AI decriptions are plain lies.



I now see lots of items listed with almost identical descriptions that are very inacurate and plain lies.


many of these items are very low quality cheap products! but the AI descriptions are giving the impression that they are high quality items manufactured to the highest standards and are perfect for everything yada yada.


Should not be aloud! just plain lazy on most peoples part and the description should be true to the product, not a random selection of hype and BS





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AI decriptions are plain lies.

Cannot disagree with anything you've said.


  For me personally it does smack of laziness on the seller's side, and surely if using it,   and then reading what was actually written,  anyone can see how lacking it is for the description of the actual item being sold. 


Some do use it as a ' base' and then complete,  add to it,  with a fuller description,  this perhaps is the way to go,  should you wish to use the option.


In my humble opinion the AI bot needs to go back to bot school to learn  to write some more realistic accurate descriptions,  not flowery badly written ' poetry'.

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AI decriptions are plain lies.

The AI description is just information pulled from the item specifics coupled with some over the top language extolling the virtues of the item and why it's a must have.


Totally cringe, in my opinion, and I've always erred on the side of caution with buyer expectation - never talk anything up, describe it accurately and mention any flaws or marks.


If I'm looking at a vase I don't want to read how it will change my life because it's 'retro' and cool, I just want to know the condition of it - are there any chips or cracks or has the glazing crackled. 

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