Buyer protection added by ebay

For small items, I am unsure why buyers would want protection. If a buy say a cheap alarm clock in a store, I would never take protection as I would expect that it wouldn’t last a lifetime and therefore would simply get a new one when it failed. Secondly, when would a buyer get a benefit from protection practically? If I send a small item by post, if it is not received (eg lost in the post) then I would have to refund the buyer, which I do. So are we saying eBay now stands the cost if an item goes missing. Let’s face it, most items are sent in the post without tracking if their value is low as the cost would be prohibitive. So where does a buyer actually gain from what they already received before 4 February?

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Re: Buyer protection added by ebay


The BPF is just a new way for eBay to line their pockets.

The rest of what they say honestly isn't even worth considering as they still advertise the Money Back Guarantee on listings and separately within the Help area to the BPF.


Basically it's clever bull*bleep* to confuse people.

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Buyer protection added by ebay

I can't see what a buyer gains; buyers were covered by eBay's Money Back Guarantee anyway, and if they paid with a debit or credit card then they're also covered by their card provider. If they paid with PayPal they have PayPal Buyer protection. It's nigh on impossible for a buyer to lose out when they purchase an item from any online site.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Buyer protection added by ebay

"buyers were covered by eBay's Money Back Guarantee"

They/we still are. It's still advertised on every listing I've seen as well as in the Help section.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Buyer protection added by ebay

@andha-21 wrote:

"buyers were covered by eBay's Money Back Guarantee"

They/we still are. It's still advertised on every listing I've seen as well as in the Help section.

Spoilt for choice then! 😀

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Buyer protection added by ebay

One way to look at it I suppose 😉

Message 6 of 6
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