EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

From the sky news article here which is obviously a press release https://news.sky.com/story/ebay-selling-fees-are-scrapped-to-boost-to-reselling-13225638


It seems clear ebay is following in the footsteps of other selling marketplaces by adding fees for buyers in the early new year,  but since fees remain in place for business sellers adding another fee on top of this is another hit to our bottom line.


We will now be expected to absorb the buyers fee and our own business selling fee (and shop fees etc).


This seems crazy to me - although eBay say it'll be 'small' , if it's 8% like elsewhere that's a massive hit for us to take.  Yes it's for the buyers but we all know prices will drop because of it - for example a 350 item will now cost 379 to the buyer with an 8% fee that is currently used by another platform, so ofc sellers will drop the initial price so that the item actually sells and to offset this.


Fine for private sellers who have no fees to compensate, but insane for business sellers with hefty fvf and shop fees already 

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434 REPLIES 434

Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

There are also those listings which could be improved to the stage of making a sale e.g. add dimensions or photograph the item with a fiduciary marker, or only one photo when a buyer would like to see the back as well as the front.


Unless keen on an item a buyer might not message a seller with questions, may not want to wait an unpredictable amount of time to wait for the reply. Easier to click away and look elsewhere.


Sometimes it's merely about presentation e.g. a single paragraph of many lines looks like a wall of text. How many won't read it and click away?


It's easy to forget that many buyers are multi-tasking with umpteen tabs/windows open, have limited shopping time, have limited mental energy to spare etc. If an item doesn't sell for years a seller could maybe put on "a buyer's hat" to look again at the listing, as there might be a useful tweak to be made.

Message 301 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

it is arrogance though to decide what others should do and to try to belittle them because they do not feed into what YOU think they should do.  I decide if i am wasting my time or not, not you.  I do take some off but others i leave on and in the main they will eventually get bought.  I am not in a hurry, i am not a business  and i and my family have or are working all our lives so have income but are not rich so all the little bits add up.   The person who bought the suit did not think it was 'irrelevant', i actually got very good feedback for it.  I was going to add a couple of other comments but the moderators would not like it.

Message 302 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

Some very useful and sensible advice and observations 

Message 303 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

Well done selling the suit but think on that each year that you had it listed it's value is diminished - Why because the cost of living rises year on year - the idea surely is to sell an item as quickly as possible  once you have decided it non longer has a use to you any more and you need the money to support your income ? 


Message 304 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

"... Youth of today"


More money than sense?



"This practice is very common and actually achieves nothing - the prices may be too high, the items undesirable"


What nonsense, at least for some sellers. I've sold items, that have been listed for years, to buyers around the world, hugely grateful because they'd been unable to find the item anywhere else.

Not strictly true, you could find sites where the item was listed. But alongside it said "Not currently available", in other words they had one some years ago but have no more stock.


"Items put on sale for years without selling are in reality buyers telling you they do not want to buy the item (otherwise it would sell) When will the penny drop !"


OK, I guess that's true for someone selling a jacket or a reading lamp, where it's not possible to find something identical, but there's plenty similar enough to be appealing.  But if you're a retro enthusiast, needing a precise part for your restoration, you need what you need. The item is rare, the corresponding buyer is rare.


"it is arrogance though to decide what others should do ..."


Spot on.



Message 305 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

You obviousy missed the wording in the post - 


'These listings are not generally unique or niche items they are common everyday, clothes, vases, household goods ! '


Just checked one random sellers items and sorted by newly listed they have 2,020 items for sale (private seller) 1,800 have been listed for over 12 months,  of which 800 for over 3 years and 600 over 4 years, 


If someone is hoping to sell these 1800 unwanted items sometime soon they are living in fairy land - yes the odd one might sell eventually but really the buyers are telling them something - they don't want them ! 


If as a previous poster claimed it is to bolster their income - they are living in fantasy land !  After 4 years they haven't helped  one little bit !


If you truly believe this is the way to sell on ebay we have to disagree - you are kidding yourself !

Message 306 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

@dch2112011 wrote:

You obviousy missed the wording in the post - 


'These listings are not generally unique or niche items they are common everyday, clothes, vases, household goods ! '


Just checked one random sellers items and sorted by newly listed they have 2,020 items for sale (private seller) 1,800 have been listed for over 12 months,  of which 800 for over 3 years and 600 over 4 years, 


If someone is hoping to sell these 1800 unwanted items sometime soon they are living in fairy land - yes the odd one might sell eventually but really the buyers are telling them something - they don't want them ! 


If as a previous poster claimed it is to bolster their income - they are living in fantasy land !  After 4 years they haven't helped  one little bit !


If you truly believe this is the way to sell on ebay we have to disagree - you are kidding yourself !

OK, we don't disagree.  I suppose they might be knocking a bit off the price every month (I do that myself with those of my items that aren't unique), but maybe you need to send that seller a message suggesting they ask in the forums for advice!  😉

Message 307 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

Unique, niche items will have potentially a longevity   but 1000's of everyday items which don't sell and havent been changed for years just clog up search  and most of them have never been altered 


This was also part of the post I made 


'You should not confuse these statements with a member who actively changes the item - photos, title, description, price etc to try and find what works - the listings i am thinking about are the ones which remain unchanged year after year after year which are just not attracting buyers'


Yes they need help but I feel they are dreaming of being the next ICI listing for listings sake !


They do occasionally post on the forum usually blaming ebay for their lack of success  expecting ebay should sell their clutter and in the next breath complaining that ebay are taking control - sometimes sellers just have to make an effort !

Message 308 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

I am  going to make this my last comment on this thread because your arrogance is so breathtaking that i may actually be rude and i do not want to lower myself to others levels.    What i and many other thousands do on e bay is not your business it is ours and E Bays.    When i want advice i would ask one of the more knowledgeable mentors on this site!

Message 309 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

I sell in a niche area of glass which once had its own sub-cat. within the main category of "Pottery, Porcelain & Glass > Date Lined Glass - 1919 - 1939 Art Deco." which if searched for returned about 10K results.  It had very little in the way of 'tat' or irrelevant listings.  It was easily searched for, being a named sub-cat. and it was a lively market in which I got regular sales simply because I changed what I listed regularly.


Ebay effectively sabotaged that market by getting rid of the sub-cat. and making what was a main category (PP&G) into a sub-cat. within the new giant category of "Home Decor & DIY > Pottery Porcelain & Glass > Decorative Tableware & Cookware with specific items such as > vases / > bowls etc.


They removed any mention of the date-line, the style (Art Deco) and submerged the 10K items under a mountain of "Art Deco Style" modern tat and any other irrelevant item that a seller decided to label as "Art Deco".  Such as a few hundred genuine 1930s candlesticks in with thousands of modern "Tea Lights and candle-holders", many not even made of glass but made by the million in China.  Buyers then have to try to find them by using IS, if they can.  


I would agree that where comparable items can be seen together they will find there own price level, but not when they're scattered, one or two to a page, among a sea of dross.


Ebay also decides that slower selling items are "Stale", just because the are slow to sell, something that is inevitable when selling in a niche  --  the smaller the niche the slower the sales.  But that doesn't mean they are over-priced or unsaleable  --  just that they won't sell quickly.  It's only ebay that defines it as stale and down-grades their visibility making sales even slower.


That policy alone has made selling many collectables un-viable on ebay.  Last year I would have listed about 50 different items, faffed about re-listing as "Sell Similar" to re-fresh them at intervals and managed to sell 4 items.

On ebid, where RUS means "Run Until Sold" (without any of the faffing around), the last item I sold was listed in 2021.  I also sold 27 other items in 2024, all of them listed or years and all sold to buyers happy to have found them and paid me the full asking price.


I think that demonstrates that it isn't always the second-hand stuff that clogs the search results, it's equally modern stuff that clogs the the results in most collectables categories and prevents items "finding their price level".  Ebay has forced them into competing for visibility in a modern item mass market and lost tens of thousands of sales by doing so.


One reason private sellers list continuously is because ebay forces them to by controlling and down-grading visibility if they don't.  One reason I put stuff on the other site is it saves me all the faffing required by ebay to stand any chance of selling anything  (and that's without even beginning to get onto the requirement to Sponsor my listings to get a sale).


The basic problem is not always private sellers being unrealistic in their pricing, Kath's old suit and my old vases will sell if they are given a decent change but ebay manipulates the search, denying slower selling items visibility and submerging them in a sea of modern tat, not because they won't sell, but because they don't sell quick enough to suit ebay.  

Message 310 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

To repeat myself.


Customers might well give sellers a hint that they are not interested in an item that's been listed for years, IF it's both second-hand and newish.  The older an item is the more niche it gets and will naturally take longer to sell.  But it doesn't mean that it won't sell, just that a buyer is taking longer to find it.

Message 311 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

But on the other hand and on the other site I sold very little for years.  I easily, but rather slowly built my listing numbers to 100 with very few sales.  Kept going and reached 200 two years later but with a few more sales.  Several years later and still listing at the same rate (1 item a week) I'm getting regular sales and have never reached 300 listings.  Effectively I'm now (more or less) selling stuff as quickly as I list it. 


But strangely on ebay you seem to regard it as over-priced, unsaleable and tat / rubbish that's simply clogging the search results.


I'd put it down to ebay's manipulated and biased search and ebays playing field that actively denies sellers of slower selling items any real chance if selling anything.


What I don't think you or ebay understands is that to sell regularly in a totally erratic market to some extent relies on having many items listed for sometimes long periods of time.


Vintage vases or suits are not cans of beans that sell every day of the week, but they do sell (or did sell) on ebay by the tens of thousands, unless the site makes selling them too difficult.  That's why ebay is now in a panic and desperately trying to get private seller to join-up again.


As Joni once said "You don't know what you've got 'till its gone", ebay certainly didn't.  It's now stuck with tens of thousands of "businesses" all trying to sell cans of beans to each other and possibly the occasional passing browser looking for that 1930s candlestick to replace the one they broke, but who knows that the beans are cheaper in Tesco.

Message 312 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

It also depends on new buyers joining eBay, and depends on what they and existing buyers are looking for at any particular time. It's not as if every buyer has always been around. Buyers aren't always consistently looking for the same thing. There's also impulse-buying.


From the time any particular buyer joins eBay a seller may find they're the buyer they've been waiting for. Extrapolate that sitewide and to the millions of buyers.

Message 313 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

Yep, you pretty much mirrored what I said  - these are a couple of extracts from the posts


"These listings are not generally unique or niche items they are common everyday, clothes, vases, household goods ! '"


"This practice is very common and actually achieves nothing - the prices may be too high, the items undesirable - no visibility whatever the reason it achieves nothing - in fact it is a hinderance -


Members complain about the search being clogged up with irrelevant items - this contributes especially when the seller adds irrelevant search terms and item specifics which do not relate to the item advertised."


Message 314 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:

I am  going to make this my last comment on this thread because your arrogance is so breathtaking that i may actually be rude and i do not want to lower myself to others levels.    What i and many other thousands do on e bay is not your business it is ours and E Bays.    When i want advice i would ask one of the more knowledgeable mentors on this site!

Being entitled is an art form perfected by a few but despised by many !

Message 315 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

I agree, that's what made ebay unique when it had millions of buyers world-wide.  It's why my sales on ebay easily outstripped those on ebid.  Ebid has never had anything like the foot-fall of ebay.


So why did my sales here start to decline when it had the huge foot-fall, it was the "Mecca" for buyers and sellers of collectables of all varieties?


And more importantly why, in an almost mirror image, as ebay sales went down did ebid sales increase?


Yes, I increased my listing numbers there over time, but I didn't reduce my listing numbers on ebay.  Last year's sales (in a difficult year for many sellers of both New and Old items)  were still almost the reverse of ten years ago.  28 on ebid  -  4 on ebay, no difference in my approach, I list stuff and wait for a buyer on both sites.  You would think that with all ebays advantages of reputation, size and foot-fall it would be streets ahead in giving me sales.


To me that says that not only have changes to ebay knocked my sales here, but they have given buyers the impetus to look elsewhere, even on a barely known site that spends peanuts (if that) on marketing itself or it's sellers items.  Buyers are, I think, making an effort to find what they want to buy, having failed to find it on ebay?

Message 316 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

It is not just private sellers who clog up search with 1000,s of listings repeating themselves for years - look at the businesses who create multiple accounts listing the same items and the accounts with the same item listed multiple times - it is so common and unpoliced by ebay that the 'policies' are worthless.


Then the sellers who use search terms to gain exposure in a non relevant but popular category to catch  the 'impulse buyer'  is another manipulation which goes unchecked.


With your specialised products if I was searching for vintage glass wine glasses in the UK I would expect to see your and similar listings on the first page of search - not a plethura of plastic, mass produced household /decorative items from different countries businesses and private accounts  - yes I might be an impulse buyer who stumbles across the listing for three plastic egg cups while looking for your unique vintage glass and buy the eggcups listed for £50 that have been listed for 4 years but I won't have bought what I was looking for !

Message 317 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

@kath3735_wxmjn wrote:

I am  going to make this my last comment on this thread because your arrogance is so breathtaking that i may actually be rude and i do not want to lower myself to others levels.    What i and many other thousands do on e bay is not your business it is ours and E Bays.    When i want advice i would ask one of the more knowledgeable mentors on this site!

Initially I thought the same.  But I've come around and no longer see his posts as uniformly wrong and arrogant.  Perhaps, as so often on forums, it depends on the tone of voice you use when reading the post.


Said @johnwash1 arrogantly!?  😉


Unfortunately, whatever we think of the reasons this site is going downhill, it would be easier to stop a cheese rolling competition in mid flow than to influence ebay.  @theelench is absolutely right about the daft changes to some of ebay's categories, but those that matter so much to vintage glass collectors won't be changed to anything  sane again.


We had some Wedgwood wine glasses amongst our wedding gifts, absolutely stunning.  Over the years I augmented them by buying on ebay, the various sizes, tumblers etc, sufficient for dinner parties of a dozen.  We no longer entertain like that, so will I resell them on ebay?  Doubtful.

Message 318 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

Like you I have been on eBay since day one and sold since 2007 .I collect many antiques dolls etc and have seen eBay devalue them all .things worth hundreds are now worth the 50tys .my antique dolls are now in children’s play thing my doll at £450 and next to a child’s teaset  of 99p. EBay has set the buyers against us small private sellers who will get the blame for all of this .as a buyer of a item I will pay 4% the listings I choose to buy from then get a super high 4% on my total purchase .thats 8% the buyers have to find .how is that fair. Buyer protection what the —— that’s will destroy all the excellent feed backs loyalty are buyers give us yes .the quality we sell look at my feed back my buyers trust me . All of this is  at risk. Anyone would think eBay wants to stop private sellers from selling at all. But harming buyers the business sellers life line makes no sense 

Message 319 of 435
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Re: EBay plan to add fees for buyers - hurts businesses even further

No they won't, is another of the reasons that decided me to throw in the towel and give-up on ebay for selling.  It's not going to get any better for sellers like me and probably you and many others?


As an aside I notice that yet again it's sellers of collectables  --  the very thing that makes ebay unique, that are against it. 

Message 320 of 435
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