Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

I'm sure that in previous years, when the clocks go back, any listings I have as a seller go back one hour accordingly, but they're all ending at the same time I started them. Is this a new thing or am I just an eejit?

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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

Happens twice a year, every year


At this time of year you get an extra hour of listing time, for free, and in the Spring you get an hour less than you paid for. 


Simply down to DST differences 



Message 2 of 7
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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

Sorry @myriad*seller  but I have to disagree with you!


Its caught us out too this time, there appears to be no ebay policy change so I don't know why they can't go along with their own published policy.


It came up in the weekly chat too. 


For GMT-BST-GMT changes you should adjust the times accordingly eg this week for BST to GMT auctions should be started an hour later to finish at the time you want and vice versa when GMT to BST you start them an hour earlier.


Here is the relevant bit of blurb (which is obviously incorrect this weekend) from ebay.


Screen Shot 2024-10-27 at 11.06.17.png



Message 3 of 7
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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

"At this time of year you get an extra hour of listing time, for free, and in the Spring you get an hour less than you paid for.


Simply down to DST differences"


Sorry, that is incorrect.  eBay have changed the procedure at this time change.  In the past if you were selling on auction and scheduling or creating an auction before the actual change you had to take the time change into account.  There was no communication of this change by eBay and many have been caught out - myself included, and I have been making the necessary adjustments on auctions for more than 15 years.


There are a couple of other threads running on this topic; and it was raised at the time with eBay.  It smacks of the same incompetence with the farce in February this year when eBay didn't account for 2024 being a leap year.


This is one of the threads:  Clock change bug? - Duration 7d + 1 hour - UK eBay Community

Message 4 of 7
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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

I agree, I had congratulated myself on remembering when I posted my auction listings last week, having been caught out in the past.


eBay have definitely changed their policy. If you queried them before, they told you a seven day auction runs for 168 hours, so you did need to take the change into account when posting. This time, they're running them for 169 hours, completely mucking up my schedule. 


If they had told us, we could have amended our scheduling, but there has been no notice of the change.


Typical thoughtless eBay.

Message 5 of 7
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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

I was caught out too.  Started my listing later thinking it would finish an hour earlier, now running till much later than I anticipated.  

Message 6 of 7
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Clocks have gone back but end of listing time hasn't...

After 20 odd years of being unable / unwilling to accomodate Daylight Saving Time - ebay have finally got it right. Shame they didnt tell sellers what ebay were planning to do, some sellers by the sounds of this thread, have made adjustments to suit their desired end times on auctions.

Alas those efforts by the sellers have created problems.

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