GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping refund?

Hi, a foreign buyer has purchased 3 buy it now items separately through the global shipping programme and has asked the following: 'But I think I now paid the shipment for each shirt separately, how could we handle that?'


Resident in the UK, I sell my items to UK buyers free postage, but I haven't a clue what to do in this case.  Understandably the foreign buyer want all 3 items shipping together and they are only clothing so this could be done easily. They have definetly paid for each item separately using the global shipping programme and must be seriously out of pocket having seemingly paid postage 3 times for what are very lightweight clothing items.


What are my options? Do I have to cancel all 3 purchases then re-list all 3 items in a one buy it now purchase?  And does the buyer get fully refunded including their GPS shipping costs? I am worried this is the beginning of a complicated nightmare. Hoping someone can simplify my next course of action.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref


Best of my knowledge there isn't any option to combine sales within GSP.

All the dealers I know that use it tell buyers to contact them before purchase if they want more than 1 item.

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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

If that is so andha-21, what are my options and will the buyer be fully refunded should I cancel all transactions?

Message 3 of 9
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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

Each item sent to the hub through GSP is insured against loss or damage and has its own customs declaration. This is your protection.

The only way the postage can be reduced is if you ask them to agree to cancel the sales and then relist them as a bundle. The problem with this is if one ( or two) items are not as described, you will be responsible to pay for the return of all 3 items.

I would just ask the buyer if they would like to cancel the sales and see what they say.

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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

Thank you so much for your helpful reply, I have sent a detailed email and started the cancellation/refunding process and asked that if/once they are happy then I can re-list in one buy it now bundle. Hopefully things will pan out and the buyer won't be too confused or upset.


One thing I did notice prior to the refunds/cancellation that my ebay balance was around £58 and now this has disappeared to zero. Does this has anything to do with the refund as I would not expect that I would be deducted in any way. Bizarre?

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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

If the order was for £58 and you are refunding them, then your balance will be zero if that is what it was before.

Let's hope they will repurchase them and it all works out ok for you.

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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

No buddy. Before the buyer made any purchases my balance was £58. They then made the purchases of around £68 which does not include shipping. My balance after transactions coincidentally dropped to zero.

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Message 7 of 9
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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

Go in to your payments tab in the seller hub and it will show you your financial summary.

Message 8 of 9
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Re: GSP foreign buyer has purchased multiple items separately, but understandably wants shipping ref

If I sell On GSP  and it’s multiple sales I just send a reasonable refund, via the drop down orders menu there is a refund button .. that’s if I get a sale and if it’s two or more sales,

 or a figure i can work with.. 


“No person, I think, ever saw a herd of buffalo, of which a few were fat and the great majority lean. No person ever saw a flock of birds, of which two or three were swimming in grease, and the others all skin and bone.”
– Henry George
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