Clocks going forward & eBay policy

Clocks go forward on March 30, which would usually mean that any auctions that I list on March 23 would account for this & start one hour earlier (i.e. start at 6pm to end at 7pm the following Sunday). 


Except that back in October, eBay didn't adhere to their usual policy and the end time was the same as the start time, not announcing this policy change.


So, eBay, what's it going to be on March 30? Fancy making a statement about it in advance this time?





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Re: Clocks going forward & eBay policy

I'd like an answer to this too. I want to list some items on auction on Sunday, ending on the next Sunday, which is the day the clocks go forward.


It used to be the case that 7 day listings ran for 168 hours, so you needed to make an allowance for that, but last autumn this didn't happen, and listings starting at 7:30 one week, ended at 7:30 the next, even with the clocks going back.


This was a surprise as eBay had made no announcement that they were changing this.


So, how about a definitive answer marco@ebay dave@ebay 

Message 2 of 5
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Re: Clocks going forward & eBay policy

I raised this in the weekly chat with eBay reps today and was told that accommodating for the clocks going forward by listing an hour earlier is the way to deal with this (i.e. the way it’s usually been) - presumably the autumn situation was a blip. 

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Clocks going forward & eBay policy

Thanks. Let's hope it works that way!

Message 4 of 5
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Re: Clocks going forward & eBay policy

There's another thread on this issue over here


Clocks went forward in the US a couple of weeks ago and over there the same thing happened as last year - auctions starting at 7pm finished at 7pm rather than 8pm, basically running for 6 days and 23 hours as opposed to 7 days + 1 hour last year when the clocks went back.  Hopefully Kat has nudged them into action and they may have it fixed over here. We should be able to tell what's happening tomorrow as any 10 day auctions starting will finish after the clocks have gone forward on the 30th.

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