20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Why is eBay still listing FUJITSU?Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 12.18.18 am.png

Message 1 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

@the_book_seekers wrote:

I think it is safe to say that the problems were known at Fujitstu. The question is how high did this knowledge go. The on going enquiry may establish who knew what, when and what did they do about it.

I agree, but until there's been an investigation and this has been concluded it's poor form to call for a boycott of their products.

Message 21 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Agreed. And anyway, the media coverage of the scandal can't be doing much for Fujitstu's sales. It casts doubts on staff behaviour and product reliability which has got to hurt.

Message 22 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

As much as we are all appalled with the recent events concerning Fujitsu - You can not make sweeping demands that Ebay stop selling them - Many may choose to boycott the brand but if a company were to "prevent" a company from selling on their platform with no "legal" reason they may have good grounds to sue regarding unfair competition terms - Life is never that easy as to just "ban" a company because we are annoyed at their past conduct, customers however can "vote with their feet" as the saying goes.

Message 23 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

My parents owned a small village post office and shop, I worked there and also ran a mobile post office from it to another village. From day 1 we could never get any end of day totals to match! No matter how slow or how busy a day ,the 2 numbers wouldn't align it was absolute madness. No matter how many complaints we put in we were told it was our fault somehow. My parents EVERY DAY would take money from thier shop till to balance the corrupt system. We knew the system was wrong but had no choice in the matter. so after ploughing thousands and thousands of pounds into it over the years causing immense stress they sold up and moved away.  We still ask the same question frequently to this day...... WHERE IS ALL THAT MONEY?  It went somewhere! so how can it take so long to work out that there hundreds of thousands of extra pounds?? Where is it?  The fact it took so long to me makes me think it was a deliberate fraud by some?!  . ...

It's so annoying and sad that my parents lost all that money and can't do anything about it.

Message 24 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Unfortunately, by trying to "put it right" or "make up for their supposed mistakes" or whatever we call it, your parents were probably doing exactly what many post offices were doing.  Fiddling the figures.  Not in the sense of stealing money, obviously - in fact, the exact opposite - but essentially, falsifying their  figures to make the cash in the till balance with the computer figures.


Suppose (for the sake of argument) that this computer system gave random wrong figures for 100 post offices a day, leading to the postmasters being unable to reconcile the till.  Most of these would be for trivial amounts - say, less than a fiver.  "Not worth wasting all evening sorting it out", so the postmasters would open their wallets and make the cash balance to the computer.  Or take out the extra few pounds from the till and bung it in the float jar that we all know they have, and nobody can admit to having... the system encouraged this, by calling it "careless money handling" or "fraud" every time a postmaster told them the till didn't balance to the penny.  


The Post Office didn't know about these.  They only knew about the discrepancies that were so large that the postmasters couldn't hide them.  And because they didn't know about the small ones, or the "overs", they seem to have assumed that ALL the discrepancies were large cash shortages.  They don't know the scale of the problem, even now;  I mean, the number of discrepances that actually occurred, including the ones where the staff made up the difference, or that were too small to worry about.


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
Message 25 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

I feel for you and your parents. What is coming out is appalling. I hope your parents will be able to all or some of that money back. 

Message 26 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

They have been proven guilty in a brilliant trial-by-television. Let the Post Office and Fujitsu sue ITV whose lawyers will have checked this carefully.

Message 27 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

The lawyers will not have had access to the evidence that is coming out in, and available to, the official enquiry.


When that gets to Fujitsu in a few weeks then we will get the truth.


What we have so far is TV drama, that is not a legal trial where someone is found guilty.

Message 28 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

That's a good summary but as for Fujistsu's culpability, they were remotely accessing the postmasters' Horizon equipment and making changes to the data. Their hands are bloody. 




Message 29 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

When the postmasters raised concerns, each one was told he/she was the only one with the problem. Over the last forty years, the British state has been fleeced by many computing companies which have sold them junk for billions. They can't get away with this.

Message 30 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Because it is a very nasty company deeply implicated in suicides, mental breakdowns and bankruptcies of hundreds of innocent people. If ITV got it wrong, Fujitsu can sue for a farthing damages.

Message 31 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

" It received over £6 billion in other contracts from us" How come? Big Tech owns  many of our politicians and senior civil servants. I was incredulous when the Scottish government gave a tax concession to Amazon to set up in Scotland. The central belt of Scotland is a small market (physically about the size of Phoenix, Arizona) but rich enough to support many luxury outlets so it would have been senseless for Amazon not to come with or without the inducements which they received.

Message 32 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

"Poor form": as if the main concern was Fujitsu meanwhile hundreds of lives are ruins while the authorities mull things over and look for a way out. 

Message 33 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

I've got lost keeping track of posts. Could you expand this comment, please? Who are "they"? Thanks.

Message 34 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Sadly business doesn't work that way - if it did, countries such as China, Saudi et al would go bust. Filthy luchre always takes precedence over human rights, etc.

Message 35 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

one thing i have to disagree with is that the post office did not know about having to correct your balance,  I worked in a main post office and we had to put in any small differences when we did our weekly balance, that was the way it was.  Any larger amounts you did not have to but you were only allowed a couple of such mistakes before you were fired.   That was back in the 80s before Horizon.

Message 36 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

And the new HMRC system requiring NI numbers from ebay sellers uses a ' Brand New' Fujitsu software system - where sellers have been told to provide more sensitive information by ebay and indeed some Mentors - Is one to be filled with confidence?

Who and exactly what guarantees are forthcoming?

Message 37 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

@a45heaven   "And the new HMRC system requiring NI numbers from ebay sellers uses a ' Brand New' Fujitsu software system"


Do you have a link for this?  I understood Fujitsu were only providing a private cloud database for information storage.

Message 38 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

@ett1954 wrote:

@a45heaven   "And the new HMRC system requiring NI numbers from ebay sellers uses a ' Brand New' Fujitsu software system"


Do you have a link for this?  I understood Fujitsu were only providing a private cloud database for information storage.

This is the yearly misinformation thread, wherein the sky is falling, anything mentioned on Facebook must be fact and nobody will have a link because there isn't one. 

Message 39 of 46
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Re: 20,000 listings for Fujitsu and Fujitsu Siemens on eBay UK? Get rid of them.

Im sorry im not a thought of contributor so no link - it was On BBC News on Saturday. 

Maybe more will become apparent as the facts develop - have you a link to the bit where Fujitsu were simply providing a cloud storage system?

Maybe ebay have more leverage on delving the information out? 

Message 40 of 46
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