Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

OK so listing some items tonight

good news first - even though Simple Delivery is now being pushed I can opt out to custom settings and select my standard shipping rates

bad news - I have to opt out of Simple Delivery every time I list even though I am listing similar items. Really? 

This is from ebay itself:  You can opt out of Simple Delivery when you're creating your listing by selecting Custom Postage from the delivery options. If you'd prefer not to use Simple Delivery at all in the future, you'll need to opt out each time this programme is recommended when you're creating listings.

I mean what does that last sentence mean anyway?

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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

They seem to have their own strange take on postcodes.  I live in a rural location where it's a 10 mile round trip to the nearest Post Office.  Their is no courier service where I stay.  There is a chap who takes his van on the ferry every other week to collect from the nearest A*azon lockers. (don't tell A*azon!).
Yet, eBay insist on listing Evri as an option.  I turned it off in the postage preferences section but, every so often, it comes back.  Useless.

Message 61 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

The past couple of days when i have had to relist an item when you go into delivery details it shows the four boxes and postage only is highlighted but underneath SD is the only option.  Click on collection then straight back to click on postage only and custom option shows up and it will relist as i want to.  Not sure why the glitch on Postage only unless it is a deliberate glitch with them pushing SD but not sure that anyone is capable of that kind of thinking.  Personally if i had not found the get around i would just have not relisted the item.

Message 62 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

...Or a new commercial manager of some sort is trying to make his/her existence viable in the company and sod everyone, no matter how long you have been with ebay. Otherwise, I can't see why to try to change what's not broken.

Stopped selling fees - thank you, but what's the catch?

Introduced payments on schedule  - ok, no biggie, they have to recuperate fee money somehow.

Introduced BPF - cringe, but I haven't changed prices so can offer 12-15% off asking price.

Delays with payment  - even more cringeworthy, if I sell my expensive sofa, I have to wait 2 days to get the funds after collection?

SD is a royal pain in the tushie. Instead of quick clicks, I have to go through rigmarol of switching to custom.  And I hope we still get the choice, not having it shoved accept it or the door is out there.

Message 63 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

set your preference for simple deliery Evri/Rm



Message 64 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

What happens when you choose Evri and your buyer is in a postcode that Evri charges a hefty surcharge for? On custom delivery, I just choose to send via Royal Mail and take the smaller hit. Simple delivery will surely create a label with insufficient funds? Or will the customer in certain postcodes be charged extra? 
Also, I don’t weigh or measure boxes prior to listing. I may weigh the goods, but I can’t know how heavy it will be once I’ve added packaging. I make the final decision on  the best way to send an item after it’s sold. If over 1kg, I’ll switch to RM.

Does simple delivery automatically add on the extra compensation fee Evri charges for goods over £25? I’d switch to RM48 in this instance,  as insured up to  £150.

I have Evri and Royal Mail as my only two options, but Yodel comes up every time. And don’t get me started on cabin luggage etc. Adding delivery now takes so much longer 

is there a way to check I haven’t inadvertently missed one when listing items today?

Message 65 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

that only gives you the option of opting out of either EVRI/RM, what so many of us would like is just an opt out of SD completely to save all the messing around.   

Message 66 of 67
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Having to opt out of Simple Delivery on EVERY LISTING

put you item weight at 21KG , just remember to update it on your broker portal befor booking 😉

Message 67 of 67
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