Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

I am so baffled here, I sell expensive sealed cream and even photographed the item before shipment due to past experience, and the buyer said the item arrived damaged, The photo provided by the buyer on the attachment for you guys to see.


I mean it's as clear as day it's a used empty tube her old one and claims that is how she received it, this is vitamin C oil-based cream, if its damaged looks like 90% of the item is gone there would be residue mark everywhere in that white box but the one she shared is spot clean just being squeezed to make it looked like damaged, I have asked her multiple times can she provided the photo of inside box and also the outer box which surely will be dirty with mark everywhere with the shipping label so I can claim that to courier she doesn't want to provide it.

Also since this is an expensive cream there is a batch production code, I still have lots of these in inventory and I asked her can she provide the photo back of the cream as well to prove that it's the same item so I can match it with the rest of my stock, she knew that she is screwed and unwilling to take the photo of batch code as well because it would be clear as day it's not same with the original one I photographed sent to her, and astoundingly she opened return request today asked for a refund, I have called eBay CS and they said I MUST ACCEPT RETURN because of the law, despite all the proof there, and she is not willing to share the proof of damaged box which is compulsory for me to get damaged compensation from royal mail.

CS said after the item is returned I can open a dispute to claim fraudulent activity buyer trying to switch different items inside, for me issue here buyer doesn't want to cooperate to share the damaged outer box which is much needed for me to share to Royal mail and she doesn't want to produce it nor showing the batch code as well, there are too many red flags and later at mercy of CS if they think I was right or buyer not violating law here, last year they did the same to me, I sent perfectly new electronic item and buyer returned me a completely different one old heavy used, and eBay don't do anything gave me zero protection buyer get a new item, and I got damaged broken item out of pocket. So I have little trust eBay would be fair considering this is cream even if I try to prove the batch code is different if they will be protecting me again.


I am so angry because what they do here is allowing scammers like her to hurt small seller like me

Message 1 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

I think its the 1400 sales in 2 years with many adverts having multiples of the same item which make the claim of being a personal account unbelieveable.  For example I can see 9 dysons, thats a lot of brand loyality.

Message 21 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

She has already posted that 30% at least of her listed items were bought to sell and are not unwanted personal possessions.

Message 22 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

Maybe the buyer chose you and decided to teach you a lesson as you are trading illegally


Yes, you have to refund, and as you don't offer returns, you will have to pay the buyers return postage too!


If you offered returns as you are legally obliged to do, then the buyer would have to pay return postage on items where they change their mind


As you don't, all returns are at your own expense 

Message 23 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

You need new hobby buddy, its creepy your life is dedicated to harass stranger you didn't know online, who hurt you in the past? I feel sorry for you, anyway, I don't have to explain myself, ebay says fine, hrmc says fine, my buyers says fine, you all can go sulking in the corner and find new target.


bye for now... i have better things to do than posting on creepy guy in internet

Message 24 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

Buyer tried to teach me a lesson? Oh dear... trading illegally? Oh dear... 🤣🤣.  Lame... anyway done for the days, thank you for the good laugh

Message 25 of 26
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Buyer trying to scam for free item despite all proof she lied

ignorance of the law is no defence

Message 26 of 26
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