellers would like to get as much money as possible for an item but do not even begin to think of it as a profit margin because the items are used and anything is better than throwing in the skip!
22-09-2024 2:10 PM
been at car boot all morning and it is dire! Enough people around but not much spending happening. I built up my 70/80 items over years and just keep relisting and adding a couple at a time, normally only sell two every weekend but as they say 'God loves a trier'. I really hate uploading the photos, takes forever and all the fiddling around with measurements etc. 3/5 maximum at a time now.
22-09-2024 2:15 PM
22-09-2024 4:23 PM
22-09-2024 8:36 PM
Fair enough, mea culpa. But I still need to pay for postage, packaging etc - I'm certainly not doing it to break even. Is anybody? The day I don't get anything back, I give up. I'm not doing it just to make money for ebay.
22-09-2024 8:53 PM
23-09-2024 6:52 AM
Its the photos that take most of my time too. Decent photos mean everything on Ebay.
The annual boot we used to do is not actually a boot but a sunday market...on tarmac and under the metal market fruit and veg stalls used in the week. Its easier for us because parking is also only a few yards away. Prob about 60 stalls. We used to take a few hundred pounds in say 4 or 5 hours but i bet that has changed nowadays. There were others selling dvds etc that just about took their stand money so i guess it depends entirely on what you are selling.
23-09-2024 5:47 PM
Just so you know the same thing will happen again in December. This is purely because it is a five Weekend month.
They only offer this on two weekends of every month.
In December the same thing will happen again because it's a five weekend month.
23-09-2024 7:10 PM
23-09-2024 7:12 PM