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If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

I fall into the category of Private Ebay sellers who only posts items I have sold to buyers through means of the Post Office. In other words, I parcel up the item, and drive in my car to the Post Office, and then get served at the Post Office counter - and this is indeed a very successful traditional system. I always use the UK Royal Mail and never wish to change that option. It's like when wishing to buy food from a Supermarket. I like to have someone serve me at a checkout, even though (of course) you can use their self-service-points and scan everything yourself, and the other options - is of course to order your food and household products by ordering online.

So, why am I saying this. Well. Basically as years have gone by, Ebay has been trying to persuade it's members to switch from the regular Post Office counter option - and instead use GSP (Global Shipping Programme) - and - online Royal Mail and Other Postage companies with Click and Collect, etc.. etc.. - and (of course) - their new SDP (Simple Delivery Programme)

Now, I understand that Variety is often referred to as 'The Spice Of Life' Lol. Well, Yes I fully understand that there is a variety of different options for posting items to buyers through Ebay, but the most Important things to me, is that the traditional Post Office Royal Mail Counter system remains as an option, regardless of all the other options which Ebay is trying it's hardest to push us towards. Many on Ebay, just like myself wish The Post Office to continue to be our be-all-and-end-all for all time.

So, Ebay sends me an Email message today with the title :- More Protection For Your buyers - with a list of various changes, which have many Pro's and Con's for both the Buyer and the Seller. I am only going to focus on the subject-at-hand which is the part where it says that the Seller gets paid once the Buyer has received the item. So that involves the postal system, naturally.

I have copied-and-pasted the last important paragraph which relates to Ebay's advice in regards to how sellers should now start posting their items to buyers :-


[> Now, to give your buyers even more confidence when shopping, UK-based private sellers will be paid after item delivery, from 4 Feb. Your funds will be available in your eBay balance two days after delivery confirmation.*** We know it's important to get your money fast, so we recommend using a tracked delivery service either through Simple Delivery, or arranging for local collection <]


So, I read through the page about Simple Delivery through this link :-


At the bottom it says that you can Opt Out of this system - which I copied and pasted below :-

[> "

Opting out

You can opt out of Simple Delivery when you're creating your listing by selecting Custom Postage from the delivery options. If you'd prefer not to use Simple Delivery at all in the future, you'll need to opt out each time this programme is recommended when you're creating listings.

Keep in mind that if you opt out, you won't benefit from the enhanced cover for loss or damage to the item during transit offered by Simple Delivery "<]

Q;- My Question is, does this Opting out still apply after these new More Protection for your buyers, and all these other new changes come into force in February 2025 ? - and can I still use the Post Office as before.

Message 1 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

So is there a list of categories that won’t be made to use or be suitable for Simple Delivery?  


I sell postcards so envelope sized letters.  The thought of Evri getting their hands on envelope sized items is rather worrying!!   

Message 61 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

@jonestim6 wrote:

So is there a list of categories that won’t be made to use or be suitable for Simple Delivery?  


I sell postcards so envelope sized letters.  The thought of Evri getting their hands on envelope sized items is rather worrying!!   

@jonestim6 here is the current eligibility info for Simple Delivery: 



There are also currently some zip code restrictions for clothing categories




While eBay has not provided much information about their plans to make Simple Delivery mandatory for eligible items, it's probably a safe bet at least initially the eligibility criteria will start with what is already in place.

Message 62 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

@valueaddedresource  I wonder when they will update the information on Simple Delivery, or will they wait and see how it goes,  as it is my understanding that at first you can " custom" and use your own way of posting,  which would be fine  if that was all we had to do, but I am not prepared to have funds held. If eBay are not trusting of me after 17yrs to handle my account , look after my buyers, and " earnings" then I am not trusting of eBay to handle them for me, particularly as we are seeing more posts of sellers whose funds are being held ( some indefinitely) without a good valid reason given. 

Message 63 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

'So is there a list of categories that won’t be made to use or be suitable for Simple Delivery?'


Well, it looks like there will be items that won't be able to be sent by Simple Delivery.


On the Simple Delivery blurb ; things that are on the 'Prohibited' lists of Royal Mail and Evri *won't* be able to be sent by S. Del. ( but to be honest, most of the things on there wouldn't be touched by an awful lot of courier companies in the first place, regardless ...)


It's things on the 'restricted' lists that are more of a question mark at the moment.


I.e. If you were selling a piece of Glassware, would you be exempt from Simple Delivery?


Ebay will be paying for any 'breakages in the post' with simple delivery.

If those items are on the 'restricted' list, ebay won't get compensation/insurance from the courier. (unless of course ebay have negotiated a much much better deal with the couriers than that available to us..?)


It would be nice if ebay would make it quite clear if those 'restricted list' categories *cannot* use Simple Delivery.

(Because those lists are pretty long, and would mean some of the people on here who are worried about being forced into Simple D, *may* be unable use it anyway, and so would be able to continue selling )

Message 64 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

@jonestim6 wrote:


I sell postcards so envelope sized letters.  The thought of Evri getting their hands on envelope sized items is rather worrying!!   

Don't do it, they do offer a large letter service and it's a total shambles.


You wouldn't think it would be possible to destroy or lose so many items in such a short space of time, they were delivered crushed with tyre marks on, ripped, soaking wet even though it hadn't been raining, opened with the contents missing the list goes on.


I used them for 2 weeks and would rather close my business down than use them again.



Message 65 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

Just to add......there are also a lot of items that Evri will deliver but are exempt from any compensation and they are sent at your own risk.   So i wonder if these items will still be included.   All this sounds like a complete minefield to me.

Message 66 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

This is a question I had some time back... " breakages" for glass / fragile 


Not one postal courier covers any damages /breakages to glassware or pottery/fragile... 


If eBay are NOT going to cover this as a "protection "  under the BPF and stick to the terms of the postal couriers then Simple Delivery will not be suitable for these items as Evri do not take care of " fragile" packages in my opinion and if buyers are choosing their postal service , you can bet they will choose the lowest price etc.  


I have never had an issue with Royal Mail and sell fragile items at my own risk..I package with extreme care... and as I am reminded by the Post Office counter staff every time they ask what is in the parcel, and I reply , a vintage china teapot or a glass trinket or whatever fragile item it is... You are not covered for any damages... Yes I know, it is in the terms and conditions. 


So, I am not risking any fragile items with any other postal courier other than RM and I am certainly not touching any postal lockers etc. I just won't be using Simple Delivery anyhow for anything,  as it takes away from my usual way of posting which has been  more than sufficient for the past 17yrs and for personal reasons makes it impossible for me to use. 


It will be interesting once eBay update their blurb on Simple Delivery. 


Message 67 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

Contact RM Customer Service FREEPOST Plymouth [by letter] and explain.  


They got it wrong!  You should get a refund/book of stamps!



Message 68 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

Incorrect! Soon it will be Mandatory to use e-bays system, so no longer able to buy postage online at a discounted price to use on your sales-something that will increase the sale price of the item IN ADDITION to e-bay now charging 75p plus 4%! 'It's Free to sell'. No it is not.


How about we make life even simpler for the sheepel, dumb down and not bother with e-bay at all?


PS. IF you DO NOT use their systems now or in the future your item will not be paid out to you for at least 28 days. Used to be within 2 days.


When I started on e-bay they said, 'DO NOT SEND GOODS UNTIL YOU ARE PAID', now they say, 'SEND GOODS AND WE WILL PAY YOU-EVENTUALLY'.


In the last month I have had at least 4 'buyers' try to scam me after years of trouble free sales. Of course while waiting 28 days+ to be paid (once buyers leave feedback!!!!!) it will all go smoothly......


One buyer stated the item was not as described, apart from the fact that it was, and I should give them feedback to stop the return! I refused, they eventually withdrew the return. Money, including postage, was held up while this scammer tried his luck.......


E-bay is now a waste of time unless you want some rubbish from China that is.

Message 69 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

Hello, I sent all my recent (after 4th Feb ) orders by RM48 costing £3.39 even orders for items of £5.

Buyers now get charged a fee of 75p + another 4% of order total buyer protection fee.


Now in Vinted style an order sent tracked and marked as delivered and even with positive feedback from the buyer is not proof of delivery.


The buyer has to specifically state,some how,to Ebay that an order has been received and accepted. How they do this I do not know as Ebay will not tell me.I've contacted my buyers to see if they have been sent a message like what happens on Vinted but I'm told not.


In my order history it shows orders as delivered it shows an Ebay note saying funds available and a date = two days after delivery but I have received no money at all in Feb' and I am now having to cancel orders.


By all account sellers will now have to use the Ebay system as only that will be accepted as posting and delivery although sellers will still be able to send by other means they will not be accepted as proof of delivery .

Message 70 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

Have you checked your Balance? eBay no longer automatically transfer money to your bank, you have to do it manually.

Message 71 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

eBay no longer automatically transfer money to your bank, you have to do it manually.


its amazing how ebay come up with these super improvements, all of which benefit ebay to a lesser or greater degree, and the members ? Hmmm.

Message 72 of 73
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Re: If the Post Office is your be-all-and-end-all for selling on Ebay

'The buyer has to specifically state,some how,to Ebay that an order has been received and accepted. How they do this I do not know as Ebay will not tell me.I've contacted my buyers to see if they have been sent a message like what happens on Vinted but I'm told not.'



There is, currently, *no* mechanism, no 'button' for a buyer to push, to tell ebay that something has been delivered.

That why they won't tell you what it is.


Even pos feedback has never* been used as proof of delivery as it can (occasionally) be left by mistake.


The only thing they accept is postal confirmation of delivery ( e.g. a scan by the postman). If you have a lazy or chronically over-loaded postman and that doesn't happen; tough..... you have to wait 14 days.



*from the end of Feb ebay will be accepting pos feedback as proof of delivery and release the payment 2 days later. BUT only for sale under £10.00.

Over that amount , untracked or unconfirmed tracked sales will have to wait the full 14 days, regardless of feedback.

Message 73 of 73
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