Just exceeeded £1000 in sales... HMRC question

So I've just discovered I've exceeded £1000 in sales, but I'm usually just selling off my own clothes and products I've purchased at mostly a small loss. I'm not a business, just someone trying to free up space.


Do I need to do anything in regards to registering or notifying anyone?

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Just exceeeded £1000 in sales... HMRC question

No. 😁

Ebay may send your details to HMRC but HMRC won't give two hoots about you.

Providing of course you are just selling only your own old clobber (and none of those single sales was over the CGT of £6000. ; though I'll admit that's unlikely on ebay! )


If though, you got hold of a box of brand new gadgets and decided to sell multiples of those on the same account, that might raise tax-inspectory eyebrows....

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