17-07-2024 7:18 PM
Have just gone onto my Seller Hub and noticed that the Listings page has changed.
I cannot find 'Items with reserve met' and it looks a complete shambles. Do not know if I can revert back to
the old page. Ebay why keep changing things for the sake of it. Leave things that work alone.
17-07-2024 7:25 PM
Does it not look like this:
19-07-2024 1:19 PM
I assume the OP is referring to the Seller Hub change shown above in the 'Listings' box . It used to contain links I used every day, like 'auctions', 'scheduled', 'reserve met' etc . Now it has little use and I have to go through more complex routes to find things.
19-07-2024 2:39 PM
I have also been affected by this.
It's a complete and utter shambles !
I tried everything I could think of in order to revert back to the previous version. However, when this proved to be unsuccessful I managed to get through to eBay's customer service.
Seemingly, this change has been input to 1% of eBay accounts in order to test feedback. If it goes well, they intend to then increase this to 50% of accounts.
I underlined how appalling I felt the new version is and they encouraged me to provide feedback in this regard by clicking on the "comments" tab towards the top-right of the Seller Hub.
I have now done so and I would greatly encourage others to do likewise.
24-07-2024 11:51 AM
They appear to have extended this change to more accounts now.
The agents at Customer Service were not aware of the change to this Listings tab within the Overview page of the Seller Hub. It was a complete shock to them.
Whilst there are several adverse issues with this, here's just one. In the previous version, it's immediately apparent whether there are any bids on auctions. Not so on the updated version. I cannot see this anywhere without having to manually search through all the auctions. The various agents I spoke to, (at different levels) could not see this either. They escalated the query and came back to advise that the only solution to this was to opt out of the Seller Hub.
What a complete and utter farce !
24-07-2024 12:38 PM
Sorry - "opting out of Seller Hub" is not acceptable.
eBay made this very silly change, and eBay should correct their mistake.
All those affected but this mess should post in this forum.
24-07-2024 5:41 PM
It seems that idle hands have been at work on Ebay and mucked up the whole system. I now cannot relist in bulk and I have also noticed that my Concierge status has been removed even though I am above standard.
Waited 40 minutes for them to call me and was told I was below standard. Does anybody at Ebay know what is going on.
Really getting tired of nearly 20 years of selling of jumping through their hoops and it appears others also are getting fed up.
Sorry about the rant but feel better now.
Thanks for replying.
25-07-2024 2:31 AM
In tandem with this mess, the chosen guineapig accounts have also had all of the features and filters on the Active Listings page totally wrecked as well. See this thread: Change to Manage Active Listings layout - UK eBay Community
The tech team then appear to have lied to Anita (as I suspected when I read her reply) and pretended that this is a "tech issue". You can't even do something as basic as searching for a word or phrase in your item descriptions any more.
I've submitted my comments three times so far as I keep finding additional failures but no one takes any notice and they won't remove my account from their secret test so I appear to be stuck with a completely non-functioning seller account.
25-07-2024 1:44 PM
I always thought the software updates were to improve the user experience and make things easier. This update, like a few others introduced in the past, make the site harder to use. Before, all the relevant information was at hand, now multiple clicks are required.
Please can the developers rollback this update or provide a opt out or classic view option.
Back in the day, this update would be classed as a crock of 💩
25-07-2024 1:55 PM
Ebay *cannot* leave things as they are, even when they're working just fine.
If they did, the tech 'improvements' team would have no way of showing that they're earning their wages!
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is one of the best, and usually ignored, bits of advice out there 😒
25-07-2024 5:12 PM
Yes it's a nightmare folks. Today I needed to serch my listings by description. I had to go to the gerenal 'Advanced search' page, check "search /including title and description" then put my username in "sellers / specific sellers " Wow. just wow.
25-07-2024 7:34 PM
its in a mess from top to bottom watt hope have we got
25-07-2024 8:31 PM
Earlier this evening I went to check the FB page & that had changed too.
Luckily there was a revert to classic view option.
25-07-2024 9:22 PM
i'm amazed that this got through any kind of testing.
Any seller could have looked at it for a few mins.
@ebay - feel free to get in contact if you wish to enlist me in helping to put together proper requriement set, prior to testing offline with user community, prior to testing on small community of users who are willing to do so, prior to enforcing on users
28-07-2024 10:39 AM
Maybe eBay listened, maybe not, but my Seller Hub - Listings - display has today reverted to as it used to be.
Problem solved.
28-07-2024 10:42 AM
When I logged on this morning I was delighted to see that my Seller Hub has reverted back to the previous version.
Hallelujah !!
Hopefully others who have been affected have seen theirs changed back too, and hopefully eBay decide to consign this test version to the dusty bin.
28-07-2024 10:44 AM
Hi Djairfix.
You beat me to it !
Happy days.
28-07-2024 11:14 AM
Mine too! Let's hope it stays like that.
Though now I am worrying about what the next 'improvement' trial will effect.
28-07-2024 1:36 PM
My summary is back too. Hopefully it will stay in place for a long time
30-07-2024 9:46 AM
2 days later and the horrible box is back 😞